Urban best village doctor

Chapter 801 Instant Kill

The man was domineering, condescending, and with one look, the two astral cultivators controlled them. At the same time, the former waved his long whip at Zhou Tong.

"Damn concubine!"

The matter has reached such a point, of course Li Xiao can't ignore it, he appeared in the middle of them in a flash, raised his hand and squeezed the whip in his hand:

"You people, are you courting death?!"

His words were cold, and while he was speaking, he slapped the faces of the two astral cultivators behind Zhou Tong twice, and rescued Zhou Tong's brothers and sisters.

Li Xiao's appearance changed, but everyone didn't recognize him, the leader man scolded: "Where did you come from, Xiaoxiao, my concubine's family is doing business, so get out of here quickly!"

"I think it's you who should get out."

The faint words spit out from the mouth, and the spiritual energy on the body also emerged, and the strength of the ninth level of the Star Realm spread unreservedly, covering the entire tavern.


The tyrannical spiritual power was aimed at that arrogant man, and the next moment he couldn't bear the pressure, he knelt on the ground, his face moved: "You, who are you?!"

"I'm someone you can't afford!"

With a thought in Li Xiao's mind, the aura turned into a sharp dagger and pierced into his chest. The man lost his life without any chance to breathe.

"Do it!"

The two ascetics in the Star Realm and the remaining experts in the Divine Sea Realm looked horrified. They didn't expect the man who suddenly appeared to kill him if he disagreed. They immediately attacked Li Xiao without even thinking about it.


Li Xiao snorted coldly, these people had already made him really angry when they attacked his brother, he didn't hold back at that moment, a golden light shot up into the sky, the hotel was flooded, and Fang Tian's painted halberd flew out of the small world.


In an instant, all the ascetics in the Divine Sea Realm died.

"He, he is..." Seeing Fang Tian's painting of a halberd, one of the star cultivators widened his eyes, "Li, Li, Li Li Yan Wang!"

"No, he's not. Although Fang Tian's painted halberd belongs to Li Yanwang, he will definitely not be Li Yanwang. His appearance is different from those on the Internet. Li Yanwang is already dead!" So confident.

"Did you recognize it..." Li Xiao's bones creaked, his appearance recovered, his eyes swept over their terrified expressions, "Unfortunately, you have no chance to walk out of this gate!"

After the last word fell, two crimson rays of light appeared in Li Xiao's pupils, piercing through their chests like unsheathed sharp knives.


The two looked at Li Xiao in disbelief, their eyes filled with shock and horror. They couldn't believe that Li Yan Wang was still alive, let alone that the latter had the power to kill them instantly!

However, it's useless not to believe it, the facts are right in front of them, their vitality is rapidly passing away, they can't even speak, they can only express what they think in their hearts with shocking eyes.


Until they fell to the ground, the expressions still did not dissipate.

As for Zhou Tong next to him, after he knew it was Li Xiao, he was also very excited, with a shocked and incredible expression in his eyes, but this emotion was quickly replaced by joy.

He has learned about Li Xiao's monsters for a long time, and he is no stranger to them.

After easily disposing of several people, Li Xiao summoned out the ice and fire, and the flames were precisely controlled by him, melting the bodies of several people without leaving a single drop of blood. , Go up and give Zhou Tong a bear hug: "Zhou Tong, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Brother Xiao, it's really you. It's great. You're finally back, so I know you're not dead." Seeing the old friend, after a short period of joy and surprise, Zhou Tong's eyes became a little dim again, " Brother Xiao, do you know that everyone thinks you..."

"Aren't I back here? Don't be sad, hehe." Li Xiao showed his white teeth, turned his eyes, looked at the woman beside him who had been looking at him curiously and asked, "Zhou Tong, this is what you often tell me Your younger sister, Zhou Jia?"

He vaguely remembered the competition in Fengchao in Kyoto, Zhou Tong put down his status as a seed player of the Huashan School to beg Li Xiao for a wormwood, hoping to get one.

Li Xiao has always been curious about his sister.

"Well, that's right, she is my younger sister Zhou Jia." Zhou Tong turned his head and said to Zhou Jia, "This is the Li Xiao and Li Yanwang you often talk about and let me introduce to you. Why? Are you embarrassed to meet? "

Seeing that both of them were staring at her, Zhou Jia's face turned slightly red, and she said in embarrassment, "Brother, why do you say that?"

"Haha." Li Xiao smiled heartily, but quickly frowned, "Is your sister still unable to practice?"

"Hey..." Zhou Tong sighed, "My sister is afraid that she will never be a monk in this life."

The three of them came to the box of the tavern, and called the boss who was scared to pee in the distance, and asked him to prepare a table of food and wine, while eating, talking about the old days.

"My sister's physique is too special. After a serious illness that year, her body was healed by the spirit cordyceps, which freed her from the pain that was worse than death." Zhou Tong's eyes were full of guilt towards Zhou Jia, "But she still There is no way to feel the existence of aura."

"This is unscientific." Li Xiao was a little puzzled. After the changes in the world, basically all the people practiced Taoism, and ordinary people could feel the aura more or less. Zhou Tong was extremely talented. As her younger sister, there was no You can't even feel the spirit.

A strange look flashed across his pupils, and Li Xiao looked at Zhou Jia. In an instant, Zhou Jia's clothes and skin disappeared, and her meridians and every acupuncture point in her body appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, Li Xiao's complexion changed drastically!

There were layers of seals in Zhou Jia's body. From meridians to acupuncture points, they were all covered by strange laws, and no one escaped.

This kind of seal is so profound that even Li Xiao can only see it occasionally. After observing it for a few minutes, he quickly found the place to break the seal.

But even if he finds it, he doesn't have the ability to crack it, because even the weakest point can only be solved by a strong soul king.

"What's going on? Who sealed it?" Li Xiao looked at Zhou Tong and found that he also had such a seal in his body, but a few of his acupoints had been unlocked, or in other words, there were no acupuncture points. seal.

Such a situation made him extremely surprised. It was just a few acupoints, which already made Zhou Tong super talented. If they were all unlocked, what kind of scene would it be?

Li Xiao told Zhou Tong and Zhou Jia everything he saw.

After the two brothers and sisters heard this, they were quite puzzled. Apart from being in the Huashan School, they had never had any contact with ascetics in their memory since they were young.

"Perhaps one day, your seal can be unlocked, and at that time, you may be able to know the mystery."

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