Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 90: Polite boss

This must be coincidental, as if it were written, Ningning went to the counter after saying hello, because she knew that if she continued to talk to Wang Xiaomei here, the other party would not have a few words about her RV bag. ...

Walking to the counter with Granny Wang, Ning Ning was a little confused because there was no one in the counter.

Under what circumstances, this boss Qin was not there?

Granny Wang was puzzled there and said: "It's impossible, the boss Qin said he can come to him at any time..."

When the two of them didn’t know what to do there, Wang Xiaomei’s voice resounded again behind him: “Ah Ningning, boss Qin seems to have just gone out for something. If you buy wine, you’ll have to wait...or come and drink with me. ?"

Boss Qin is out? Ningning sighed and turned around and said, "No need for Xiaomei, this wine is so expensive..."

Not to mention it’s okay. With that said, Wang Xiaomei was immediately happier. She was happier than anything else when she was able to look at this "adversary". She immediately said, "How can this work? Come here quickly, just a few pots of wine. These are all small things..."

While talking, Wang Xiaomei came over and took Ningning's hand.

If you just look at the way the two are now, you might think that the relationship between the two should be particularly good, but Ning Ning understands in her heart that if she really drank in the past, then tomorrow the company will hear such news: she Ning Ning It is Wang Xiaomei to drink the wine of Jiuxianju...

Really speaking, it's actually easy to see the relationship between these friends.

When you encounter embarrassment, your friends will comfort you and let you not feel sad, and your best friend will rush over and point to you and laugh...

What the buddies are used for, that is, they are used for pitting. Only when the relationship reaches a certain level, there will be a qualitative change in the relationship between each other.

In a situation like this, I came to drink, but I met one of my iron buddies who was drinking here too. There was no hesitation at all. I would drink when I sat down and picked up a bowl. There are so many persuasion...

Here, Wang Xiaomei's husband is a little confused, he knows Ningning, after all, he has been to the company many times.

So he knew very well that his wife had a bad relationship with this beautiful woman...No way, since he was rich, there are two distinctions between women, those who are good-looking and those who are not good-looking. of……

When he saw Wang Xiaomei actually invited the other party over for a drink, Wang Xiaomei’s husband was already a little confused, until he heard Wang Xiaomei’s words: Isn’t it just a few pots of wine, just want to see the sky...

"Isn't it just a few pots of wine", don't you know how expensive this Jiuxianju wine is? And what you also invited is your opponent!

If the other party really came over and said he wanted to drink the most expensive wine, a pot of tens of thousands of money, would you say he bought it or not...

It's just that so many people are watching now, and his rich second-generation reputation has already been beaten out, it is impossible to refuse, so he can only show a smiling face next to him: "Yes...ha, haha..."

Ningning didn't know what to do, but Wang Xiaomei was still there and said in various ways: "Ningning, come here, you said that with your family's conditions, you can't usually drink Jiuxianju wine, just come over and drink a little today... "

"I have hawthorn wine there. Recently, this is not because I have eaten a lot to lose weight... You said that your husband does, too. How can you have the heart to make you so hard? Although you are poor and can't afford honey wine, you can queue up to grab it. What about green fruit wine..."

The taste was not right. The drunks who were eating melon all looked over, and then lowered their heads silently. The war between the two women is better not to be mixed.

Wang Xiaomei was very proud, she was really proud. She had wanted to be like this for so long. Every time she bought those bags or something, everyone came up with envy, why didn't you come up.

If your family also has money, then there is nothing to say, but your family clearly has no money, then what will you pretend to be for me!

"So Ningning, you still have to..." Wang Xiaomei continued to say, but she was interrupted just halfway through the conversation.

"Hey, who, don't talk nonsense, boss Qin didn't go out, he went to the bathroom... Of course I don't know why he stayed in the bathroom for so long..." But Su Xiaoli was there suddenly Said.

After speaking, she lowered her head, and the little raccoon girl muttered: "How come the toilet paper is used so quickly recently? I just bought it a few days ago and put it in..."

Wang Xiaomei shows off to show off, but she also understands that some women cannot be offended, so when she sees Su Xiaoli talking, she immediately smiled and said, "Ah, that's it. Sorry, sister Xiaoli..."

The little raccoon girl didn’t speak up, who is your sister, my old lady is older than your ancestor...

Of course, if someone really said in front of her that she was old, he would definitely not see the sun tomorrow, so far boss Qin has an exception.

Ning Ning, who was on the side, heard these words and looked at it, and suddenly realized that this should be the beautiful and shameless waiter at Jiuxianju, a former movie star, and I don't know how many men dream of the goddess.

Ningning had never been to Jiuxianju, so she had only heard of Su Xiaoli before. The most important thing was that the other party was sitting there with her head down just now, so she didn't see the face, otherwise she should have guessed it a long time ago.

As for Granny Wang, she couldn't talk a long time ago in this situation. She didn't know how to talk when she made tofu for a lifetime.

I was going to ask one more question. I saw that the door next to him was opened. A man in his twenties came out and asked as he walked: "What's the matter, little raccoon, why have I been in for a long time, come on? You have to control a toilet..."

Hearing this, Ning Ning had already understood that this was definitely the boss Qin. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw that the other party came towards him directly!

"Eh, Granny Wang, you're always here, come here to get the wine, eh, sit and sit, what are you doing standing..." But it was in Ningning's stunned eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that person According to the legend, Boss Qin, who had a particularly bad temper, said to Granny Wang with a polite expression.

Not only was Ning Ning stunned, but even Wang Xiaomei and a group of melon-eating people behind Ning Ning were stunned. Who is the old woman who came with Ning Ning, who was so politely entertained by boss Qin, and called her You are old!

Especially those old wine lovers. In their memory, Boss Qin would basically not be so polite to people. Even the few tasters from the auction that were said to be the last time they came, they were still ashamed by Boss Qin. go out!

Especially the sentence, "Anyway, you have all finished the appraisal." At that time, a group of people directly sprayed alcohol. They had heard of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, but they had never heard of the person who demolished the bridge without their feet still on it...

At this time, Wang Xiaomei thought of a question. What the boss Qin said just now, said that the old woman came to get the wine?


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