Urban best village doctor

Chapter 597 Fireball

The eyes were bright and focused on the rattlesnake's head, the arrow was aimed at his forehead, he held his breath, and was about to let go of the string.


Just when Li Xiao was about to release the arrow, Johansen, who was patrolling around in mid-air, suddenly turned his head and looked in Li Xiao's direction. The goats harvested by the sky were thrown on the spot, and then fled far away.


As soon as he left, a fireball fell from the sky and burned the place where he was standing. The goat screamed and fell to the ground, turning into a roasted whole sheep.

Johansen grabbed the captain of the rattlesnake and flew from a distance. When he saw the sheep, he looked around again and found nothing strange. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, twisted the captain of the rattlesnake and left, looking for a breakthrough.


Johansen was too cautious, and he would find out if he was careless. This was the third time he noticed it after a few days. Even if Li Xiao didn't make a move, a beast passing by was ruthlessly killed by Johansen.

Reluctantly, Li Xiao set off again, continued to chase the two of them, and looked for opportunities to strike. When everyone would relax, he did not believe that Johansen could always maintain such a strong sense of vigilance.

The psychedelic formation is very strong, and the three of them circled here for several days,

Four days later, in a fit of rage, Johansen activated a monstrous spell, which burned the entire jungle for several hundred meters to the point that Li Xiao was almost burnt to the ground by accident.

This is a kind of Taoism of Johansen, which can gather fireballs out of thin air. The fireballs are as powerful as bombs.

These days, Johansen used this trick to deal with wild beasts from time to time, and Li Xiao also learned this trick these days, but he didn't use it to deal with wild beasts, but used it to roast meat. He found that the meat roasted by the flame was particularly delicious Delicious and juicy, much more delicious than cold roasted.

"Foreigners' Daoism is quite interesting. They can extract the subtle elements in the world." After research, Li Xiao found that the reason why they were able to condense fireballs out of thin air was because they used spiritual energy to extract the fire elements in the air.

Originally, Li Xiao wanted to try to extract water elements, but found that using the same method would not work at all.

"It seems that the elements that can be extracted are different for each method." With a sigh, Li Xiao bit off a mouthful of tiger meat and quietly observed the two guys in front of him.

"Tell me, are you hiding some secret!" After wandering around for a few days, Johansen was already furious. After burning an area, he carefully raised his fist and punched the rattlesnake.


Although he was paying attention, the captain of the Rattlesnake was still punched and fell to the ground and passed out. Johansen was so frightened that he quickly took medical measures, and it took him more than an hour to wake up.

And then... another slap from Johansen.


This time the force was very moderate, and only the two big teeth of the captain of the rattlesnake were knocked out, causing him to groan strangely in pain.

"I really didn't hide anything!" The captain of the Rattlesnake was so drawn that tears flowed out, and finally realized that Johnson was not just a stupid bird, and looked at him eagerly.

Yes, these days he has always felt that Johansen with wings is a stupid bird, and he will do whatever he is told to do. Slowly, he even has the feeling that Johansen is being manipulated by others, proud and self-satisfied.

He was a foreigner who would be disliked by the other party when he lifted his shoes, but was reduced to being manipulated by his current people. Captain Rattlesnake had already been a little smug and forgot his identity. It wasn't until today that he realized that no matter where he was, it was only an instant thing for the other party to pinch him to death. He was afraid, and didn't know whether he should tell the way out. Once he got there, the bird man would use him up. He will definitely be obliterated, but if he doesn't say it, his life will be worse than death.

A look of struggle flashed in his eyes, Captain Rattlesnake was in a dilemma.

Captain Rattlesnake had forgotten that he was a special soldier, and Johansen was even a special soldier. Even Rattlesnake's training method was a weakened version passed down from Chameleon. Although his struggling expression was only fleeting and well hidden, it was still It fell into Johnson's eyes.

"You really have something to hide from me!" Johnson was angry, he didn't even need to be sure, he knew what Captain Rattlesnake was thinking, and slapped him out again.


The resounding slap was full of anger. The captain of the Rattlesnake, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, was beaten dizzy and staring like a child being taught by an adult.

"Say, how to get out, if you don't tell me, I will kill you now!"

Johansen was very aggrieved. It stands to reason that he has wings and can fly in the air, and he can definitely fly out without anything blocking him, but he just can't fly out. There was a punch on the side of the rattlesnake, which almost didn't dismantle the captain of the rattlesnake.

In the distance, Li Xiao's cheeks twitched. After following them for so long, Li Xiao probably knew why he dealt with that guy, but he didn't expect it to be so cruel.

Captain Rattlesnake couldn't bear the torture, under his begging, Johansen finally stopped and looked at him coldly: "Tell me how to get out!"

"I, I said." Captain Rattlesnake's bones were broken, and he said in pain, "This forest can be called a psychedelic forest. After passing through this forest, you will reach that place..."

Hearing this, Johnson was excited: "Quickly tell me how to get out."

"From the ground, you can't get out of here." The captain of the Rattlesnake said intermittently, "You must go through that specific passage."

In the distance, Li Xiao saw the two talking. Not long after, Johansen grabbed Captain Rattlesnake and flew towards the southeast. He also followed behind. It didn't take long for them to fall to the ground.

Captain Rattlesnake sat on the ground and pointed, and Johansen threw a fireball into the clearing.


Dust and smoke rose everywhere, a pit was smashed out on the ground, and when the smoke fell, Li Xiao saw an ancient well in the center of the huge pit. After Johansen saw the ancient well, he twisted Captain Rattlesnake and rushed in.

Li Xiao came to the ancient well and looked down.

There was no water in the well, and there was no end in sight. He didn't go in directly, but prepared to wait for a while. Suddenly, he felt something under his feet. Looking down, it seemed to be the corner of a cuboid, protruding from the dust, which looked special. quaint.

"What's this?"

Squatting down, Li Xiao slowly dug away the dust on it. The thing was bigger than he imagined, but with his efforts, he still let it reveal its true face.

"Is this...a monument?"

Seeing the square stele lying on the ground in front of him, Li Xiao showed shock.

Just now, when Johansen attacked with a fireball, countless boulders were wiped out, leaving only this well intact, which is enough to see that it is extraordinary, and the monument in front of him is the same as the ancient well, and it has not been destroyed.

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