Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 95: Boss Qin is a good man

In fact, Qin Feng had begun to doubt it before. After all, even though Su Xiaoli said he looked good, no one would be so crazy. The main reason was that he felt something wrong with that!

Well, after all, there are many forests when the bird is bigger, and there are still people in this world who die and live for the stars, but Qin Feng doesn't think that there is a problem with that man.

The most important thing is that people's dying and living for idols lasts for a long time, and this man suddenly happened like this, so it made Qin Feng easily think of Su Xiaoli!

"Let's talk about Xiaoli, did you secretly show off charm again?" Qin Feng asked Su Xiaoli as he looked at him.

After all, as I said before, the charm of Su Xiaoli needs to be put away during the Jiuxianju period, and he must not just let people discharge it.

Su Xiaoli also fully agreed to this. After all, she couldn't control her charm power because of her lack of spiritual power, and naturally there was no need to worry about this issue after having Jiuxianju's wine.

Therefore, now Xiaoli Meizhi heard Qin Feng's question, her eyes suddenly became a bit unnatural.

"Eh eh eh, where does the look go? You must have charmed him. What do you think of this picture!" Qin Feng said helplessly, "He is an ordinary person, what can charm you... "

Of course, Su Xiaoli was reluctant to answer such a question, but Boss Qin was asking about it. There was no way, but he had to admit it.

"Boss Qin, in fact, it doesn't blame me for this..." Little Limei said aggrievedly.

I'm not blaming you even after I've discharged it. Don't you blame me, but boss Qin still spread his hands and motioned to the other party to explain in detail.

"I didn't go out to move things that day. The moment I bent down, I felt his gaze..."

Little Limeizhi started to explain, but Qin Feng interrupted it halfway through the explanation.

"Hey wait, you said, I felt his gaze... I remember that many men on the street were looking at you back then..." Qin Feng said there.

He was standing at the door of Jiuxianju, so he could see it clearly. At that time, 35 people were noticed on the street, of which 12 were men, and 11 of them were all staring. Su Xiaoli...

As for the remaining one, it looks almost like Li Zifeng's dress...

Of course, what is being said in such details is naturally to prove that my boss, Qin, never looked at it at the time!

"Boss Qin!" Xiaoli Meizhi looked over inexplicably.

"Well, you continue to say, what happened to him looking at you..." Boss Qin raised his hands and surrendered. After all, he still swept so many eyes...

As for the details of how to do it after sweeping the eighty-nine eyes, don't care about it.

"Boss Qin, our clan has a very precise perception of men. Although so many people are looking at me, only his eyes make me feel uncomfortable!" Su Xiaoli said.

"Then why? Does he have two long..." Qin Feng joked.

Su Xiaoli ignored Qin Feng’s driving, and explained to himself: “I don’t know exactly how it is. This comes from my inherited memory. It’s this kind of look that makes me uncomfortable. Men are not good things..."

Well, in the face of Su Xiaoli's decisive words, Qin Feng didn't know how to refute it, feeling that this mysterious and mysterious thing, you can't say that she is fake.

The thousand-year-old demon foxes are standing in front of you alive, so what else can you talk about?

But here it is clear, why Su Xiaoli would subconsciously throw out a charm, in the final analysis, it was because the other party looked at her that made her uncomfortable.

Of course, by the way, I also took advantage of his boss Qin's hand... There is nothing to say about this. As the owner of the tavern, it is too normal to support the waiter in the tavern, regardless of whether she is a fox or a human!

Qin Feng waved his hand to indicate that this matter would not be mentioned...Everyone was thrown out and there was nothing to mention.

Of course, Boss Qin still has a question, that is why the other party has not come to make trouble in the past ten days, but Boss Qin came after his work on the last day.

But sister paper is unwilling to answer, just forget it, everyone has their own little secret, even Qin Feng himself is the same.

This incident was just a small episode, after the solution, Qin Feng began to prepare to cast the Wanjiu Altar!

In systematic terms, mountain soil is not something that can be melted by mortal flames, so he needs Qin Feng to make flames that are not mortal, such as the real fire of shamisen...

Then... Boss Qin was dumbfounded.

To be honest, he is still very familiar with this kind of fire. After all, he has often seen it in various novels since he was a child, but now he is actually asked to get this thing out. This is simply cheating!

However, in the system, there is no pitfall but more pitfalls, even if it is a pitfall, you have to get it. Therefore, Boss Qin can only complain about these few words. Compared with the temptation of casting a wine jar, this is a trivial matter.

It's just... Standing in the brewery, Qin Feng looked at the wine gourd in front of him and said, "System, are you really sure that this will not affect me?"

The wine gourd was just sent by the system to hold real fire. The ghost knows why wine gourd is used to hold fire. Anyway, this wine gourd is a bit outrageous.

As for the impact Qin Feng said, it was the method the system told him.

Concentrating his spirits and three flavors, coupled with spiritual power, the real fire can be directly made with the help of the system.

Qin Feng was very suspicious at this point. After all, it needed to pump his own energy, what if it was lost!

The system quickly explained this: "The host does not need to worry. The host drinks various spirit wines every day, and the body is extremely powerful, so the extraction will only make the host's body weak for a few days..."

Having said that, what else can I do? The arrow is on the string and I have to look at the huge wine gourd in front of him, bit his eyes and close his eyes: "Pump, pump!"

"Good host, I will start now!" The system's voice sounded, and then Qin Feng felt as if something was leaving his body...

Um? It didn't hurt at all, and... it seemed pretty cool and comfortable, Qin Feng thought with his eyes closed.

Originally, he thought that the act of extracting the spirit and energy would be very painful. After all, as long as it involves "extraction", there is nothing good.

In the end, it didn't hurt at all. On the contrary, it made Qin Feng feel that there was a feeling of ecstasy all over his body...

And with the passage of time, this feeling has become stronger, and the boss Qin who is standing there can't help it...

"Oh...Ah..." Boss Qin closed his eyes. He must be ashamed of his current appearance. The ghost knew that he would feel that way when he extracted his energy!

The feeling is getting stronger and stronger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Feng is also feeling deeper and deeper. He has only one thought now, don't be seen by others, or else you will really lose face.

It’s a pity, sometimes, it’s what you are afraid of. Qin Feng just finished worrying, the door of the brewery was pushed open, and the little limei said as she walked along, “Boss Qin, there’s no wine again, I’ll come. Get some... Boss Qin, are you swollen?"

But Little Limeizhi asked after being silent for three seconds, after all, Qin Feng's appearance really looks a bit... what!

Qin Feng wanted to see the sky, but unfortunately he couldn't do it, so he could only reluctantly say there: "I...oh, I'm fine, nothing...ah, it's fine!"

Su Xiaoli was silent for three seconds again, and then silently closed the door... Boss Qin is such a good person.


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