Urban best village doctor

Chapter 599 Corpse

From a distance, seeing those two corpses, Li Xiao was petrified.

When he was in Emei, he had seen photos of the heads of Huashan and Taishan. The clothes and appearance of the two corpses were the same as those in the photos. They were sixty or seventy years old, with long hair and shawl...

The bodies of the two of them were not on the city, but at the gate of the dark city. They supported each other, each holding two weapons, and propped up their bodies so that they did not fall to the ground.

On the chests of the two corpses, there were two black palm prints, piercing through their chests, and the two black holes were full of Yin Qi, which was particularly terrifying.

"So they died here. Five years ago, did they come here? Then my grandfather..."

Li Xiao had a bad thought, raised his eyes and looked forward again, but fortunately he didn't see Li Laojiu's body, so he was slightly relieved.

Five years ago, Li Laojiu, the head of Huashan, the head of Taishan, the head of Emei and Qian Xiaosheng's grandfather disappeared together. Except for Tian Yuan, no one can go back. I never thought that they would come here.

What was it that killed them? Li Xiao was stunned for a moment, wondering in his heart, had Li Laojiu ever been here?

Reminiscent of his mental method, Li Xiao felt that his grandfather should have been here too. Since he became a monk, he has been practicing with some methods his grandfather taught him.

Except for the three years when he disappeared, he has almost never neglected in these years, and his mentality resonates with the bronze tablet, which shows that what his grandfather taught him is likely to be obtained from the bronze tablet.

The city in front of him is tall and terrifying, filled with Yin Qi, and the surrounding Yin Qi can be clearly seen with the naked eye. There may be something terrifying inside. Originally, Li Xiao wanted to find a way to kill that Captain Rattlesnake outside the city. After two heads, he cut off the idea.

Maybe his grandfather is in the city, whether he is dead or alive, he needs an answer.

Johansen stood on the bank of the moat, looked at the towering city, and said nothing for a long time. The impact of this city was too great for him. In front of it, Johansen felt like an ant, so insignificant , so small.

"Is this the lost ancient city..." Johansen was so shocked that he muttered in Chinese language, "It really is a country with a long history, but unfortunately, it is still in decline."

Captain Rattlesnake looked at the sea of ​​blood, pointed to the iron chain bridge above Hengchen, and also said in Chinese language: "The last time we came to this ancient city, we bombed it but failed to smash it, and Six team members died here, and when they stepped on the bridge, they were attacked, and all six team members died in the moat."

"That's because you are all useless." Johansen hit him mercilessly, "The superiors just asked you to fight in the first place, who asked you to break into the ancient city."

"If my team members hadn't worked so hard, they wouldn't have gotten that thing. Do you think you'd be able to get by without that thing!" The goal has been reached, and Captain Rattlesnake himself will soon be useless and will throw it away. Life, not afraid of Johansen, roared, "You can insult me, but you must not insult our team members. I want you to apologize immediately, otherwise I will jump into the moat right now. You don't want to cross this bridge, let alone enter Ancient City!"

Only the Captain of the Rattlesnake knew how terrifying this seemingly ordinary cable bridge was. When he saw his team members being torn apart with his own eyes, the scene of that day seemed to be right in front of him, which made him hideous.

"You dare to threaten me?"

"So what if you threaten you, if you don't complete the task, you will die if you go back."

"good very good!"

Johansen was gloomy and uncertain, but finally suppressed his anger and said, "I take back what I just said."

"No, you must bow and apologize to the brothers in the moat!"

"Don't push yourself too far!"

Johnson stretched out one hand and pinched Captain Rattlesnake's neck:

"Believe it or not, I'm killing you now!"

"Oh, come on, anyway, if you don't apologize, don't expect me to hand it over, without it, even if you cross the bridge, you won't be able to enter the city!"

"good very good!"

Johansen was so angry that his wings were trembling. In the end, in desperation, he could only bow to the moat like an idiot, and apologized unwillingly by speaking the language of birds.

Captain Rattlesnake watched from the sidelines, very relieved.

In the distance, Li Xiao hid in the darkness, watching them quietly, without startling them. They wanted to enter the city, and Li Xiao also wanted to enter the city. Many, but in the end there were many deaths and injuries. It was obvious that there was some unknown danger in this city. He tried to open the space barrier with a short distance, and went directly across the moat and city gate, but found that he could not connect to the other side.

"Now you can hand it over, can't you?" Johansen had already decided that as soon as he got what he wanted, he would send Captain Rattlesnake to God.

"You wait!"

The Captain of the Rattlesnake said something lightly, and walked a few steps along the moat, as if he was looking for something. After a while, he knelt down and dug up the soil under his feet, and dug out something from underneath.

"Jade pendant?!"

In the distance, Li Xiao was surprised. What Captain Rattlesnake dug out was a piece of black blood jade pendant. The jade pendant was about the same size as the two pieces he had before, and it had complicated array writing on it.

He dug out a piece of jade pendant, and it wasn't over yet, he walked a few more steps and skillfully dug out another piece.

He took out two pieces of jade pendants, and he came to Johansen: "This piece is a token to enter the ancient city. We bought it from a dude from a certain ancient family. This piece is a token to enter the pagoda. Team members use six It took three missiles to get it from a certain base in Huaxia, and you can enter that tower with it and rescue your ancestors."


Johnson grabbed two jade pendants and weighed them in his hands: "You are wise, don't worry, after I go back, I will definitely apply for a grave for you and make you a martyr!"

As soon as the words fell, Johnson's expression changed suddenly, and he stretched out his hand and pushed the captain of the Rattlesnake.

Caught off guard, Captain Rattlesnake was pushed onto the iron chain suspension bridge. The moment he went up, the iron bridge underwent an astonishing change.

The originally quiet cable bridge began to shake, and the raging moat below also boiled, like a flood, splashing high waves.

Johansen stood close, a drop of blood splashed on his wing, and his wing began to erode, melt into blood, and fall into the moat.


Johansen screamed, the erosion was too fast, and half of his wings were melted. In the end, he took out a dagger and cut off one wing abruptly, preventing the river from continuing to erode.


The blood was soaring, and Johansen reluctantly threw the wings into the moat. As soon as the wings fell, he was pulled into the bottom of the river by something.

On the cable bridge, Captain Rattlesnake was even more tragic. His whole body was splashed with blood and melted quickly, but this was not the most terrifying...

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