Urban best village doctor

Chapter 506: Missing

It's been a while since I saw him, but Liu Tiannan hasn't changed much, he is still wearing a brand-name suit, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and a high nose bridge.

No need to ask, just take a look at him, and you can feel the strong aura of a superior person from him. His arrival made those who were originally onlookers quickly disperse and perform their duties.

In a blink of an eye, there was only a group of security guards left, Li Xiao, Liu Tiannan and his assistants, Qiang Shao and the security guard were dragged aside, and the few people brought by Qiang Shao were also controlled by Liu Tiannan up.

"You kid, you'll cause me trouble as soon as you come." Liu Tiannan sighed helplessly, and said to Li Xiao, "When we meet again next time, can you choose a gentler way for uncle and me?"

"Sure, I'm fine." Li Xiao chuckled, "But you have to make your people smarter in the future. I really don't blame me for this matter today."

"I still know a little bit about your character. I really can't blame you for this matter."

"I didn't blame me at all."

Liu Tiannan cast a glance at the security guard who was beaten up, and waved his hand. The male assistant in his twenties next to him immediately stepped forward: "Director Liu, please tell me."

"Buy that security guard a plane ticket home and send him to the airport right away, otherwise that woman Feng Yanjiao will definitely not let him go."

The assistant nodded, "Yes."

After a pause, Liu Tiannan continued: "Besides, I've already beaten him anyway, so ask some security guards to beat that kid up again, and bring the housekeeper along."


It was a very unreasonable request. With Liu Tiannan's personality, he would not take the initiative to beat someone up, and even if he wanted to beat someone up, he would not personally give the order.

This time it was abnormal, the assistant didn't understand what was going on, but he still had to do as he was told. Poor young man, his nose and face were bruised and his face was swollen, but the pain hadn't subsided, and he was immediately beaten by the sea again.

"Uncle Liu, what are you doing?" Even Li Xiao was somewhat puzzled by Liu Tiannan's actions.

"Nothing, just beat him up."

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Not long after, Young Master Qiang was beaten up again, yelling something non-stop, but the words were so vague that it was hard to hear clearly.

"Dong Liu, they are here." At this moment, Liu Tiannan's assistant pointed to three black cars coming from a distance.

"There are a lot of people here, tell them to stop first, then call and call Mr. Mo over, go." Liu Tiannan finished his instructions to the assistant in a leisurely manner, then waved his hand, and brought Li Xiao over there. Several cars greeted them.

Soon, five cars drove up to Liu Tiannan and the others.

In the front and rear cars, five strong men got off each, and twenty strong men immediately stood on both sides of the door of the car in the middle, creating a path enough for three people to walk.

A strong man closest to the car door reached out to open the door, and another strong man walked out of the car. The strong man walked to the door, bowed, raised his right hand, with the back of his hand facing upwards, hovered in front of the car and waited.

A hand just stretched out from inside the car and put it on the back of the hand, at the same time a thigh wearing flesh-colored stockings also stepped out of the car.

A while later, with the help of a big man, a woman who looked about thirty years old came out of the car. The woman had good features and a cold and arrogant face. She wore a pair of wine-red sunglasses on her eyes, and a well-known brand-name slim skirt. With a perfect figure, the flesh-colored stockings on her legs added a lot of seductiveness to her.

Even though she looks thirty years old, her appearance is not inferior to some women in their twenties, especially because of her age, her breasts and buttocks are even more uneven-convex, which is extremely eye-catching.

When she got out of the car, a big man came down behind her. The big man opened a black umbrella the moment she got out of the car, covering the sun in the sky.

"What's the background of this woman?" Li Xiao looked at the woman closely, and couldn't help frowning.

"Feng Yanjiaoyan, Xue Ziqiang's mother, is very fond of Xue Ziqiang." Liu Tiannan's expression did not change, he looked at the woman with a smile and explained to Li Xiao.

"Fuck?" Li Xiao was slightly surprised, "Why is the fuck so young?"

"There was a scandal in the Xue family. Xue Ziqiang's father, Xue Minghua, was drunk and raped a 12-year-old girl when he was 20 years old. The Xue family spent a lot of money and used a lot of contacts. It took years to settle this matter.”

"After all, it was just drunk. Xue Minghua is not as stupid as Xue Ziqiang. After solving this matter, he felt sorry all the time, so he took care of that woman in every possible way. Later, a woman twelve years younger than him actually fell in love with him. At the age of fifteen, a woman became pregnant and gave birth to Xue Ziqiang."

Liu Tiannan turned his head and smiled at Li Xiao: "Strictly speaking, a woman is only fourteen years older than Xue Ziqiang. This year Xue Ziqiang is nineteen, and this woman is only thirty-three..."

"I'm stupid, awesome, but that kid Xue Ziqiang doesn't look like a nineteen-year-old?"

"It is true that he is nineteen years old, but he is drunk and in poor health. Although he looks like a little boy, he still looks like he is in his twenties."

"I see."

Li Xiao was stunned, no wonder the woman looked so young, if it wasn't for his special eyes, which could almost accurately determine the age of a person, someone else might think she was twenty-seven or eighty-eight.

Being forced to have such a good life, I have to sigh that this woman is really lucky.

"Oh, Mr. Feng, you've come." At this moment, Liu Tiannan suddenly smiled, very kindly, and hurriedly went up to the woman, and said with a smile, "Liu has been waiting here for a long time. "

The woman stopped, and under the sunglasses, those moving eyes were fixed on Liu Tiannan, and then shifted to Li Xiao behind him.

Feng Yanjiao was surprised, Li Xiao was not very handsome in appearance, but he had a strange and special aura about him, one glance at him gave her a feeling that she couldn't bear to move away.

It wasn't until Li Xiao smiled and nodded at her that she was startled suddenly, feeling something was wrong, retracted her beautiful eyes, took off her sunglasses, and said to Liu Tiannan, "Thank you, Director Liu, but maybe Director Liu didn't know that I came here this time to be with you." You are reminiscing about the past, let alone discussing business with you, I am here to find my son."

The voice is delicate and indifferent, mixed with a trace of majesty, very pleasant to hear.

"Your son?" Liu Tiannan pretended to be surprised, "Where is your son?"

"Director Liu, stop pretending. I received news that my son was beaten by a security guard here. Hurry up, let's not talk dark words. This matter has nothing to do with business, so we can solve it as we want."

"Security? Beating?" Liu Tiannan seemed to suddenly understand, "Mr. Feng, could it be who you are talking about?"

As he said that, Liu Tiannan pointed behind him, and the security guards dragged the beaten Qiang Shao towards him.

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