Urban best village doctor

Chapter 636 Panning

The fat man was stunned suddenly, the words in his mouth stopped abruptly, and he took two steps back in horror, but it was still a step too late. Maekawa Suzuko gave a half-smile, and ordered the two policemen behind him to hold him up. Handcuffed.

"Everyone obey orders!"

Another order was issued, and the soldiers on standby in the two trucks immediately started to act, and moved out two small cannons and dozens of machine guns from the vehicles.

"Boom!" Maekawa Suzuko was heroic, waved her hand, and gave the order to attack.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

As soon as she finished speaking, countless bullets flew out, shattering the glass, and the hotel was devastated, followed by cannonballs with flames, falling in beautiful arcs in the air, and the four-story building was immediately bombarded Make a big hole.

After ten minutes of continuous bombing, the people in this area stood far away and did not dare to approach at all. The smoke and smoke filled the air, until the gorgeous hotel was turned into ruins, and Maekawa Suzuko gave the order to stop the attack.

At this time, the fat boss was already pale from fright, his legs were weak, and he was incontinent to urinate.

Until now, he still doesn't quite understand why a Chinese person has such a strong relationship with the police chief's daughter. Didn't they just arrive in Japan?

The fat boss was completely confused. He was an ordinary, bullying businessman. He had never seen such a scene before. He was completely at a loss and became a fool. He was sent to the police station. In the words of Suzuko Maekawa In other words, he will be imprisoned for at least another year.

"This guy is really unlucky." Li Xiao just looked at it like that, and didn't speak out for the fat boss. He was never a good person.

"It's unlucky enough." Although Lin Sheng was a monk, his face was a little ugly when he saw the sky full of gunfire.

"Okay, let's move to another place to live." Suzuko Maekawa was very calm, apparently this was not the first time she had done this kind of thing, she smiled and took Li Xiao to a better hotel, arranged everything, and then Went home, said to go back to prepare things, and leave with Li Xiao tomorrow.

In the evening, he took out the information of Liu's Group, found Liu Tiannan's number, made an international call, and got through quickly.

Huaxia, Kyoto.

Liu Tiannan has been in a bad mood for the past two months. Li Xiao has been out of contact for nearly three months. He doesn't know where he has gone. Everyone is very anxious. Even Da Zhuang went to the capital three times from Ningxiang to look for him.

At this juncture, there are still people calling from Dongying Island. Of course, he didn't have a good tone. He answered the phone and said, "Hello, who are you?"


On the other side of the phone, there was a slightly excited and lazy voice: "Uncle Liu, are you okay?"

Hearing this voice, Liu Tiannan was taken aback for a moment, his face moved, and his body became agitated: "Li Xiao? Are you Li Xiao?"

"Well, Uncle Liu, what's wrong with you? Are you shaking?"

"It's really you!"

Liu Tiannan was completely agitated. During the time Li Xiao disappeared, no matter whether it was Ningxiang, Pujiang, or Jingdu, as long as everyone related to him was in a mess, they were all looking for him, and even thought he was dead. Listen now Hearing his voice, how could Liu Tiannan not be excited.

"Li Xiao, why did you go to Dongying? Do you know what kind of chaos our side has become during this time? You, you, forget it, let's not talk about it." Liu Tiannan asked directly, "What are you talking about?" Time to come back."

Li Xiao was taken aback, from the phone, he could tell that Liu Tiannan was a little excited, and hurriedly said: "Tomorrow, my air ticket for tomorrow, Uncle Liu, please let Ruyan and the others not to worry, I will tell you about the matter during this time when I come back. "

After a pause, he continued to ask: "Also, I want to know, is there any drastic change in Huaxia recently? I read on the news that China's geographical environment, mountains, rivers and rivers are all changing."

"That's right, China has indeed undergone major changes these days..."

Liu Tiannan talked over the phone about what happened these days. It was about two months ago on a certain night, in Huaxia, it rained heavily in all places at the same time.

That night, the heavy rain was drifting, the lightning was intertwined, and a prehistoric smell could be smelled in the whole air. On that night, some places began to change. Someone once saw a giant tree with a height of 100 meters, and even some places There was an earthquake, the ground began to crack, forming rivers, and in some places cracked, new land popped up.

At that time, the scope was not wide, and only a few places had this kind of situation. No one paid attention to it, and no one believed it, because experts soon came out to refute the rumors, saying that the story was false, and the news was quickly blocked.

But it didn't take long before someone spread similar news. Slowly, those news couldn't be blocked even if they wanted to. Except for a few bustling cities, every place is changing, and there are several restricted areas. Once a creature enters, there is no place to die.

There are even fossils of extinct creatures in the museum that have been dead for an unknown number of years, and there are some breaths of life. There are even rumors that someone saw a dinosaur that was 30 to 40 meters high in the mountains.

These days, there are constant rumors about Huaxia, and it is hard to tell whether it is true or false. Everyone is speculating and uneasy. Except for major cities, many commercial activities have been banned. Until now, the changes in Huaxia are still continuing.

Liu Tiannan said a lot, and Li Xiao's expression changed after hearing it. What happened to Huaxia? Ever since he entered that ancient city, changes have taken place...

He vaguely thought of what those foreign special forces said.

Once their mission is completed, the whole world may change.

Before, Li Xiao thought that they just wanted to rescue the ancestor, but now it seems that his thoughts have been shaken.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Li Xiao didn't think much about it. The thing had already happened, so there was nothing to think about. The only thing to do was to deal with what had happened.

After reporting to Liu Tiannan that he was safe, Li Xiao asked him to help Li Xiao take care of his family, and by the way, tell some close people about his return to Huaxia tomorrow, and keep others secret for the time being.

China has undergone drastic changes, and Li Xiao doesn't want to let out the news of his life so quickly, so as not to cause trouble for Ningxiang.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiao told Zhou Tong and Lin Sheng about the incident. The two were shocked and eager to return to Huaxia to meet their relatives.

The next day, Suzuko Maekawa came to the hotel again, and Yamashita Maekawa followed, and drove the three of them to the Tokyo airport by himself.

His friend had already taken care of all aspects, from the security check to entering the airport, without any accidents, and boarded the plane easily.

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