Urban best village doctor

Chapter 90 Little White Wolf

Naturally, Li Xiao didn't know what happened to Lai Hua's group, and it was around five o'clock in the afternoon when Li Xiao returned to Ning Village.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he found a large group of villagers surrounded outside his house.

Li Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: Could something have happened at home?

Otherwise, why would these villagers surround their homes?

He quickly pushed everyone away and walked in.

Li Xiao found that at this moment, his parents looked a little ugly.

"Dad, Mom, what's going on?" Seeing his parents like this, Li Xiao was a little anxious and asked quickly.

It's a pity that before the parents could speak, the villagers started talking in a hurry.

"Li Xiao, your family is in trouble."

"Yeah, be careful in the future, beasts like wolves are too vindictive."

"It's not certain if it's a wolf. Do you think Uncle Dao and his family didn't even lose any chickens?"

"It must be a wolf, and it is a wild wolf. I saw it with my own eyes."


Listening to the words of these villagers, Li Xiao already guessed what happened.

It turned out that it all started last night, when Li Xiao was not at home, a gray wolf came to his house.

You know, almost everyone in the villagers' homes has dogs, but unfortunately, when the gray wolf appeared last night, none of the dogs howled.

No one noticed until Gray Wolf entered Li Xiao's yard.

And just as Li Daozheng was getting up at night, he saw a gray wolf in the yard.

The sudden appearance of wild wolves really startled Li Daozheng and his wife so much that they didn't dare to go out all night.

The next day, the wolf disappeared.

Surprisingly, although the wild wolves had been in Li Daozheng's yard for one night, they did not offend the chickens and ducks in the yard, which is quite surprising.

After letting the villagers leave, Li Xiao thought to himself: The wild wolf didn't do anything wrong with the things in the yard. Damn, it couldn't be Ah Da!

Speaking of which, Li Xiao hasn't seen Ada for some days, did Ada encounter any difficulties?

No, I have to go and see for myself, you must know that Ah Da is his first friend, and he has helped me a lot.

After appeasing the somewhat frightened parents, after dinner, Li Xiao took advantage of the night to leave after the parents fell asleep.

At this point, it was getting late.

The black sky is dotted with stars, and a silver moon hangs in the sky, shedding thousands of silver rays of light.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Li Xiao got into the primeval forest.

Fortunately, after Li Xiao's eyesight strengthened, it was not difficult for him to see things at night.

Although the wild forest at night is very dangerous, but from Li Xiao's perspective, it is still safe.

At this moment, a black shadow quickly jumped towards Li Xiao's direction.

Seeing this black shadow, Li Xiao instantly became alert.

But when the shadow walked in, the muscles on his body relaxed.

It was Ah Da who came.

At this time, Ah Da came to Li Xiao's body and made a humming sound.

Li Xiao bent down and rubbed the thorny hair on Ada's body.

At this time, Ah Da suddenly bit Li Xiao's trouser leg and made a whining sound.

"Come with me."

Although able to communicate, what Ah Da can express is still very short.

Following Ah Da, Li Xiao traveled through the deep forest.

Soon, it followed it to a cave.

This cave is very hidden. If Ada hadn't brought him along, Li Xiao probably wouldn't have been able to find this place by himself.

Li Xiao didn't understand what Ada meant by bringing him here?

Is there any natural treasure here? '

He didn't forget the top-quality wild ginseng that Ah Da found for him back then.

After entering the cave, Li Xiao's complexion was a little ugly. There was nothing he could do. The smell in the cave was too bad. It was more like a den of some kind of animal.

After entering the depths of the cave, Li Xiao discovered that there was actually a gray wolf lying on its stomach inside.

However, this gray wolf is much smaller than Ah Da.

"Ada, isn't she your daughter-in-law?" Li Xiao couldn't help laughing.

It's a pity that although Ah Da was able to communicate with Li Xiao, he didn't understand what was going on with his daughter-in-law.

When Li Xiao approached, the eyes of the crouching gray wolf suddenly became sharper, and the eyes shot out a fierce light. At the same time, the sharp fangs were exposed, and there were roars from the throat, which seemed to be I am warning Li Xiao not to move on.

How is this going?

However, he believed that with Ah Da by his side, the gray wolf in front of him should not attack him.

At this moment, Li Xiao suddenly discovered that there were two palm-sized small things wriggling in the lower abdomen of the gray wolf.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be two little wolves.

No wonder the gray wolf warned Li Xiao that he had a child.

At this time, Ah Da had come to the side of the female wolf, stuck out his tongue, licked her head, and howled twice in a low voice. At this time, when the female wolf looked at her, her eyes softened a lot.

It's a pity that I still don't let myself get close.

Li Xiao didn't understand why Gray Wolf called him here. You don't want to tell yourself to be a father, do you?

And at this moment, a small group of white fluffy things came into Li Xiao's eyes.

After seeing it clearly, Li Xiao was surprised to find that it turned out to be a little white wolf.

However, judging from its body shape, it is not the slightest difference from the two little wolves curled up in the lower abdomen of the female wolf.

When the little white wolf was walking, its body wobbled and looked very weak.

But in the end, it still came close to the female wolf.

Just when it was about to suck the mother wolf's milk, suddenly, the mother wolf opened her eyes, pulled the little white wolf aside with one paw, and ignored it.

The little white wolf whined, the sound was very pitiful.

In an instant, Li Xiao understood the situation of the little white wolf.

If he guessed correctly, this little white wolf should also have been born by a female wolf, and it may have mutated to make its hair white.

For humans, the little white wolf is very cute, fluffy, like a ball of hair.

But for wild wolves, white wolves are destined to be eliminated.

If this situation continues, the little white wolf will probably starve to death in the end.

At this time, the gray wolf Ah Da grabbed the fur of the little white wolf's neck, put it under Li Xiao's feet, and whined twice.

"For you."

After finishing speaking, Ah Da returned to the side of the female wolf and climbed down.

Looking at the little white wolf lying on the ground trembling all over, Li Xiao couldn't help feeling a little pity.

He bent down and picked up the little white wolf directly.

The little white wolf is really small, and it can be supported by one hand.

Li Xiao could even feel the little white wolf's body trembling.

Suddenly, Li Xiao sent a kind thought.

As a result, something that surprised him happened.

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