Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1399 Prediction

The old lunatic died like this. No one thought that Li Xiao, who wanted to leave quietly, had to stop in Emei.

Several major sects jointly held the funeral for the old lunatic, and it was vigorous. Yang Yaxin, Yang Meng and others were in great grief, and their eyes were swollen from crying.

Some middle and high-level leaders of Huaxia also came here to mourn the old lunatic.

In addition, all the high-level officials of the underworld came, as well as some of the old madman's former friends, all came here to mourn.

On the third day, Zi Yan, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up, but after hearing the news of the old lunatic's death, she was so sad that she passed out again.

On the seventh day, the funeral of the old lunatic was over, and Emei finally came out from the grief. Qian Xiaosheng, who was carrying out a mission in the clan abroad, finally rushed back on this day.

"Brother Xiao, did Grandpa leave any words before he was alive?" Qian Xiaosheng asked the first time he saw Li Xiao.

I haven't seen him for eight years. Qian Xiaosheng is much thinner than before, his body is indistinct, and he has the aura of a superior. Obviously, in the past eight years, he has integrated with the position of the leader of the Qian clan.

The old lunatic died suddenly, and Qian Xiaosheng was very sad. When he returned to Emei, his mood was not particularly stable. After Li Xiao comforted him, he told the old lunatic's last words and handed the black iron rod to Qian Xiaosheng.

The old lunatic did not leave a body, so Emei built a clothes tomb for him, and engraved his name on the position of the ancestors of Emei.

Over the years, his contribution to Emei is beyond doubt.

Also on this day, Zi Yan woke up again, as before, she forgot all the unhappy things, even the old lunatic.

Other than that, she remembered everything, and everyone in Li Xiao didn't tell her the truth, maybe only in this way, Zi Yan could maintain her innocence.

The only thing to be thankful for is that after a series of events, Zi Yan's strength has not regressed, and she has remained at the level of Da Neng. There is no doubt that her strength has already stood at the top of Emei. From now on, Because of her, Emei will re-enter the range of China's first-class forces.

This day is already the tenth day since Li Xiao came to Emei. He has always been a decisive person, and he has already walked out of sadness.

In a mountain forest, Zi Yan was holding his hand and seeing him off: "Brother Li Xiao, how soon are you going to come back this time?"

"Soon." Li Xiao smiled, "I will come back to see you when I rescue my father."

"Don't you need my help?" Zi Yan fluttered her big eyes.

"No need." Li Xiao smiled and stroked Zi Yan's head, how could he be willing to go on an adventure with Zi Yan, "Go back."

"Okay, Brother Li Xiao, I'll wait for you." Zi Yan let go of her small hand and watched Li Xiao go away.

After all the preparations were completed, only owed to Dongfeng, and leaving Emei, Li Xiao came to the capital, a military compound hidden in the void.

In the courtyard, countless soldiers in military uniforms were practicing. They had already known that Li Xiao would come here. They were not surprised by the quality of the soldiers. A cooking soldier came forward and brought Li Xiao into the inner courtyard.

"Hiss, this bronze monument is mysterious and unpredictable, and I can't see the slightest clue." As soon as he entered, a tall adult tortoise ran over and grabbed Li Xiao.

This is the residence of Xuanwu. He is of noble status and is an official member of China. The place where he lives is naturally a military important place.

Here, Li Xiao felt a few breaths not weaker than him.

"Brother Xuanwu, I don't know about your problem." Li Xiao said with a smile, "The three days of observation that we agreed to observe have now been far exceeded. I'm here to take it away. Take it out."

"You boy, why don't you stay with me for a while longer? Why are you in such a hurry?" Xuanwu patted his chest and said, "Don't treat me as a brother anymore."

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Xiao said bluntly, "Take it out quickly, or I will overturn the place you live in, do you believe it?"

"All right, all right, you're awesome, alright." Xuanwu rolled his eyes straight, and had to say, it's really not difficult for Li Xiao to overturn the place where he lives now.

In the end, Xuanwu reluctantly took out the bronze tablet and handed it back to Li Xiao, and immediately invited out the emperor soldiers with a heartbroken face and handed it over to Li Xiao.

"Remember to return it to me when you're done using it." Xuanwu was very reluctant, "I always feel like I've lost a lot this time. I haven't studied even a hair of your bronze monument."

Li Xiao had no expression on his face, and carefully put away the bronze monument and the picture scroll full of terrifying power. As for Xuanwu, he didn't believe a word.

This dead turtle has always been cunning. God knows if this guy really didn't research anything. You know, the origin of the former is astonishing. It existed in the world ten thousand years ago, and he knows more secrets than Li Xiao. .

"When are you going to do it?" Seeing that Li Xiao didn't speak, Xuanwu asked without dwelling on that topic.

"Tomorrow." Too much time has been delayed, and now Li Xiao doesn't want to wait for a moment.

"Well, tomorrow will be fine." Xuanwu's eyes were complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking. "Regardless of success or failure, try to be as fast as possible."

"What's wrong?" Li Xiao sensed that Xuan Wu had something to say.

"This is China's high-level secret. I shouldn't tell outsiders, but you are not an outsider." Xuanwu said, "The universe is vast, far more than the two living planets of the earth and Kyushu. Now that the great era has begun, many old things recovering."

"The barren mountains and forbidden areas, as well as several famous mountains and rivers on the earth, have the aura of the ancient people awakening. Once they fully awaken, the earth will probably usher in a fierce battle."

Xuanwu said that the Taikoo tribe may not be the most terrifying, but the most terrifying thing may be that there will be wars between the various planets.

"Planets?" Li Xiao frowned.

"It's not so much about the various planets, it's better to say that some old guys wake up, and after knowing something, they will go to Earth."


"Because, according to the legend, the clue of the road to becoming a god lies on the earth, and the road to becoming a god will also start on the earth."

Li Xiao was startled, what Xuanwu said made him horrified.

A long time ago, he heard that the earth is the starting place of the road of cultivation. Could this sentence refer to the opening of the road to becoming a god?

What Xuan Wu said must not be speculation. Although this guy is usually unreliable, when it comes to some secrets, his credibility is still very high.

"How long will it take for those guys you mentioned to wake up?" Li Xiao asked.

"I don't know, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in the next moment, in short, just hurry up." Xuanwu said.

"Okay!" Li Xiao focused his eyes, nodded in agreement, and then turned to leave.

"You really don't need our help?" Xuanwu asked behind him.

"Need not."

Li Xiao didn't turn his head back, and quickly disappeared into Xuanwu's eyes.

"I hope you can come back well." Xuanwu sighed. Regarding the mysterious force, he had some guesses that Li Xiao might encounter unprecedented difficulties during his trip.

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