Urban best village doctor

Chapter 783 Half-orc

His eyes seemed to come from hell, lifeless, evil to the extreme, like a hook, captivating.


The half-orc was just about to open his mouth, but was paused for a moment by his words, turned his head, and looked in the direction the former was looking with his big bloodshot eyes.

Immediately, he also smiled darkly: "They, leave it to me!"

After the last word fell, the half-orc's legs bent, and he jumped up to a height of more than two meters, rushing towards the direction where Li Xiao and the two were.

At the same time, strong fluctuations of spiritual power spread from his body. Before the person arrived, a row of trees in front of him had already fallen.

"not good!"

Li Daozheng's eyes changed, he hurriedly took out the close-up, and took Li Xiao across the space.

However, just as they were about to step in, the half-orc opened his palm and took a picture from the air.


All of a sudden, this primitive old forest blew violent wind and rain, and the chaotic space was shattered. A force of repulsion rushed towards Li Xiao, pushing him more than ten meters away.

"Hmph, half-beast, after all these years, you still haven't saved anything!" Seeing that avoidance was inevitable, Li Daozheng snorted, raised his palm, and went up against him.


There was a crisp sound when the palms of the people collided with the palms of the beast. The trees in the entire primeval forest were bent over by the strong wind at the same time, and the half-orc and Li Daozheng each took two steps back.

"Spirit King Realm!"

Li Xiao was shocked, being able to face Li Dao Zheng's palms, and evenly divided, his strength would naturally not be inferior to the latter.

"Let's go!" Li Daozheng didn't intend to fight, and ran away with Li Xiao, taking out a short distance away at the same time, trying to leave this world.

Only he knew the strength of the eight people behind him. If he didn't escape at this time, it would be difficult for him to leave again.

"Want to run?! Stop for me!" The half-orc was the closest, he roared, and the ground collapsed, and some wild animals in the old forest were startled and roared.

The half-orcs also roared, as if they were communicating with those wild beasts. Soon after, the wild beasts in the old forest regained their tranquility, but a huge pothole appeared in front of Li Xiao and the two of them. When the dust and smoke fell, in front of them, within five meters There are already seven figures blocking the place.

This scene gave Li Xiao a chill in his heart.

Their speed was too fast, even Li Xiao didn't know how they got here.

In just a split second, they arrived in front of them, which had to be shocking.

"Father, who are these people?" Li Xiao felt the killing intent from their aura, and that kind of killing intent made his chest tight.

"You don't need to know." Li Dao's face darkened, he stepped forward, stood in front of Li Xiao, and handed the closet to him, "From now on, your task is to escape and get rid of the monster behind you , enter the restricted area of ​​life, and hand over these seven people to me."


Li Xiao refused without even thinking about it. Even if these seven people are alone, their strength is not weaker than his father. Keeping him here is tantamount to taking the latter to his death.

He didn't believe that these people came to talk to his father about life and ideals. Judging from the murderous look on them, it was clear that they wanted to do something.

"Gua, if I tell you to get out, just get out. These seven are all cultivators in the spirit king realm. It's useless for you to stay here." After Li Daozheng finished speaking, seeing Li Xiao not moving, he raised his hand and pointed at him a push.

At the same time, he quietly stuffed a night pearl into his arms.

"My child, as long as the Ye Mingzhu is not extinguished, it means that I am still alive!"

He secretly sent a voice transmission to inform him of the role of the night pearl.

He wants to leave a ray of hope for Li Xiao, as long as he knows that he is not dead, with Li Xiao's personality, he will definitely try his best to survive, investigate the background of these people today, and rescue him.

Li Daozheng's purpose is to keep Li Xiao alive.

Compared to Li Daozheng of the Spirit King Realm, Li Xiao of the Star Realm is not even a rookie. This push made him fly up, and he couldn't stop falling backwards.

Click, click, click...

Wherever he went, old trees were knocked down one after another, the scene was astonishing.

However, Li Xiao didn't seem to feel it, his eyes flashed one after another, staring at the direction where Li Daozheng was.

There, the seven people had already begun to fight against each other. The huge spell was cast, the space was distorted, and the aura was pervasive. Even the clairvoyant eyes could not see the situation inside clearly.

However, deep in his heart was twitching, as if he had lost something most important.

Vaguely, he could see Li Dao coughing up blood, even if he was coughing up blood, the latter would not forget to look back to see if he was leaving.

"Hey, boy, come here!"

At this moment, Li Xiao suddenly heard an explosion, pulling him back from his trance, and looking up, there was a half-orc in front of him with a cold smile, waiting for him approaching.

Facing an ant like Li Xiao, he didn't even move, but just waited quietly, waiting for the sheep to enter the tiger's mouth.

"No, I can't die, I want to live!" Li Xiao was startled suddenly and completely recovered.

Although he didn't know where those people came from, Li Daozheng was trying his best to save him. He took out the luminous pearl, saw the faint light on it, gritted his teeth, forcibly controlled his body, and spun violently, Li Daozheng's strength was instantly removed. Go halfway.

However, Li Xiao was still retreating unstoppably, and he was less than ten meters away from the orc.

Seeing Li Xiao's struggle, the half-orc's eyes showed contempt: "People in the world have rumored that King Li Yan is powerful, but seeing him today is nothing more than that."

His words seemed to come from the stomach, extremely gloomy, like the cry of a beast: "I can crush such a person with one finger."

Originally, the half-orc was a little wary of Li Xiao, but now he relaxed completely, folded his hands, and waited for Li Xiao's arrival. He didn't want to use too much force and accidentally slap the prey to death.

It's not a small crime to shoot someone from the Li family to death.

"Bastard, I, Li Xiao, swear that one day I will kill you with my own hands!" Seeing the orc's appearance, Li Xiao secretly swore in his heart, and at the same time, he squeezed the palm of his hand tightly and formed a seal with one hand.

"Avatar technique!"

Bang bang bang!

As soon as the Dongying clone technique came out, Li Xiao was divided into three, and the three figures slammed into the orc together.

"Interesting, ants can do some fancy tricks, but so what if they are divided into three, they will also die under my hands." The half-orc looked at Li Xiao who was already close at hand, and finally stretched out his palm slowly.

"Just because you want to kill me too? Come and taste the flowers of the other side!"

At this moment, in Li Xiao's hand, a strange three-leaf flower came out of his hand, and slowly floated towards the palm of the half-orc.

"Hey, what is this?"

The half-orc's eyes changed slightly, and he subconsciously reached out to grab it.

The moment he touched the Bana flower, a terrifying power spread out from the flower.

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