Ji Xue's question was also Lin Zixuan's doubt.

The current relationship between Li Xiao and Yan Zhengfan has fallen apart, if they really marry Yan Linger back, there will be some troubles.

Besides, Yu Zhengfan thought that Li Xiao could live for half a year, but in fact his current lifespan is only three months.

"Marry, of course marry." Li Xiao smiled casually, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, "Today's incident may spread throughout the world in a short time. If I let my family go like this, everyone in the world will regard me When you pinch a soft persimmon."

Lin Zixuan and Ji Xue's expressions moved. They are both the proud daughters of heaven. Both their appearance and IQ are beyond ordinary people. With just a few words from Li Xiao, they already know what the former thinks.

With today's actions, Li Xiao is not only demonstrating to the concubine's family, but also demonstrating to the people of the world.

He only has three months. Within these three months, he will establish a great reputation and tell the world about his tyranny. In that way, as long as no one sees his death with his own eyes, no one will die in a short time. Dare to start with his relatives and friends.

What happened to the concubine's family happened so suddenly, and Li Xiao had already considered this step, which made both daughters feel ashamed.

"Ji Xue, we may not have much time. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?" Li Xiao brought up this topic, walked slowly on the street, and asked with a smile, "If I can do it, I will Do my best to please you."

"Satisfy me?" Ji Xueruo thought for a while, then giggled, "As for my wish, I can fulfill it myself. If you insist on helping me, then I really have a wish."

Li Xiao turned around: "Oh? Let's hear it."

Lin Zixuan also looked at Ji Xue curiously. She also wanted to know what kind of wishes a perfect woman like Ji Xue needs Li Xiao's help.

"I have had a dream since I was a child. I hope to have a home on the moon." Ji Xue smiled like a silver bell, and said deliberately, "I don't know this wish. Can our King Li Yan help me fulfill it?"

Li Xiao looked up at the sky, pretending not to hear: "Cough, the moon is so beautiful tonight."

It was clearly daytime now.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered something. I'm still cooking soup at home, so go back and have a look." Li Xiao seemed to have a sudden realization, slapped his legs, lifted his feet and walked away.

"You bastard, can't you be sincere when you lie?!" Ji Xue wrinkled her straight nose, cursed slightly and followed.

And Lin Zixuan's eyes were filled with surprise. She never expected that Li Yanwang, who was rumored to be ruthless, ruthless and decisive, would have such a lovely side.

This day, Li Xiao gave her too many surprises. At the beginning, she was sent to observe Li Xiao, but she still refused. Now it seems that it is quite an interesting thing.

After flashing these thoughts, she followed suit.

It is rare to be aboveboard, so there is no need to hide, Li Xiao also released Xiaobai, and took the two daughters to wander around the capital city, attracting the screams of countless girls and the crowds of passers-by.

Wherever Li Xiao walked, some gangsters who were about to do bad things were too scared to make a move and left quickly.

It was an extremely lively day in Kyoto. Many people who received the news of Li Xiao's appearance came to see Li Yanwang's demeanor. Some big business figures even offered to pay for Li Xiao's shopping.

Regarding these, Li Xiao naturally did not refuse anyone who came. Anyway, it wasn't his money, and he didn't feel bad. He bought a lot of precious decorative items, cosmetics, and clothes for Ji Xue and Lin Zixuan.

After half a day of shopping, the unhappiness left by the two daughters at the concubine's house disappeared, and they were all silent in the fun of shopping.

It has to be said that fame is an intangible but powerful thing. Li Xiao bought more than one million things for the two daughters, but he didn't pay a penny.

"Li Yanwang, this is the jewelry store opened by my family. As long as you like it, you can choose whatever you want in it, and I will give it to you." Beside Li Xiao, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and glasses excitedly cheered for Li Xiao. After introducing loudly, the manager and employees of the store all went out to greet her, and the scene was grand.

The jewelry store visited by Li Yanwang will definitely have a prosperous business in the future, so giving away something is nothing to him.

"Your jewelry store is not good, Li Yanwang, go to our jadeite store. They are full of high-quality goods from Myanmar and Yunnan. I have collected many good things myself." Another sixty-something , the energetic competitor said courteously, "As long as Li Yanwang likes it, I will give it to you."

"Hey, you two don't argue, mine is the good stuff." Another young man stepped forward and said excitedly, "Li Yan Wang, Li Yan Wang, as long as you are willing to go to my jewelry store, I am willing to give up three One-tenth of the shares, how about, nothing else, just go in and have a look, and by the way, sign me by the way."

The young man was obviously a big fan of Li Xiao, took out a pen and handed it to Li Xiao, took off his shirt, and asked Li Xiao to sign on his back.

In such a scene, even the two stunning beauties, Ji Xue and Lin Zixuan, were overwhelmed by Li Xiao's limelight. It was so lively that countless reporters rushed here quickly, wanting to interview him.

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Li Xiao did everything he could to satisfy him. After a long time, he signed the signature and his hands softened. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, separated everyone with spiritual energy, and fled with his two daughters.

"Hiss, these people are really fanatical." Li Xiao sighed for a long time, then turned around and asked the second woman, "Have you bought enough things?"

"Of course, I bought a lot today." Lin Zixuan had two sensual dimples on her cheeks, looking at the pockets of the big and small bags in her hand, smiling.

Ji Xue said with satisfaction: "I am enough."

"That's fine." Li Xiao nodded, "I'm afraid after tonight, some people will vomit blood with anger."

Li Xiao only has three months to live. If this news is exposed, those who spend a lot of money to win Li Xiao will regret it.

The facts were not as expected by Li Xiao. There was no need to wait until the evening, and two explosive news appeared on the Internet in the afternoon of that day.

"Li Yanwang and the daughter of the Yan family, Ling'er, will marry in three days, and invite heroes from all the families!"

"Heaven is jealous of talents, Li Yanwang has suffered the backlash of heaven, and he has at most half a year to live. Some people speculate that it may only have three months!"

Two news, the media did not add any embellishment to the title.

Because these two pieces of news do not need any embellishment, they are all explosive news, one is enough to shock the world, let alone two appearing at the same time.

These two pieces of news will inevitably trigger explosive effects.


Sure enough, as soon as these two news came out, the Internet instantly exploded, and the first news made all the families terrified.

Li Xiao's marriage with the concubine's family is by no means a good thing for them.

But when they saw the second piece of news, these families were all shocked, and they were a little inexplicable immediately.

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