This ability to predict the heartbeat has become more and more obvious since he fell asleep on the mountain for three years.

But this time, Li Xiao even felt that his heart was about to jump out. This level of danger may be life-threatening.

Li Xiao subconsciously opened his perspective eyes, and in an instant, a look of shock appeared on his face.

He was a little horrified to find that a black column of air appeared above the heads of the passengers in the same car.

Li Xiao is very clear that the black air column represents death and destruction

As time passed, the black air column grew faster and faster. In just a few seconds, the air column had increased two or three times in height.

In an instant, Li Xiao guessed that this bus was in danger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the heads of the entire car to have black gas columns.

Unable to wait any longer, Li Xiao almost jumped up. He rushed to the driver of the bus in one stride, and shouted loudly: "Driver, stop, stop quickly, I want to get off!"

The bus driver glanced at Li Xiao and said lazily, "I don't know this is a highway. It's illegal to park here. Who will be responsible if something happens?"

In Li Xiao's eyes, the black column of air on the driver's head almost reached 4.5 meters. He once measured that the black column of air above the head of the dying old man was only about five meters long.

In other words, if there is less than 0.5 meters left, the people in this car will die.

Li Xiao didn't care too much, he grabbed the driver by the neck and shouted loudly: "Don't fucking talk nonsense with me, I told you to stop, so you should stop for me quickly."

The driver was startled by Li Xiao's ferocious appearance, and among the passengers, there were obviously people who knew Li Xiao, so they also felt strange seeing Li Xiao like this.

But they all knew Li Xiao's overbearing, so they didn't go forward to persuade him.

At this moment, the driver was already afraid of Li Xiao.

He quickly softened and said: "Okay, I can't afford to mess with you, I'll stop for you, okay. Brother, let go quickly, or there will be a car accident, and the lives of all the people in the car will be accounted for."

Li Xiao finally let go of his hand.

Under his pressure, the driver had no choice but to stop the car.

This is a nearly sixty-degree detour, with a small hill protruding in the middle, and the situation on the other side of the road cannot be seen at all. So there are often car accidents here.

The driver had just pulled over and stopped the bus, with an expression of reluctance on his face.

Li Xiao saw that after the driver stopped the car, the black column of air on the heads of the passengers in the car disappeared a lot, so he was relieved.

And at this moment, a high-speed bus on the opposite side rushed out along the road as if it lost control.

The bus was less than one meter away from Li Xiao's vehicle.

Li Xiao could even see the frightened expressions on the faces of the passengers in the car through the car window.

A moment later, the bus hit the guardrail, and the whole car rolled over at once.

Seeing this scene, the passengers in the bus where Li Xiao was in exclaimed, and the bus driver was even more dumbfounded. He glanced at Li Xiao, if he hadn't forced him to stop in time, then his car would definitely be the same as that The car collided head-on.

Thinking of the speed of the two cars and the consequences of the collision, it will definitely be very tragic.


A drop of cold sweat dripped from his head.

This is scary.

If there is no Li Xiao, I am afraid that the people in the bus, including myself, will die.

This time it really took a life.

The passengers on the bus were obviously also aware of this problem, and they also showed smiles that survived the catastrophe. Looking at Li Xiao, he was also full of gratitude.

At this time, Li Xiao shouted loudly: "Why are you still stunned, save people quickly! If you have a phone call, call the police and call an ambulance."

Amid Li Xiao's shouts, everyone finally calmed down.

He looked around and said loudly, "Are there any doctors or nurses here?"

The passengers looked at each other, but no one stood up for a long time.

Li Xiao shook his head helplessly. He really thought too much. These people are all going to Baoshan Town. There is only one small clinic in Baoshan Town. How could there be a doctor among these passengers?

During the conversation, passengers had called the police and called emergency services.

It's a pity that there are no shops in front of the village or in the back. It will take at least an hour for the police and doctors to arrive. Judging from the extent of the car accident just now, there must be some seriously injured.

If they cannot be treated within an hour, their lives are likely to be in danger.

At this time, there was an overturned bus blocking the road ahead, the entire road was blocked, and the passengers could only get out of the bus.

"Two people come to help, let's lift the passengers out of the overturned bus." Li Xiao said loudly.

Unfortunately, few people responded.

"Forget it, let's not make trouble."

"Yes, what if something happens to them and they rely on us?"

"Little brother, we know you are kind, but we are not doctors after all, let's wait for the doctor to come and talk about it."


Everyone chattered to persuade Li Xiao.

Perhaps because Li Xiao saved the lives of the passengers present, these passengers were very polite to him.

Li Xiao knew they had good intentions.

But knowing that he has the ability to save people, Li Xiao really couldn't do it if he watched them slowly wait to die.

Seeing that no one agreed to help, Li Xiao could only shake his head helplessly.

He walked straight to the overturned bus.

Seeing Li Xiao's insistence on going his own way, those passengers sighed helplessly, but their eyes showed admiration. They couldn't do what Li Xiao did, but it didn't hinder their admiration.

Under such circumstances, it is not an easy task to cast aside all distracting thoughts and concentrate on saving lives.

When the bus came near, Li Xiao frowned.

He could clearly hear the crying, the cry for help, and the wailing of pain coming from inside the bus.

The bus had hit a stone pier beside the road, and the front of the bus had collapsed into a large piece. It was already beyond recognition, and 80% of the windows were broken, and a person inside the bus was trying to climb out through the broken windows.

Li Xiao activated the perspective ability in an instant, and his face immediately became serious.

With his perspective ability, the situation inside the bus is clear at a glance.

There were fourteen people in the car, including the driver, and a black column of air appeared above everyone's head. Li Xiao called this black qi column death qi, which corresponds to the green qi.

Everyone has death energy, but it is very weak. Only when they are sick or in danger, the death energy will increase. Generally speaking, the dead air above the head of an ordinary person is less than half a meter at most. After all, every ordinary person has a little problem more or less on his body.

And for a person who is terminally ill, the death energy on the top of the head will increase rapidly, and when it is raised to more than five meters, then the person will undoubtedly die.

Among the 14 people in the bus, three of them had the most dead air above their heads, and the most serious one had reached four meters, and as time went by, the dead air of that person was still slowly increasing.

The rest of the eleven people, although they all had dead air above their heads, they were only about two meters high at most, that is to say, their injuries were not fatal.

Fortunately, no one was killed on the bus.

Li Xiao looked at the person who was climbing out of the bus. There was not much life on the top of the person's head, only less than one meter away. It seemed that the injury was not serious.

He immediately withdrew his eyes and went to help the young man climb out of the car.

After the young man came out, he immediately thanked Li Xiao.

Li Xiao looked at the young man up and down. This man could be said to be the least injured in the entire bus. There were only a few cuts on his face from broken glass and a few bruises on his body. It is a flaw, rest overnight, and it will disappear the next day.

Even Li Xiao couldn't help sighing that this person's luck is really unbelievable.

At this moment, after the young man saw Li Xiao, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Brother Xiao, please save my girlfriend quickly." The young man grabbed Li Xiao's arm and said repeatedly.

"You know me?" Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that someone would know him here.

"I'm Brother Da Zhuang's cousin, and I've met Brother Xiao before."

"Really?" Hearing what the other party said, Li Xiao seemed to have some impressions.

Looking in the direction the young man pointed, Li Xiao saw a woman. The moment he saw this woman, he felt bad in his heart.

This woman was one of the worst injured. At this time, she had fallen into a coma, with obvious bruises on her head, but no injuries on the surface of her body. But Li Xiao knew that the most serious injury from such a collision was often not trauma, but damage to internal organs or the brain, which was the most troublesome.

Although no specific examination was done on the woman, judging from the black column of air that had reached nearly four meters above her head, her injuries were already quite serious.

Without knowing what is wrong with the woman, it is very dangerous to touch her rashly, and it may even aggravate her injury. Li Xiao decided to save the others first.

Talked about the pros and cons of the matter with the young people.

The young man was silent for a moment, then said, "Brother Xiao, I'll help you.

At this time, Li Xiao also knew the other party's name, his name was Zhang Qiang.

"Brother Xiao, this car door is stuck and cannot be opened." Zhang Qiang came to the car door and frowned when he saw the deformed car door.

When Li Xiao came to the car door, he found that the car door was seriously deformed, and it was impossible to open it.

Li Xiao turned back to the original bus and asked the bus driver, "Is there any tool to pry open the bus door?"

The bus driver quickly said: "Yes, I have it here."

Just when Li Xiao took the tools and was about to leave, the driver suddenly said: "I understand this kind of gate, let me do it!"

Li Xiao glanced at the driver in surprise, then nodded.

With the help of the driver, the bus door was pried open very smoothly.

Li Xiao walked into the bus.

At this time, the inside of the bus was in a mess. Several people were lying on the ground, already fainted, and some were moaning while clutching their wounds. The ground was already covered with all kinds of broken glass, blood, and sundries.

Li Xiao said to Zhang Qiang and the driver behind him: "Let's get the less injured out of the car first."

Li Xiao's words were immediately agreed by Zhang Qiang and the driver.

However, the driver said worriedly: "The problem is that we don't know the severity of these passengers' injuries."

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