Urban best village doctor

Chapter 48 Exclamation


Hearing this, Yan Ruyu exclaimed again, thinking that there was something wrong with the bedroom where she usually sleeps and rests, Yan Ruyu turned pale with fright.

"What's the problem?" Yan Ruyu asked in horror.

"You have to watch it to know."

"Let's go quickly." After speaking, Yan Ruyu grabbed Li Xiao's arm and dragged her into her bedroom.

Walking into the bedroom, Li Xiao took a little look around.

The size of the bedroom is not too big, only about 20 square meters. There is a layer of pink wallpaper on the wall, and a crystal chandelier hangs from the roof.

In the very center of the room, there is a big bed covered with various dolls, and pink curtains are hung around the big bed.

Seeing the appearance of the bedroom, Li Xiao would rather believe that this little girl's room than Yan Ruyu's.

This is completely out of character with her!

But now is the time to think about this, Li Xiao found that after entering the room, all the evil spirits gathered at the bottom of the big bed.

"There is something under your bed." Li Xiao said with certainty.

"No way?" Yan Ruyu couldn't believe what she heard.

If there was really something under her bed, Yan Ruyu would feel shuddering when she thought of sleeping on this bed every day.

"Do you want me to help you take out the things?" Li Xiao asked.

"Can you take it out?" Yan Ruyu looked at Li Xiao in surprise. You must know that her bed is not light. When I bought it, only four or five strong boys carried it in.

"You'll know if you try it?"

Li Xiao grasped the edge of the bed and exerted all his strength with his arms. In an instant, the muscles on his arms jumped up.

Yan Ruyu looked at the muscles on Li Xiao's arms with bright eyes, and couldn't help but licked her lips.

Just as men get excited when they see women, women get excited when they see great men.

Although Li Xiao's muscles are not as exaggerated as bodybuilders, they are very perfect. Just by looking at them, one can feel the explosive power hidden in the muscles.

Seeing Li Xiao's actions, Yan Ruyu shook her head helplessly.

It is not easy to move this bed.

Maybe after Li Xiao knows the exact weight of the bed, he will give up!

But what happened next completely overturned Yan Ruyu's common sense.

I saw that the big bed was slowly lifted up by Li Xiao.

Yan Ruyu didn't know that this was the first time Li Xiao had been startled by her.

How could his strength be so great?

You know, even four or five people have to lift this bed, which is quite strenuous.

But as for Li Xiao, he just lifted it up by himself.

Doesn't that mean that Li Xiao's strength is greater than four or five people combined? Is that human being?

If Li Xiao was not lifting the bed, Yan Ruyu really seemed to touch his arm, to see how such a terrifying power was contained in those not-so-exaggerated muscles.

Under Li Xiao's movement, the big bed moved a little bit away, exposing the underground floor.

After wiping the dust off the floor, Li Xiao and Yan Ruyu immediately opened the floor.

Something unexpected happened. After opening the floor, the thing was buried in the ground, and half of it was exposed.

Yan Ruyu just wanted to reach out to dig, but was stopped by Li Xiao.

At this moment, with a serious expression on his face, he said, "This thing is not simple, so don't act rashly."

Seeing Li Xiao's serious expression, Yan Ruyu also knew that something might be wrong, so she immediately stopped moving.

The thing that was half buried in the soil was a gray clay pot, not very big, but it looked very old, as if it had been around for a while.

As time passed, Li Xiao's expression became more and more weird, and his gaze towards Yan Ruyu was also a little strange.

Yan Ruyu felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Li Xiao, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Sister Yan, are you sure you never had a similar dream three days ago?" Li Xiao asked curiously.

"Of course I haven't. If I had such a horrible dream, I would definitely remember it." Yan Ruyu said with certainty.

"Really?" Li Xiao was noncommittal to Yan Ruyu's words.

He picked up the shovel and carefully shoveled the soil around the gray clay pot, for fear of breaking the clay pot.

Seeing Li Xiao being so careful, Yan Ruyu was a little curious, and asked, "What is this jar?"

Li Xiao ignored her and continued to shovel the soil.

Yan Ruyu was a little depressed, but her curiosity was still very strong, she kicked Li Xiao lightly, and said, "Why don't you talk?"

"What?" Li Xiao said in a muffled voice.

"Of course it answered my question." Yan Ruyu said as it should.

Li Xiao had a sneer on his face: "It's for your own good that I don't tell you. If you find out, I'm afraid you won't dare to live in this house again."

"Is it so mysterious? It's serious." Yan Ruyu didn't believe it, thinking that Li Xiao was scaremongering.

Li Xiao glanced at her: "Do you really want to know what this is?"

For some reason, Yan Ruyu had an ominous premonition.

But when she saw Li Xiao's playful eyes, Yan Ruyu snorted and said, "Of course I want to."

Li Xiao snorted softly, and then said, "I'll tell you after I take out this jar."

For a while, there was nothing else in the bedroom except the sound of shoveling soil.

A few minutes later, the gray pot was finally shoveled out of the soil by Li Xiao. But Li Xiao didn't try to get it, but carefully got the jar out with a shovel.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiao looked at the jar, and finally nodded.

He turned around and looked at Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, do you have any gloves?"

"Gloves? Yes."

Soon, Yan Ruyu took out a pair of leather gloves from the cabinet and handed them to Li Xiao.

This is a lady's glove. Li Xiao tried it on and found that the glove was a bit tight, but fortunately, it would not affect the movement of fingers when worn in.

Wearing gloves, Li Xiao carefully lifted the gray jar, then carried it into the living room, and placed it around the nine corpse blood arrows.

Under the perspective ability, Li Xiao can clearly see the direction of those evil spirits.

Seeing the evil spirits scrambling to get into the gray jar, Li Xiao was finally able to determine what the jar was.

"Sister Yan, do you really want to know what this jar is, and what are these corpse blood arrows?" Li Xiao asked.

"Of course, these things were taken out of my room. I must know what they are for, right?"

Li Xiao pointed to the gray jar on the ground and said, "I can tell you what this thing is, but I have made it clear in advance that you must not be intimidated."

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