Urban best village doctor

Chapter 624: Door of Death

No matter who faces the door of life and death, they don't know what to choose, so they parted ways, which was the decision Li Xiao made after careful consideration.

"Since no one can determine which door can go out, the eggs can't be put in one basket. We go in batches. No matter which door is the door of life, at least someone can leave alive in the end. Brother Dugu, the two of us How about bringing one for each person? If there is any trouble, you and I can also have a chance to protect them."

"En!" Dugu Xiaomo nodded expressionlessly, even when faced with the choice of life and death, he didn't seem to feel much.

Zhou Tong took the lead in supporting and expressed his willingness to be with Li Xiao: "Brother Xiao, you gave me the Kunlun Cordyceps. Although I haven't been able to send it to my sister, I have already regarded you as a brother. life and death!"

"Then... I'm with Dugu Xiaomo." Feng Feiyue is beautiful and charming, he knows how to choose at this time, and said to Zhou Tong, "I haven't taken the spirit cordyceps yet, if... I said if, if I can go out, I'll give it to your sister too."


As soon as Feng Feiyue finished speaking, Zhou Tong knelt down: "Thank you, so I will have no regrets in this life!"

"Get up!" Feng Feiyue helped Zhou Tong up, "If I can't go out, I hope you can help me go to Mount Tai and tell my daddy that my daughter is sorry for him. Sorry, my mother died early, and he hasn't been there these years, you must help me tell him that if he doesn't marry a wife again, even if I am under the nine springs, I will not be reconciled, this is my token, If you give it to him, he will believe you."

"Hmm..." Zhou Tong took the hairpin that Feng Feiyue took off from his head, and nodded heavily, "If I can't go out, please tell the head of Huashan for me."

Feng Feiyue nodded, and suddenly turned his eyes to Li Xiao: "Li Xiao, thank you, thank you for protecting us these days, if it weren't for you, we might have died already, to be honest, I hated you at first, I thought you were just an arrogant person, trying to save the fate of Emei's demise as soon as you appeared on the stage."

"But as the days go by, my view of you is slowly changing. I know that you are a capable person, but I still hate you. There is no special reason. I just hate you and can't get used to it. You, wanted to beat you hard, but...you saved me later, and then faced those foreigners who escaped, you chased after them without hesitation, and I completely changed you."

"Maybe, you are not the hooligan I imagined, you are a person with a sense of justice." As a woman, facing life and death, Feng Feiyue, who has always been proud of herself, could not face it naturally. The two lines were tearful, pitiful, but forced a smile, "Later, I found out that it was really not a good thing, it was those dead bald donkeys, the enemy was in front of them, and they were still attacking their own people, so I resolutely helped you."

"Cough." It was the first time Li Xiao heard someone say that he had a sense of justice, and he was a little unaccustomed to it, coughing dryly, "Don't cry, I don't have such a sense of justice, it's just that, I just act according to my conscience. "

"It's nothing, I didn't cry, I just sent it out of feeling... Li Xiao, I have one thing to ask of you."

"you say."

"Your talent is limitless, I hope that if you go out, you can help me protect the Taishan faction, and don't let my father's life's hard work be ruined by others."

"Don't worry, I will."

Li Xiao nodded and agreed, even if Feng Feiyue didn't say anything, he would do the same. From the point of view of causality that Buddhism pays attention to, it is inseparable from him that several people have come to this point.

After a pause, Li Xiao went on to say: "Brother Dugu, Li Xiao also has something to ask you two here."

"Say." Dugu Xiaomo remained taciturn as usual.

"I, Li Xiao, have old and young, and a bunch of brothers. If I don't make it back alive this time, I hope you can help me take care of them. I have offended too many people. If I'm not here, those bastards might die." Take action against my family, if brother Dugu is in a good mood in the future, I hope you will come to my Ning village to pretend to be aggressive and take care of me."

"Trouble, but I promise you."

Dugu Xiaomo nodded and agreed, and Feng Feiyue also said that if she went out, she would help take care of Ning Village.

"Okay, then I'm relieved. I would like to ask you two to meet my parents after you go out and tell them that the children are unfilial and cannot take care of them in this life. Let them take good care of themselves. If my grandfather comes back one day, please help me tell him. He killed his grandson..."


The last half sentence made Feng Feiyue smile through his tears. He didn't expect Li Xiao to be in the mood to make a joke at this time.

"Brother Dugu, I also want to thank you for this trip." Li Xiao didn't talk nonsense, but said, "If we are lucky enough to meet again in the future, I will definitely have a drink with you at that time. I just don't know what else Brother Dugu wishes for. Alright, I'll help you finish it."

"No." Dugu Xiaomo said much more difficultly, "The Dugu family has always been solitary and has never had any worries. Even the two people who came with me spent money temporarily to pretend to be coercive."

Li Xiao and Zhou Tongfeng leaped: "..."

"How can a man be dragged down by the love of his children when he walks in the world."

Dugu Xiaomo left such a sentence and went straight to the gate of death. Li Xiao grabbed him and said, "I'm here to walk through the gate of death, and you guys walk through the gate of death."

The door of life sketches life, the door of death writes death, subconsciously, they will think that the door of life is the way of life, and the door of death is the way of death, and they want to leave the chance of living to the other party.

Needless to say, the two of them knew what each other meant, and Dugu Xiaomo didn't like procrastination, so he immediately agreed to leave.

The door of life or the door of death is just a psychological comfort, who can know which one is the real door of life? Dugu Xiaomo's character is like the cold aura on his body, full of determination and aloofness, it's the same for him.



Several people said goodbye one after another, and Li Xiao felt a little heavy in his heart. He didn't want to die like this. If he died, the small world would collapse, and Hua Yao, Xiao Bai, Xiao Lu, and Lin Sheng might all disappear along with them.

But at the same time, he didn't want Dugu Xiaomo and Feng Feiyue to die. As the saying goes, a friend in adversity sees the truth. Both of them were people who helped him without hesitation in adversity. Li Xiao had long regarded them as friends.

Except for Dugu Xiaomo, they all said a lot and explained a lot of things, but unfortunately, parting still came after all.

Everyone mobilized their spiritual energy and made contact with the bronze door.

On the bronze door, the words life and death began to spin like a whirlpool, and soon a complex teleportation array emerged on the door.

At this time, the monk in front of the bronze door also changed. His body turned into golden light and spread out, slowly disappearing. The golden light floated on the bronze door, making the bronze door shine.

The bodies of Li Xiao and the others also slowly dissipated inside the bronze gate.

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