"Anything else?"

Li Xiao stopped and looked back at Jiang Hongtian who was sitting on the ground.

"It's okay..." Jiang Hongtian paused for a moment, and said with a little dejection, "Just, I just want to remind you that those who the Jiang family sent to the lost ancient city and did not come back are all blamed on you. They are looking for you, not just Jiang family, Ji family, Ying family..."


Li Xiao nodded lightly, stepped forward, and continued to leave.

What Jiang Hongtian said is all in his guess, and after today, I am afraid that there will be more people looking for him. China has been no longer peaceful since the change of heaven and earth.

"Also, Li Xiao, you have to remember, no matter what, I will stand by your side." Jiang Hongtian shouted to Li Xiao's back.

Li Xiao's shoulders trembled, but he didn't look back, and soon disappeared into Jiang Hongtian's eyes.

"I was wrong about what happened back then." Jiang Hongtian's eyes were gloomy. He really wanted to go with Li Xiao, but reason told him that he couldn't do so.

The real Jiang family will appear from the folded space. There are many things outside the Jiang family waiting for him to go back to deal with. If he doesn't go back to suppress the people in the family, I'm afraid the Jiang family's hatred for Li Xiao will grow stronger.

He didn't want the Jiang family, which he had worked so hard to maintain and brought from loneliness to rise, to fight against his grandson.


The battle in Taihang Mountain lasted for three days and three nights. Li Xiao won the treasure and left. The emperor's ancient tomb collapsed, and a new treasure appeared. Under the emperor's tomb, a very dark vine grew, and on the vine grew forty Three Red Yang Fruits!

Red Yang Fruit was once recorded in ancient books, it is pure yang in nature and grows on extremely yin vines, and extremely yin vines need people as nourishment and grow in places with extremely strong yin qi.

Bianhua, Chiyangguo.

Some ancients once listed Chiyang fruit as a plant with the legendary Bianhua that only grows in the underworld. It is conceivable how rare it is.

And under the emperor's mausoleum, there are seven or eight meters long extreme yin vines, and more than forty red yang fruits grow on the top. This discovery shocked the whole of China, and countless ascetics were excited about it.

The appearance of forty-three red yang fruits touched the senior management of Huaxia even more, and even sent more than 20 experts to Taihang Mountain.

After some cleaning, Huaxia's high-level executives got thirty-eight coins, five of which went to unknown places.

In the three days after the First Battle of Taihang Mountain, all parts of China were discussing what happened on the mountain, and the names of Li Xiao and Qian Xiaosheng became more and more famous in the next few days, especially Li Xiao, but all monks, almost No one knows his name.

Some people say that he fought more than a hundred ascetics in the Shenhai Realm alone in Taihang Mountains. Some people say that he alone beat the Jiang family, Ying family, and Kunlun three masters and fled.

The power of the masses was very strong, and not long after, Li Xiao's deeds were dug up.

Destroying the grandson's family, going to hell, connection with Emei, grandson of Li Laojiu, grandson of Jiang Hongtian...

All of a sudden, Li Xiao seemed to have become a public figure, no matter the big or small things, he was dug out, even Li Yan Wang, a name that used to circulate in the small circle, was also dug out, as if there was a black hand behind him. The waves were like waves, and not long after, the location of Li Xiao's hometown was also exposed by someone with a heart.

The Internet is boiling, some melon-eating people went to Ningxiang to visit his brother, and after entering, they came out safely, and were treated with delicious food and drinks, and some people went to Ningxiang with ulterior motives. , but in the end they were all bitten to death by wild beasts in the mountains, and many of them were cultivators of the Divine Sea Realm.

Some people say that there are gods protecting Ning Village, while others say that Li Xiao personally guards the village near Ning Village.

For the younger generation, the name Li Yanwang was very popular for a while, even surpassing the first-line international stars, and even some overseas countries knew Li Xiao's name.

At the same time, the fact that Li Xiao has multiple wives is even more enviable.

Chinese rules, monogamy, after Li Yanwang's incident was revealed, there was an official statement to curb this kind of thing from happening, but in the end it was opposed by countless people, regardless of men and women, they all stood by Li Xiao's side, everyone There was a rare unanimity of opinion, and the top management had to deal with Li Xiao in a special way.

One month after the Taihang Mountain incident, the name of King Li Yan has become famous in China, and the speed of changes in the world is just like his name. As the tide rises, the changes are getting bigger and bigger. Seeing the spiritual energy, many ordinary people felt the existence of the spiritual energy overnight, and the cultivation base of the most talented people even made great strides.

As Qian Xiaosheng said, the matter of cultivators could not be concealed anymore and was made public.

Not only in China, but also in overseas countries, the same changes have taken place. Some overseas blondes began to mutate, some gave birth to a single horn, and some gave birth to two wings...

In just a few months, the whole world has changed.

China's territory increased by nearly two-thirds.

What's even more strange is that the territory of countries other than China began to move eastward, approaching the mainland of China like a ship that was not moving fast.

If this continues, the territories of the world will one day be merged together.

Coupled with the changes in the world, there will be chaos in the world, and countries have already begun to discuss this matter.

A spokesperson soon spoke up, telling the people of all countries not to worry. All countries have reached a consensus. If one day the land is really mixed together, it will not affect international changes. China is still China, and the United States is still the United States.

In the past two months, people in the world have undergone earth-shaking changes, not only humans, but even wild beasts have also changed. Many wild beasts have intelligence and are called monsters.

The outside world has changed too much, but none of this has anything to do with Li Xiao.

After the first battle in Taihang Mountains, he found a secluded place to cultivate his health. At first, he was worried about the impact of his fame on his family. Later, after Li Xiao and Lin Sheng made a phone call, he felt relieved.

Lin Sheng told Li Xiao not to worry, saying that the tyrannosaurus rex in the mountain was so fierce that a master from the ninth floor of Shenhai came and was shocked to death by it roaring.

This news made Li Xiao both happy and worried.

I am happy that my family is protected by the Tyrannosaurus rex and will not be harmed. What I am worried about is that the Tyrannosaurus rex is too strong, and even the masters of the Star Realm cannot deal with it. If one day it does not keep its promise and attack the village, it will be the end of the world. disaster.

However, such worries are undoubtedly unnecessary, at least the Tyrannosaurus rex will not do anything in a short time.

These days, Li Xiao, Qian Xiaosheng, and Ji Xue are quite busy going in and out of various famous mountains and rivers, as well as various families that have been passed down from ancient times. They seem to be deaf to the rumors of the outside world. It was very fulfilling and busy, and some people met Li Xiao and thought that Li Xiao was preparing something, which aroused many people's speculations for a while.

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