Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 93: This is all gone...

After destroying dozens of kilograms of tofu in half an hour, Qin Feng had to admit that it was indeed a bit difficult to engrave the spirit gathering on this tender tofu.

So when Su Xiaoli entered the brewery, what he saw was Qin Feng sitting there eating tofu and thinking about life...

"Huh? Why did you come in, Xiaoli?" Qin Feng swallowed the tofu in his mouth when he saw Su Xiaoli come in, and asked strangely.

After all, under normal circumstances, when I am busy in the brewery, basically no one will come in, from Miss Xue to Su Xiaoli.

But now Su Xiaoli actually came in, did something happen outside?

Su Xiaoli smiled and said: "The wine is sold out. I'll come in to get the wine... By the way, Mr. Qin, why do you hide in the brewery and eat tofu? You said I'm outside. If you want tofu, just ask me... "

After hearing this, Boss Qin didn't react. After all, he had just been abused by tofu. There was no way. Such tender tofu would shatter at the touch of a touch. Now it is difficult to carve it out.

Therefore, boss Qin’s first reaction when he heard this was, don’t I have tofu here, why should I eat it at your place, and do you have tofu? How can you find tofu...

"Little raccoon, don't make trouble, you don't have tofu... eh wait!" It was Qin Feng who finally reacted halfway through his words.

Do you think it is right or wrong to keep a fox demon by your side? I tempted myself every day, and I had to rely on my determination to be comparable to Liu Xiahui, otherwise, wouldn't it be a scumbag a long time ago?

Su Xiaoli: Mr. Qin, don't stare at me when you say this...

"Okay, little raccoon, if you want to get the wine quickly, it's left there, don't affect me... I eat tofu!" Boss Qin dropped a word, and then continued to eat his own tofu.

As for staring at people Su Xiaoli fiercely looking at this kind of thing... Boss Qin feels wronged, after all, this little fox is so attractive, right? I can swear that it's your own eyes to see!

The plain and fun life is still going on. What Qin Feng does every day is to wait for Granny Wang's tofu, and then go into the brewery to start carving.

At the beginning, it was broken with one touch, but fortunately, with the previous foundation, coupled with the spiritual power, it improved day by day.

Of course, it is also necessary to open a video with Miss Xue in my spare time, to talk a little bit shy and wet.

Miss Xue over there told Qin Feng that her grandfather's illness had improved. It is said that because her father drank alcohol secretly, the old man became angry and chased her son with a stick every day. As a result, the illness gradually improved...

Boss Qin was dumbfounded at this result, and could only mourn for the old man for three minutes in his heart.

In this kind of retreat-like life soon came ten days later.

In Jiuxianju Brewery, Qin Feng was using his spiritual power to carve a thin piece of tofu.

Up to now, even people who don't understand any formations at all will think that he can definitely succeed when he sees Qin Feng's movements!

This is a feeling, or it can be said that this is a feeling about "beauty".

No matter what you are doing, when you are proficient to a certain degree, which means "technique is close to Tao" in mysterious words, you will feel "beautiful" when you look at it.

The oil seller can pour oil through the small hole of the coin without sticking a drop of oil on it. A chef with a powerful knife does not look at it carefully when cutting vegetables, but with that feeling, the vegetables are cut with that rhythm. They are all neatest!

This is the embodiment of "beauty", and Qin Feng is like this now.

Although it was only ten days, it seemed to him that he had carved it countless times.

The gestures are so free and easy, but there is nothing wrong with the engraved formation!

"Huh..." Qin Feng let out a sigh of relief and put down the tofu in front of him without having to look at it. He knew that he must have succeeded.

It's like playing basketball. Once you have the feeling that you don't need to watch it when you shoot out, you know that you will definitely get in... Of course, it's better not to pretend to be too forceful. It's better to celebrate after the goal is scored...

And when Qin Feng sat there lightly pretending to be forced, the long-lost voice of the system rang.

"It has been detected that the host has completed the temporary mission "The Way of the Formation", please check the host in the task panel!"

Um? Qin Feng was a little confused, didn't he say that this task requires a lot of material to be tested? Why is this done?

Of course, he will definitely not get into trouble with the system on this kind of issue. What you said you have to try a lot of materials and then just a few of them will be over. This is too anticlimactic...

He is not a second fool, Qin Feng. Why do you want to do such a thankless thing? It's as simple as that. Hello, me, everyone, how good, right?

Open the task panel and see the very eye-catching temporary task at the top.

Temporary task: the way of formation.

Mission: Learn to sculpt various formations on various materials!

Task description: The core of the Altar is the formation on the body. The host must learn to carve the formation. The shape of the mountain is changeable before it is fired, so the host must adapt to various materials!

Task progress: completed.

Yes, boss Qin is very happy, he is looking forward to the reward of this temporary mission now.

"The system doesn't need to talk nonsense, just tell me what the reward is this time!" Qin Feng asked.

This time the system responded quickly: "The temporary task "The Way of Formation" is completed, and the host will be rewarded for the ability to move the mountain!"

Qin Feng was silent for three seconds, and then asked: "No... no more? Just this one?"

The system pretended to be a dead dog, and directly let Qin Feng want to die there!

No wonder this guy said that he would definitely get the power to move the mountain. At the time, he really thought that he would be rewarded for completing the task, but he didn't expect that he would be the only one!

This is a temporary task, brother, you don't need to award a few lucky draw chances, it's just a move to move the mountain!

And now it’s a modern society, no matter how strong he is, Qin Feng can still move a mountain in front of everyone...

Well, sure enough, the system is still a system, and the scam will never change.

Then there is nothing to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The system went straight out, and Qin Feng had the power to move the mountain in an instant.

This made Qin Feng a little surprised. Before, he thought he would have the same pains as the protagonists in those novels, but he didn't feel anything.

And the most important thing is that this power is only available when you use spiritual power. It's the same as before, but it saves a lot of worry, and you don't have to exercise to adapt to such a large power.

Anyway, he will activate spiritual power only when he forges the wine jar...

No matter what, I’m very happy to have the power, and just as boss Qin was full of ambition, he suddenly heard loud noises from outside, and suddenly became a little curious, which **** ate Xiongxin Leopard and dared to stay in Jiuxianju. act wildly!


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