Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 102: Then get a new bar

Old Man Yan finally drank the wine, his slightly pale face now became ruddy.

Many alcoholics came in at Jiuxianjuli. Some old alcoholics knew Old Man Yan and came over to say hello. Some newcomers didn't know him and were introduced to him by the old alcoholic for a long time.

After all, it is the only one among the drinkers who can meet Boss Qin in front of him. The most important thing is that he can still sit and drink in Jiu Xian Ju in front of him.

What is a big guy? This is a big guy. After all, there are a lot of people who dare to face Boss Qin, but most of them are counseled once, only this one has kept the same.

Lao Yan smiled and nodded at each other. If it passed, it would be impossible, but now they are all about to die. If they still hold the shelf, it will be meaningless.

Qin Feng sat back at the table again and said with a smile: "Old man, you have finished drinking, how about it?"

"Boss Qin's wine is naturally good." Old man Yan said with a smile: "Drink this bowl, I guess there will be a smell of wine on the body when I die."

"In fact, Boss Qin, I didn't tell you before. I have a bad disease. The doctor told me that if I can live for a month, it is considered to be a high incense..." Old man Yan said again, even though he was saying that he was fast. He died, but his face was still calm.

If it was the old man Yan still feeling a little unclear before, but after drinking that bowl of wine, he put everything down, and now the old Yan is really looking down on everything.

Of course, if Qin Feng brought out another kind of fairy wine, it would still be "really fragrant"...

Seeing that Qin Feng seemed to want to persuade him, Old Man Yan smiled again: "Boss Qin is nothing, needless to say. Actually, I have to thank you for speaking of it, so that I can drink such a good drink before I die. liquor!"

"It's just that, I don't have money right now, and I can't pay for your wine..."

Boss Qin's face went dark, but fortunately, he had thought of it beforehand that the old man actually drank a meal of Overlord Wine when he was old.

It's just that, after looking at the indifferent Lao Yan, Qin Feng smiled. It is estimated that Lao Yan's doctor will be beaten again this time. Even if he lives for a month, he will burn a lot of incense?

Are you afraid that you don’t know Xiaoye’s dad, it seems that it is said that he will not survive for a few days, but after drinking Jiuxianju’s wine, he slapped his face every minute...

Although Qin Feng didn't know how the other party got better...

Waved his hand, Old Man Yan was about to say goodbye. There was no need to talk too much with Boss Qin, as long as he meant it.

I guess I'll see you next time, it's behind the coffin, and Lao Yan actually feels a little bit eager to laugh when he thinks so.

"Boss Qin, remember to visit me with a good wine!"

With a cool wave, Lao Yan walked directly to the outside of the pub without any help. He did not seem to be a dying person at all, but Qin Feng estimated that his family probably didn't know that he was coming to Zhongzhou, or he would definitely not agree. .

But when he walked to the door, Old Yan seemed to remember something. He turned his head and said: "Forgot one thing, boss Qin, your new wines are good recently, but there is a little bit too expensive. , It’s best to drink together..."

While talking, he dug a hole for Qin Feng, then patted his **** and left, leaving only the stunned boss Qin...

Standing in the tavern for a long time, Qin Feng was awakened by a voice.

"Then what, boss Qin, look...when will you make new wine? The cheaper one?"

Um? Cheap, can my wine at Dajiu Xianju be cheap? What a joke, Boss Qin almost blurted out. Cheap is impossible to be cheap, and it is impossible to be cheap in this life!

As a result, when he raised his head, he saw a group of drunkards staring at him in Jiuxianju, who had begun to booze like Xue'er.

"Boss Qin, you can make another new wine, really!"

"That's right, Boss Qin, it's been a long time since you have produced any new wines. You can't afford the ones you have produced..."

Well, facing such a large group of people, Boss Qin thought for a while, isn't it just a new kind of wine, simple!

As for it’s not cheap, let’s talk about it, and I’ve been a bit miserable by the system during this period of time, so I just get a new wine out, no need for any spirit wine, just fine wine!

Looking at a group of booing guys, Boss Qin said indifferently: "Since everyone wants new wine, let's have one. Wait, I'll notify you when I'm done!"

Hearing what Boss Qin said, a group of drunks stopped saying anything. Boss Qin's character was not very good, but he never lied about wine.

The business of Jiuxianju began again for a day. Boss Qin sat firmly on the counter, and Su Xiaoli ran around serving wine and food, everything was so harmonious.

But Qin Feng was thinking now, what new wine should he get out?

For Qin Feng, creating Fanjiu is too simple. The key is to attract people.

There are many ideas in my mind, but they all seem to be mediocre, that's it.

Of course, it is also what Qin Feng looked at. If other winemakers had such a good idea, they would have been happy for a long time!

After thinking about it for a long time, there was nothing to do. The day slowly passed. After Su Xiaoli helped clean up the tavern, Qin Feng walked into the brewery.

Since those ideas are insignificant, let’s take a look at your own materials first, make any wine with whatever materials you have, and see if you can get some inspiration...

Huang Zhongli, still castrated version, this stuff is brewing spirit wine, don't need it.

Blood ginseng is said to prolong life, but this thing seems a bit oozing, so forget it.

The Tiger Demon’s stuff... I actually still have this thing when I go, a good thing, keep it for my own future use, hehehe...

Although his boss Qin is very powerful now, and he still has Dragon Snake Wine, after all...this thing is not too much, right.

There was nothing suitable for turning around. At this moment, Qin Feng saw the emerald green leaves in the corner of the big cabinet, smelling of cypress leaves, but they were very big.

If you describe it specifically, it's just like the enlarged version of the leaves, except that the lines on it are glowing with a certain green ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ It makes people feel that this thing is not like a normal thing.

After reading the introduction of the system, I found out that this is called Ling Bai Ye, a kind of Ling Cypress leaves in the fairy world. It is said that they are also occupied by monkeys. The water soaked with this leaf can make their hair more vigorous after drinking!

Qin Feng also understands this. After all, monkeys, even though they have become monsters, their hair still has to look good, just like human hair...Wait, hair?

Qin Feng felt as if he had caught something, hair, hair, if it is white, isn't it all hair...

It's just that humans are now higher animals, so they call hair hair, which means hair on the head...

Think about it again, what is the crisis of middle-aged men? hairline……


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