Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 78: That little king 8 eggs

The boss really feels like a dog!

But in the face of several customers who apply for a card, he can't explain what he can say. After all, looking at Xiaodie's appearance, he is so thin. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that this sister paper would be so capable. eat!

But the boss doesn't want to be like this, he still wants to explain, this desire to survive is something everyone has.

"Then what, you guys listen to me, things are not what Xiaodie said, she can eat two meals..."

Unfortunately, the boss was interrupted by the young guy in front of him before he finished speaking.

"Black-hearted capitalist! The boss has your conscience eaten by dogs?" the young guy shouted outrageously. Looking at the expression on his face, he didn't know how much he had been treated.

But, from the look of Xiaodie's expression while he is talking, you can know that this drunken man means that he will never drink wine. Wine can only be drunk with emotions to have the most mellow taste...

And the other man next to the guy was unhappy, still muttering, probably because there was no one to speak up first...

The boss was stunned. How come I became a black-hearted capitalist? Do you know that it is difficult to meet a generous boss like me now? At least I promised to pay for overtime!

It's a pity that he couldn't speak at all, and the young guy opposite suddenly opened the chatterbox.

"You tell me, ah, boss, tell me, such a kind and thin girl, if you don't eat enough, you still lie that the other party eats a lot? Are you all blind?"

"Come and come, let's go outside to find someone to judge, such a thin girl was fired because she ate too much, your boss is so black-hearted..."

The bosses covered their faces and sighed. They knew that Xiaodie was such a chicken thief. They wouldn't be like this. Now they can only hope to solve this problem. After all, they are really wrong, but they can't do it if they promised...

However, sometimes this is: the city gate caught fire and the pond fish was hit, and the boss and the few people were still there in silence for the boss, but it was unexpected that the young man would get involved with them as he talked.

"And you guys!" The young man looked at the boss and said, "Touching your conscience and saying, does Coach Fluttershy's appetite compare to one-third of yours?"

Boss...Why does this involve us? We are so alarmed...

Looking back at the boss who was already stunned there, the boss squeezed out a smile reluctantly: "When...Of course, Xiaodie eats very little, especially little, not even one-third of our meal. arrive……"

What can I do? I am also very desperate. I also want to say that Fluttershy eats more meals than all of us combined, but this guy doesn't believe me, so I had to "touch my conscience" and said.

The young man did not speak, but looked at the boss again.

This time the boss has nothing to do, and his face is bitter. You said that as a rich second-generation, this is not a gym to run when you are full, can’t you eat together at home and wait for death...

Hey, who made a bet with the family at the beginning that they would be able to support themselves, I...I will bear it...

Looking up and looking at the young man, the boss said with a smile that was uglier than crying: "When...Of course, Xiaodie eats very little. In fact, I just joked with her, ha...haha... "

Now, the guests are satisfied, Xiaodie still has that kind of smile on her face, everything is so harmonious.

It’s just that the boss thought he was going to lose money as a dog, but he didn’t expect that after he came out, he found out that because of Fluttershy, there were a dozen more guests applying for the annual card today, which is just one day's worth!

For a moment, the boss felt hopeful again. As long as the little girl can continue to attract customers to herself, it would be nothing to do with a meal of more than 20 eggs and a few catties of meat...

Fluttershy continued to settle in the gym, and slowly, the surrounding gyms also learned that there was an extremely abnormal girl here.

As for Fluttershy, it's not time yet anyway, so just continue to stay, stay wherever you want.


Boss Qin naturally didn't know what happened here. If he knew that Xiaodie lived not far from him, he would definitely be uneasy. No matter how bad he was, he would have to go to the door and see what Xiaodie knew.

It is a pity that he has just arrived at Kyoto Airport.

Not surprisingly, Miss Xue’s parents came to pick it up. The girl finally took a vacation. You said she had lived in another man’s house for such a long time, so Xue Tian’s face was a bit dark.

But, after seeing the huge suitcase that the son-in-law was carrying, Xue Tian's face suddenly showed a smile, um...this son-in-law is pretty good, still has a lot of eyesight.

After a few words of greeting, I immediately got in the car and went home. When I arrived at the house, I just had a little rest, and went straight to the hospital as soon as I left my things.

Well, just as Qin Feng didn’t know that Old Man Xue would live in such a place before, this time he drove straight to the suburbs in the car, twisted and twisted for a long time, and then under the shade of the trees, Qin Feng only saw the buildings. .

The next thing is as expected. There are armed police on guard outside, not to mention inside. If it weren't for the hospital sign that hung up, you wouldn't think it would be a hospital at all.

Even if he was the person brought by Xue Tian and his wife, Qin Feng went in after various cross-examinations, and Qin Feng had no doubt that he had been checked out during this period of time.

But it doesn't matter, just check it out, his boss Qin sells wine, and doesn't know anything other than making wine.

It's the fact that no matter who you meet, the indifferent appearance makes Xue Tian and his wife a little surprised.

They know that their son-in-law is really inexhaustible. After all, you can go to Jiuxianju to buy wine, and you dare not enter the door for a small amount of money.

But the people here are different...

Of course, the reason why Boss Qin didn't care was very simple. First, he was about to become a wine fairy. Although he didn't know what a wine fairy in this world would look like, there was a word for fairy.

The second reason is that he has already seen existences like Su Xiaoli and Prince Werewolf, the Prince of Vampires, and Qin Feng's mentality has also changed after contacting these guys who opened their mouths and shut their mouths as history...

Diaosi or something, after all, it's over.

After finishing all these things, he finally walked towards the ward under the leadership of a nurse.

In a ward ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Old man Xue is lying on the bed, his expression looks good, but his face is unlovable.

"Old lady, can you bring the wine for me to take a sip? Just a sip..." After thinking and thinking, Old Man Xue said to his wife on one side.

Xue Lingyun's grandmother said with a smile: "Don't think about it, how can you drink like this now, and besides, where is the wine in this hospital for you to drink?"

Old man Xue was taken aback when he heard the words, but quickly sat up and said: "What? I have so much wine in my house, why is there no one pot? Old lady, do you think that little **** Xue Tian took me? The wine was stolen!"

Xue Lingyun's grandma was startled when she heard the words, and was about to answer, but the door of the ward was opened when she was looking for it, and Xue Tian was standing at the door...


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