Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1434 Buddha Kingdom

Western Desert.

Since ancient times, this place has been the birthplace of Buddhism. Before the world changed, there were many holy places of Buddhism in this area.

After the world changed, one temple after another rose from the ground, and the huge temples were like cities, one after another, and the power of endless Buddha's belief surged.

The West Desert back then is now known as the Buddha Kingdom by the world.

The area of ​​the entire Western Desert is larger than that of China before the change of heaven and earth. Here, it is almost a self-contained body, a self-contained country.

Walking in this strange country, on the streets, you can see monks with sad expressions at any time.

Their faces are pitiful, and most of them have compassionate faces. Even ordinary residents have the light of Buddha flowing on their bodies.

It can be said that people in the whole country have faith in Buddha.

There are very few foreign residents in the Buddhist country on weekdays, but during this time, outsiders kept pouring in. The originally quiet Buddhist country suddenly became lively.

People from all over the world are paying attention to this place, because, just three days later, there will be a grand event in West Desert.

This is a grand meeting between the ancient race and the human race. Many people believe that the future of the human race will be determined at the end of this meeting.

Whether the human race, the ancient race, coexist peacefully or become enemies will be revealed at this grand event.

"This grand event will definitely shock the world. This time, not only people from China, but the eight major countries in the world have all sent representatives to come." In a teahouse in the Buddha Kingdom, a group of monks had a heated discussion.

"No, let me tell you, the Taikoo tribe has been preparing to attack our human race. How could they negotiate peace with our human race? It's unscientific."

"To be honest, I have the same opinion as you, there must be something else wrong."


A monk was mysterious and said in a low voice: "I heard that a secret treasure will be born in the Buddha Kingdom this time. It is rumored that it is something related to God."

"What? Brother Dao, please explain in detail!" a monk asked.

"Some saints had a premonition that during this period of time, the Buddha Kingdom would experience shocking changes. After they speculated, they discovered that something related to God was about to be born in this Buddha Land."

"However, I also heard that, in short, everyone should be prepared, whether it is to talk about the future relationship between the human race and the ancient clan, or whether there is a secret treasure born, with the character of the ancient clan, it will definitely trigger a big battle in the Buddha kingdom .”

"At that time, my dear friends, whether you want to fish in troubled waters or run for your life depends on your choice."

"Brother Daoist, why do you know so much, dare to ask brother's name." One person asked.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, my next Qian Xiaosheng!"


"Damn it, Qian Xiaosheng!"

"The head of the Qian clan!"

"Admiration for a long time!"

As soon as this person uttered his name, there were bursts of exclamations from nearby. The Qian clan has been known for five thousand years, only five thousand years below, and five thousand years in the middle. It is huge and intricate. Already famous.

"Hmph, what is the Qian Clan? It's just rubbish. You'd better shut up now. If you spread any more messages, I'll chop you up on the spot." By the window of the restaurant, no one looked at them, and said murderously.

This person had two horns on his head, half animal and half human, half of his face was covered in black cloth, but it could still be seen through the light, it was an inhuman face.

"Cow devil!"

Seeing him, everyone was shocked.

This person is so famous that he rose up ten years ago. People don't know whether he has turned into a man from a cow or from a man into this appearance, so they call him the Bull Demon.

After the appearance of the ancient tribe, he was the first group of human races to take refuge in the ancient tribe, and he was willing to be a slave of the ancient tribe in exchange for cultivation resources.

In these years, I don't know how many unreasonable things I have done for the ancient people, and the color of the talk has changed.

"Niu Mo, I already knew that you came here, but I didn't expect to meet you here." Qian Xiaosheng was not afraid at all, and now he is also a great power, his achievements have already surpassed his grandfather.

"Hmph, Qian Xiaosheng, I let you run away last time, this time, it's not such a good thing." The Bull Demon said coldly, "I'll take you back today and exchange it for a royal medicine."

"Am I so worthless?" Qian Xiaosheng blinked and smiled, "However, do you really dare to do something here? Look at the window on the second floor, who is sitting?"

The Bull Demon involuntarily looked towards the second floor, and immediately his face turned pale. Without even thinking about it, he got up and ran, like a wild dog escaping, running extremely fast.

On the second floor, a young man with the appearance of a scholar was sitting. This was clearly a teahouse, but he was drinking. He had a fair face and looked better than a woman.

The white-faced scholar, among the younger generation, is a guy who finds a new way and takes words as his way. Ordinary words, in his hands, have become weapons one by one.

It is said that if he recited the poems of Tang poetry and Chu Ci back then, it would be a road after another.

In this era, he is dazzling. He made his debut twenty-five years ago. On the day of his debut, he wrote a kill word in the void, and there was a chilling intent in the world, and he immediately killed a strong man in the spirit king state.

Since then, he has made his mark.

"I didn't expect him to come too." A monk whispered, "It is said that the white-faced scholar is after Li Bai, the poet fairy. Did he come here for the treasure?"

"It's not just him, there are countless masters in this small teahouse." Qian Xiaosheng smiled, glanced at some corners in the sweeping field, and smiled without saying a word.

This grand event in West Desert, whether it is for treasures or for knowledge, many people will come here.

Not only the younger generation.

The monks of their previous generation will also come, and even some old antiques may take action in person, and will no longer follow the rules set in the past.

After all, once something about God really appears, no one can resist the temptation.

Outside the teahouse, Li Xiao hid his figure and wanted to go in. After noticing Qian Xiaosheng, he sent him a divine sense, and then turned and left.

In the teahouse, Qian Xiaosheng was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly burst into a hearty laugh: "Brothers, I have an old friend who invites me, so let's go now, if there is a destiny, see you tomorrow!"

After all, Qian Xiaosheng turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in the next instant, chasing after Li Xiao in the direction where he disappeared.

"Brother Qian, see you again!"

"Brother Qian, take care!"

Behind him, many monks clasped their fists together, which shows how popular Qian Xiaosheng is.


Qian Xiaosheng didn't care, his figure was like lightning, he rushed out of the field for more than ten miles almost in an instant, and after several turns, he came to a sparsely populated area.

A black figure was standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

The smile was still the same as before, comfortable and innocent.

However, only those who walked together back then knew what a cunning guy was behind this simplicity.

This black shadow was naturally Li Xiao.

Seeing Qian Xiaosheng, he said lazily, "Long time no see."

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