Urban best village doctor

Chapter 522 Madness


After the shiny suitcase was opened, Li Xiao immediately leapt from being a poor man to being a male god.

The current Li Xiao is like an idol star in the hearts of thousands of girls, and if he speaks to them more, it is a gift to them and makes them feel excited.

Li Xiao's every move is in the eyes of the women.

A word without any waves made them completely crazy.

The beautiful women who were dressing up Boss Chen kicked her away like a football, fetched their private pens, and rushed towards Li Xiao.

"Handsome guy, use my pen. My pen is new and works great!"

"It's a fart to buy a new one, my pen is still very slippery, use mine!"

"No, fuck me, my pen is the best!"

"My pen is full of water, get me!"

The women went crazy, and they made no secret of their inner thoughts. Even a pen can be dragged to the water by them.

Everyone knows what they mean.

Facing these women who could sell their dignity for money, Li Xiao clicked his tongue, and stepped back two steps to protect Cao Ying.

The man beside him who was giving money cleverly spread out his broad arms to block the women from rushing over, and took advantage of this to eat a lot of soft white tofu.

Not far away, Boss Chen's Yintang turned black, not because of bad luck, but because of anger.

Originally, there were seven or eight beauties around him, but now there is only one in his arms. He was so angry that even his little brother, who was so excited by those women, was castrated.

But fortunately, at least one woman didn't like his money and didn't leave like those gold diggers.

"That, Chen... Boss Chen." At this moment, the remaining woman timidly called out to him twice.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Boss Chen asked softly.

"Boss Chen, can, can you, loosen your hand a little bit." The woman blinked and begged.

"Okay, okay." Boss Chen said as he let go, "Little Lu, it's still you, look at that..."

"Boss Chen, I'm sorry, I can't lose to the sisters, I will serve you next time!"

Before Boss Chen finished speaking, the woman took advantage of the moment he let go, and stood up from Boss Chen's arms. Before the former could react, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and frantically went to get the pen, and rushed towards Li Xiao.

"Fuck!" Boss Chen ruthlessly lined up on the chairs, his expression extremely ugly, "Is it amazing to be rich? Can you rob my woman if you have money!"

"Sir, do you need my help? I have been looking at you for a long time." Just when Boss Chen was so wronged, a voice came from his ear.

He was immediately overjoyed, as expected, there were people who didn't love money that much.

Turning his head hastily, his expression changed instantly.

In front of him was a fifty-year-old lady, dressed in colorful clothes, smiling at him, with vegetable leaves between her teeth.

"Where is the crazy woman, get out, get out!" Boss Chen stretched out his foot and kicked the middle-aged lady, but he missed the kick, his feet fell through the air, and he fell into a tumble instead.

"Why did this lunatic come in again?"

"Get him out of here!"

"Boss Chen, I'm sorry, this is a lunatic near us, and I'm causing you trouble."

Two security guards came out from inside, and when they saw the old lady, they quickly took her out and hurriedly apologized to Boss Chen.

"Huh!" Boss Chen snorted coldly, "I have something to do now, come back later." After saying that, he left Hongmeifang in despair, told the people who had made an appointment to make an appointment at another day, and picked up another A number is dialed out.

Being so humiliated tonight, how could he hold back his breath? Although he couldn't get back his position, others could.

Soon, a young voice came from the other side of the phone, and Boss Chen immediately put on a flattering smile: "Brother Liu, someone in Hongmeifang bullied me and scolded you tonight, yes, come quickly!"


In the hall, Li Xiao casually took a pen from the pile of women, and wrote a series of numbers on Cao Ying's hand: "This is my phone number, you can call me anytime if you need anything."

Cao Ying nodded nervously, making up her mind that she will return the money to the man in front of her in the future.

"Brother." Li Xiao came to the man who gave the money, "You send her away first, I still have something to do here."


The man nodded and made a phone call. Not long after, a dozen people came in and escorted Cao Ying away.

As soon as they left, the women immediately rushed to Li Xiao's side like bees, buzzing continuously.

Some dawdled, some took the initiative to touch Li Xiao, and some introduced Li Xiao to various businesses and hinted that he could date alone tonight.

There are good and bad women, the women in front of Li Xiao are really not flattered, without saying a word, ignoring the women, carrying the suitcase directly to the front desk of the hall.

In the entire hall, the person who greeted the guests at the door and the woman who collected the money at the front desk did not come up to curry favor with him.

Faced with Li Xiao's lazy expression and those cold eyes.

The women all know that they have missed the best time. If they were like Cao Ying at the beginning, they would definitely be able to earn a lot of money.

Fortunately, although they were beautiful, they had been hanging out in romantic places all day long, and they were very thick-skinned, so they quickly chased after Li Xiao, for fear that Li Xiao would fall into the hands of others.

"Beauty, I want to ask, is your top manager here?" When he came to the bar, Li Xiao looked at the woman collecting the money and asked without any fluctuation in his tone.

The cashier raised his head in surprise and replied, "Sir, she didn't come today."

"Oh, when will she come over?" Li Xiao asked.

"I'm not too sure about this. She only comes to hold a staff meeting on the 15th of every month. If you want to find her, you can wait until that day."

"Don't you have her contact information?"


The cashier shook her head. She saw what happened in the lobby just now, and knew that Li Xiao was not an ordinary person, so she said solemnly: "It's not just me, the staff here don't have her contact information. She only has her monthly contact information. Come on the fifteenth."

"All right."

Since he couldn't find anyone, Li Xiao was about to leave, but just as he turned around, he found that the women behind him were looking at him eagerly.


Li Xiao raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "You all want to serve me tonight?"

"Yes, handsome boy, we are all yours tonight."

"Little handsome guy, you can choose whatever service you want."

"God, I still have my pen for you."

When the women saw Li Xiao talking to them again, they became excited again, and they hooked up with Li Xiao with every word.

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