More than a dozen elderly villagers knelt in front of Lu Yuan and Li Xiao. The scene was grand, and each of them had a heavy look on their faces.

The old man who ran in first was none other than Lu Sangong who stopped their car yesterday.

"Sangong, get up quickly." Lu Yuan hurriedly helped the old man up and said, "How many years will my life be lost if you kneel down!"

"Xiaoluzi, if you don't help us, we won't get up!"

"Sangong, what are you talking about first? If my friend and I can help, we will."

"Villagers, you must have come here for Zhao Chenghai's purchase of the village's land, right?" Li Xiao had already read the purpose of their trip from the minds of several old women, and before Lu Sangong could speak, he forced him to He stood up and said, "Village chief, don't worry, I have already told the mayor of Pujiang City about this matter, and he has promised me to help you solve it."

Li Xiao is not a nosy person, but since it happened, if he just ignores it, he will feel uncomfortable. He had communicated with He Zitian about these matters as early as last night.

And moved Lu Yuan and Lu Yuan's mother, as well as Lu Changqing and his school-going son to Ningxiang Village. He Zitian said that it was no problem, and he would take care of it himself.

In order to convince the villagers, Li Xiao recounted the process of negotiating with He Zitian yesterday, and said, "Don't worry, the village's affairs will be settled within today."

"Village chief, village chief, I have your call!" While talking, a child ran in the door and shouted, "It's the mayor calling, what do you want to tell you?"

"Ah?" Village Chief Lu was taken aback, and quickly rushed out. Two minutes later, when he came back again, his face was already full of joy.

"Villagers, please thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor Li!" Village Chief Lu said excitedly, "He has settled the matter in our village. The mayor called and said that the application for land allocation of the Laoshizi Shenhai Group has been rejected. !"

When the villagers heard this, they all thanked Li Xiao happily, and then gave Li Xiao some local specialties such as eggs and corn from their home.

"You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank Mayor Pujiang, he is the one who helped." Li Xiao didn't take the credit, and politely declined everything.

Zhao Chenghai was very upset at the moment. After being bullied by Li Xiao, the subordinates around him became limbless. He wanted to call the police, but he was wronged first.

This is just one of the unhappiness. What makes him want to vomit blood is that the group has finally issued a task with a high level of oil and water, but the task has not been completed. Just now, the immediate boss called to say that the application for land allocation was rejected.

In one day, he can be said to have lost his wife and lost his army. For the illusory hundreds of thousands, he took in a woman, even the whole project,

In his fifties, he did not rely on his background to get to where he is today. He is not outstanding. He relied entirely on the accumulation of time and his own step-by-step climbing. It was not appreciated by the company's boss until two years ago.

So based on his past experience, he knew very well that the withdrawal of the project was definitely not a coincidence, so he spent a lot of money to find someone to find out, and finally found out that the person standing behind it was that young man.

Remembering this hatred, he left Shangpu County overnight, took a plane back to Kyoto, and prepared to report the matter to the leaders above.

Li Xiao didn't stay long in Lujia Village, he was eager to go home now, so he took Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan's mother and Lu Changqing away from Shangpu County the next day.

Of course, when he arrived in Shangpu County, he also picked up Lu Changqing's son Lu Zhongming. When his son heard what happened to his mother, he was extremely ashamed and angry. Lu Changqing persuaded him for a long time before he let go of the matter.

It was already noon when they returned to Pujiang, so they called Fang Min, who sent someone to pick them up, Li Xiao and Lu Yuan were relieved.

After finishing the matter, Li Xiao went back to Pujiang University to complete the withdrawal procedures that day, had a big meal with Chu Hong, Wang Li, Lu Yuanyuedong and the others, and told them that he was going back to Ning Village.

Several people said that when they graduated, they would go to Li Xiao, and Chu Hong cried even more beautifully.

It's just that there is no permanent banquet in the world. Li Xiao can't let go of Ningxiang, nor can he let go of his grandfather. The trip to Pujiang must end as soon as possible.

In the afternoon, Li Xiao drove to Guotong Building.

I remember the first time I came here, when Li Xiao had just come to the city from Ningxiang, everything was so novel to him, and everything here made him feel a little bit embarrassed.

The see-through eye was opened, and Li Xiao looked to the twenty-ninth floor, where Ruyan Liu's office was located.

At the sight, Liu Ruyan was wearing a slim lady's small suit, her tall and straight figure was arrogant and glamorous, her expression was cold, and she was reviewing something. In front of her, there were employees standing one by one, with their heads lowered, not daring to breathe.

"This chick is still so domineering!" Looking at Liu Ruyan, Li Xiao laughed and said, "Wait for brother to teach you, let's see if you still dare to be domineering."

"Mr. Li, you're here!" Just as Li Xiao was whispering alone, a security guard in uniform ran over not far away, his face extremely enthusiastic.

Seeing him, Li Xiao remembered that when he first came to Guotong Building, it was this security guard who stopped him, but he didn't make things difficult for him.

"Little brother, are you still here?" Li Xiao smiled.

"Mr. Li, it's all thanks to you. Mr. Liu has already promoted me to be the captain of the security guard. Fortunately, I didn't make things difficult for you at the beginning, hehe." The little security guard smiled cheerfully, "Mr. Li, your name is now in Pujiang. Resounding, I was really lucky to meet you back then."

"Okay, then do it well, I am optimistic about you!"

Watching Li Xiao enter the elevator, the security guard stood at attention, and gave Li Xiao a military salute before the elevator closed.


When he came to Guotong Building again, Li Xiao didn't go directly to the 29th floor, but went directly to the 6th floor, where was the personnel department, where the little fairy Yueru was.

The personnel department was like Li Xiao's first visit. There were still many young people who had just left school and lined up for interviews. Li Xiao glanced at them with a smile, then passed them and went directly to the office of the director of personnel.

However, at this moment, a relatively strong young man suddenly grabbed his arm, and said with a rather unfriendly expression, "Hey, brother, can you go to the back and line up."

"Uh..." Li Xiao turned his head in astonishment and scratched his head, "Well, I'm not here for an interview, I'm here to find the HR director."

"Personnel director?" The young man who grabbed Li Xiao was stunned, then sneered, "I heard you right, brother, look at you, you are all over the place, and you still want to find Yueru, the personnel director? Hehe, brothers, come here. Look at this dude, he must be joking."

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