Fang Han fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Li Xiao who was not far away with his eyes slightly squinted in disbelief, wanted to say something, but was speechless for a long time.

He never expected that Li Xiao would be so violent, the two collided, and he didn't even have room to fight back!

Finally, he cried like a child.

I cried very sadly, my mouth was wow-wow, as if I was calling my mother, until I passed out from crying.

"So unbeatable?" In the quiet party, Li Xiao's lazy voice sounded, he took his hand away from Xiaoling's waist, and sighed deeply, "Hey... life is really lonely like snow."

If these words had been uttered from someone else's mouth, the people present would have slapped them by their ears long ago.

But it was Li Xiao who said this, but no one stood up to refute such an arrogant young man.

Including Jia Jun, Yan Ruyu and others, they were all speechless.

This young man is crazy, but he has the capital of arrogance!

They were pulled back from their immersion by Li Xiao's narcissistic voice. Everyone was thinking about what happened just now. Some people didn't see clearly, but those who were closer to Li Xiao could see clearly.

Especially Jia Jun, at this moment he realized that his appearance tonight did not help Li Xiao, the people he really helped should be Fang Han and his little brothers!

Jia Jun is well-informed, he knows that with the astonishing speed that Li Xiao exploded just now, he can easily knock down Fang Han's younger brothers.

What's more, Li Xiao is not only fast, but also forcibly holds Xiaoling in his arms in an instant, uses the explosive power of his body to help Xiaoling avoid Fang Han's knife, and shakes Fang Han three meters away. , Even some second- and third-rate killers in Kyoto can't compare!

"It's over..."

After a while, a low groan sounded from the crowd: "My 500,000 is really going to lose to that fat man..."

"I also have two hundred thousand."

"My three hundred and twenty thousand."

"Forget it, I'm so tired."


Next, Jia Jun showed his amazing leadership ability. Within three minutes of the party getting out of control, he arranged for his subordinates to clean up the scene in an orderly manner.

Soon Fang Han was charged with attempted murder and sent to Xiapu County Prison. Before leaving, Fang Han woke up from the blow and went crazy. Seeing Li Xiao drooling and calling Dad, Li Xiao showed mercy and took it Offer him a glass of wine.

Unexpectedly, after drinking it, the bear child burst into tears, calling his mother to hide in Yan Ruyu's arms, but Yan Ruyu dodged away in disgust, and took Li Xiao's arm.

After the episode, the party continued, but today's protagonists changed from Jia Jun to Li Xiao and Yan Ruyu.

Businessmen have always had a keen sense of touch, and they knew that in the circle of nobles in Xiapu County, there would be an extra seat for Li Xiao in the future.

As Li Xiao's girlfriend, Yan Ruyu's status in Xiapu County will instantly increase.

Jia Jun made a high-profile announcement at the party that the new general manager of Kerris Hotel will be Li Xiao's girlfriend Yan Ruyu.

In this party, Li Xiao and Yan Ruyu became the biggest winners!

As for Fang Han, people seemed to have forgotten about him. No one mentioned him at all, and even if they did, they were criticizing his various evil deeds.

"Sister, congratulations!"

While Li Xiao and Yan Ruyu were busy socializing, Fatty jumped out from the crowd and said in a sly way: "Tonight, the two of you are really showing off, even the aunt who sweeps the floor is also praising you."

"I'm going, why are you here?" Li Xiao was surprised, "Did the sweeping aunt say that we are a perfect match?"

The fat man was speechless for a moment, and swallowed back the words he was going to praise Li Xiao.

This thick-skinned guy, wherever he needs to be praised, he has a built-in praise function, okay?

"Zhang Yang, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you really lost a lot of weight." Yan Ruyu said with a smile, "In the future, you and Li Xiao have to lose weight. Look at the fat before, but you have lost a lot."


It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night when the party ended, and many people were arranged to stay at Kerris Hotel. As for Li Xiao, Fatty, and Zhao Chen, Jia Jun took them to a luxurious private room and invited them to dinner alone.

As soon as the dinner started, Xiaoling got up with a small glass of red wine and said, "I surprised everyone tonight, so I'll punish myself with a glass first."

"Sister Xiaoling, don't blame yourself." Yan Ruyu smiled softly, "Thank you for your help with today's matter, because of us, you were almost injured, I will drink this glass of wine with sister Xiaoling, and we will cooperate well in the future .”

Yan Ruyu is worthy of being a social butterfly, and her words are well-regulated, which makes Xiaoling's affection for her double.

In fact, the person who was really frightened tonight was Xiaoling herself. If it wasn't for Li Xiao, she might already be on Huangquan Road by now. How could she have a chance to drink here?

Because of this incident, Xiao Ling was in a state of fear all night, and it was only after eating now that she slowly regained her senses.

After the two of Yan Ruyu drank a glass of wine each, Xiaoling's pale face turned a little rosy.

"Xiao Ling, you are not kind." Jia Jun smiled kindly, "I asked you to drink before, but you always pushed back and forth. Why did you relapse tonight? I am very dissatisfied with you."

Knowing that Jia Jun was joking, Xiaoling said, "Sister Yan and Li Xiao are both handsome and beautiful women. When I see handsome men and beautiful women, of course I have to have a drink or two."

"That's right. There are fewer and fewer handsome guys like me. If you don't drink when you see me, it's unscientific." Li Xiao also interjected, "Come on, Uncle Jia, Xiaoling, fat man, let's have a drink together!"

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone began to chat.

"Uncle Jia, I have a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." Li Xiao finally couldn't help asking after eating and drinking, "During the dance today, you said that I am the grandson of your benefactor. it's wired……"

"Hehe, it's no wonder that you were a child more than ten years ago, and you really didn't know some things." Jia Jun said, "Actually, there is nothing to hide from you. Do you remember the last time you went to Baoshan Town? ?”

Li Xiao: "Of course, if it wasn't for you, Uncle Jia, I would have been tricked by that unscrupulous boss who gambled with stones."

"Actually, last time, I didn't go to my parents, I went to you specifically..."

While drinking, Jia Jun and Li Xiao talked about the ins and outs of Li Laojiu guiding him when he was negative. Half an hour later, Jia Jun drank a glass of wine and said with a little drunkenness: "What's the matter?" , That's it, Lord Jiu asked me to go to Baoshan Town to find you in eight years and give me a photo."

As he said that, Jia Jun took out a palm-sized black and white photo from his clothes and handed it to Li Xiao: "No, this is this one. I have kept this photo close to my body for eight years, but it still can't stand the wear and tear of time. I can’t see clearly, Li Xiao, from now on you can just call me Lao Jia, don’t be an uncle, if it wasn’t for your grandfather, I might still be a beggar today.”

In the photo, Li Xiao sighed when he saw himself when he was a child. At that time, he was still wearing clothes patched with holes, and his big watery eyes were so pure and cute.

"Hehe, Li Xiao, you were so cute when you were young." Yan Ruyu said affectionately, "I really want to kiss you twice."

"Here is an adult version of Li Xiao, come here, kiss as you like." Li Xiao moved his face closer, seeing that Yan Ruyu didn't kiss, he reluctantly took it back, "Hey, don't be shy."

When everyone saw the two flirting, they all smiled slightly and didn't think it was wrong.

As soon as the voice changed, Li Xiao continued: "Okay, I will call you Lao Jia from now on, but I still want to ask, my grandfather asked you to find me because of this photo?"

"Of course not." Jia Jun said, "Master Jiu said back then that his grandson is definitely not an ordinary person. His eyes can tell right from wrong and see everything. He said that if I see you, I will definitely see the difference in you."

Jia Jun's words shocked Li Xiao.

Judge right and wrong, know everything!

Could it be that his grandfather knew that he had the ability to see through as early as eight years ago? !

Updated today...

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