Urban best village doctor

Chapter 813: Royal Sister

Speaking of the three words "Golden Triangle", it is obvious that even Ling Zhan, who is a senior official of the Huaxia cultivator base, has a great headache. He got up and took out a map from the office drawer and spread it out, pointing to the three small national roads above:

"The Golden Triangle is located at the junction of the borders of Laowo, Taiguo, and Myanlei. A triangular area in the border area of ​​these three countries is called the Golden Triangle."

"From the establishment of Huaxia to the present, the Golden Triangle has been the most troublesome area for us. Ninety percent of all tainted milk powder, shaking head powder, and opioids in circulation on the market are produced in this area."

"Is there no one to manage it?" Li Xiao asked curiously, "This is on the border of three countries, wouldn't it be enough for one person to manage a region?"

"Hehe, it's easy to say, but it's actually very difficult. These three countries have bad customs, they are poor, and their military power is not strong enough. No one wants to deal with it. Moreover, there is a Mekong River in the Golden Triangle, because of geographical reasons. , easy to defend and difficult to attack." Ling Lao briefly introduced the situation of the Golden Triangle to Li Xiao:

"Before the changes in the world, this place mainly produced lucrative drugs. After the changes in the world, many people knew to take those things, which caused confusion in their meridians. A gathering place for fugitives and violent elements, it was very chaotic."

"How messy is it?"

"Well, let's put it this way, before the world changed, the children there were not as tall as guns, but they were carrying guns." Ling Lao smiled wryly, "The Golden Triangle is probably such a place, and any big country wants the Golden Triangle to disappear from the world. , but no one can do it.”

"Simply put, it is a no-things zone. There are not many restrictions on ascetics in China. Even if there is a war between the ascetics, as long as they don't hurt ordinary people, they will turn a blind eye. , but when we get there, even if we chop people up in the street, no one can take care of us."

"There are mountains everywhere on all sides, and many strange fruits have appeared in the changes of heaven and earth, so many ascetics have also been created."

After the brief introduction, Ling Zhan rolled up the map and put it in the drawer: "If you want to go there, I think you'd better wait for a while. The target of the Eagle Clan is you, and they won't catch you in a short time. people start."

"En." Li Xiao nodded, and suddenly asked, "Can I use Huaxia's power? Didn't you say that if someone does something to ordinary people, then you have the right to take action."

"I'm afraid I can't." Elder Ling was full of helplessness, "The world is changing, the number of ascetics is increasing day by day, many criminals in prisons have also become ascetics, and every country is in a state of adjusting its military strength and ready to fight at any time. Don't do it, otherwise China's new decree against the changes in the world has already been promulgated, why bother it is still a mess."

"Also, even if we can free our hands, it is not very convenient to go to the borders of other countries to use force. This will cause a lot of trouble internationally. Our responsibility is to protect peace and protect the safety of the people. I hope you can understand."

Li Xiao understands what Ling Zhan said. After experiencing so many things, he has been able to realize the importance of the country's stability. Today, those sinners who entered the prison for various crimes have the opportunity to become ascetics. If the guards are still ordinary people at this time, it will cause considerable social unrest.

It has been two or three years since the world has changed. After Li Xiao came out of the restricted area of ​​life, he obviously found that many areas are much better than before, including the streets of Pujiang, and there are soldiers composed of monks patrolling all the time to avoid accidents.

It seems that he still has to rely on himself to go to the Golden Triangle. Li Xiao also smiled bitterly. He thought he could find a reason to use Huaxia's power, but he didn't expect to be rejected so happily.

Regarding the recovery of Li Xiao Avenue's wounds, Ling Lao kept asking. After confirming that he was fine, he was quite shocked, and at the same time he was relieved, and began to ask about the weapons used to bomb the Ulan Saint.

Li Xiao didn't shy away from it, and made it clear that this was just a kind of Taoism.

"So that's the case, okay, I will report this matter to the superior, and no one will harass you anymore." Ling Zhan sighed, "You boy, you are becoming more and more evil every day, give you some time, and sooner or later you will surpass it." us old men."

"That's necessary." For such praise, Li Xiao was not humble at all, "Old Ling, I want to ask you something."


"Speaking of which, what degree do you have?"

"Well, a postdoctoral fellow."

"Hey, then why do you praise me without any technical content?" Li Xiao said with a face full of displeasure, "Come on, come on, make your rhetoric more gorgeous, your sentences more beautiful, and praise me in the languages ​​of several countries, but I still haven't listened to it for a long time. People are flattering."


Leaving from the Pujiang military base, the sky was already dark, Li Xiao's complexion looked a little dark when he took out the still shining night pearl from his bosom.

Regarding the matter of the old man, Li Xiao gave Hell an order to search for it, but there was no news at all, and he also asked Ling Lao, but he didn't know much about this matter.

The only clue is the earth-shattering battle in the original old forest. Since then, Li Daozheng has disappeared.

In fact, Li Xiao already guessed in his heart that his father was very likely to be taken away by those people, but he also had no clue about that force.

Even if he found a clue, Li Xiao could only look at him and smirk. Those people were too powerful, and he couldn't handle them at all.

Not to mention anything else, just one of the eight Spirit King Realm powerhouses that appeared at once that day, could crush him.


Li Xiao sighed deeply. For the present plan, he had to find a way to improve his realm quickly, first go to the Golden Triangle to rescue Ji Xue and Jiang Hongtian, and then consider going to the old man.

For more than a year, Ye Mingzhu has been shining brightly, and has not killed Li Daozheng for more than a year. Li Xiao feels that there must be some reason, and he can guess that the old man will be fine in a short time.

"It would be great if grandpa was here. He must know something about the people of that power. China has changed so much, why hasn't he heard about grandpa?"

From the past to the present, Li Xiao has never forgotten to look for Li Laojiu. Every time he makes such a big noise, the whole world knows it, just to hope that Li Laojiu can see his news and come to see him.

However... it doesn't help.

After clearing his mind, Li Xiao came to Xiapu County overnight. When it was dawn, he rushed to Xiapu County to meet Fang Min. As a Chinese, Fang Min was much safer than Li Xiao's ordinary friends. , opened the perspective eye to look for Fang, but did not see Fang Min, but saw Fang Min's original position, with a twenty-six-seven-year-old woman dealing with official documents.

The woman wears light makeup, exquisite facial features, professional attire, exquisite figure and eye-catching, black framed eyes on her face, extremely capable.

The look of her eyebrows, the way she dresses, she looks like a royal sister.

Li Xiao just wanted to go forward to ask where Fang Min was, but suddenly saw behind her, a figure approaching quickly, with a kitchen knife in his hand.

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