Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 120: Yuya's helplessness

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At night, Jiuxianju had closed its doors, and of course Boss Qin closed it in advance. Compared with his own task, opening the door for business was a small problem.

Originally, it was more troublesome to get this. After all, you need to have all the equipment, but there is a full set in the bar, so there is no need for Qin Feng to worry about it.

Moreover, all kinds of equipment are the best. Qin Feng has already decided that he will directly move this set of speakers to the door starting tomorrow.

Su Xiaoli can handle all these things. After asking Su Xiaoli to help with recording, Qin Feng turned around and entered the brewery. The hundred pots of cypress wine that he promised to the monkeys was still not there.

In the bar, Yuya looked at the microphone and the lyrics in front of her, and opened her mouth several times, but she still felt she couldn't sing, and she was too ashamed.

"Little raccoon, I can't sing..." Youye reluctantly put down the microphone and looked at Su Xiaoli and said.

Little Limeizhi turned off the music, and smiled bitterly there as well: "I can't help it. Boss Qin wrote this stuff, I feel ashamed when I look at it, let alone rap..."

The two looked at each other, but they couldn't just stay like that. For Su Xiaoli, this was a task given by boss Qin, so everything would have to be done.

After thinking about it, Su Xiaoli still said: "Let's not be stunned, or I will start the music again, you try again?"

After a pause, he said, "I stand farther away this time. If I'm out of your sight, it should be better."

Youye nodded, and that was the only thing she could do. Of course, she didn't notice it at all. When Su Xiaoli was just talking, an invisible wave had quietly entered her body...

When the music rang, it was said that it was music, but in fact it was moving and playing, but it had a strong sense of rhythm and first-rate brainwashing.

Listening to the music, You Ye felt inexplicably that this time it seemed to be very different, she didn't have any shame, and she felt that this song... is so good!

With the music, You Ye immediately began to sing: "Zhongzhou Pedestrian Street is the best pub in Zhongzhou Pedestrian Street..."

Not far from the side, Little Limeizhi showed a smile. She had already known that she had done this directly, and she wasted so much time, but she was worried that her charm would affect her performance.

And now look at it, this effect is like a lever drop...

Su Xiaoli’s charm is not only useful for men. If the fox-monster clan had only this ability, it would have been extinct. Once the true charm is activated, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are a human or not. , Can control you directly, control you through charm!

And now for Youye, Su Xiaoli did not control it, but guided it through his own charm, and found that the effect was not bad.

It didn't take long, and You Ye had finished singing, and immediately saw Su Xiaoli making an "ok" gesture to her, and he was relieved, and finally finished what boss Qin had explained.

Logically speaking, you need to listen to it again after this kind of recording is completed, which is more convenient to check for omissions or re-record if there is a problem.

But it's not necessary here for Su Xiaoli. With her power, it is enough to notice every detail, so after recording this time, she knows that this song is okay.

Everyone said it was unnecessary, so You Ye didn't ask for trouble, and walked out of the bar with Su Xiaoli jokingly.

"Boss Qin! Boss Qin, I'm done!" You Ye shouted to the brewery.

Soon Qin Feng's voice sounded: "It's done? Let Xiaoli take you back. By the way, Xiaoli, you clean up the tavern before leaving..."

After speaking, there was no movement in the brewery, obviously Boss Qin continued to be busy.

Su Xiaoli looked at You Ye and shrugged and said: "This will trouble you to wait a little longer..."

Yuya nodded, although she didn't think that a girl who was younger than herself and much more beautiful than herself could give her away, after all, she had been in society for so many years.

Among other things, there are many kinds of anti-wolf supplies in that bag, otherwise you really think that the salt for so many years is for nothing.

Su Xiaoli started to clean up the tavern there, which is also her job every night.

You Ye was watching. She was originally curious about Su Xiaoli, but now she is even more curious when she sees this scene. The other party does this kind of work every day. What is she doing?

A girl who can be regarded as an overwhelming country, willing to stay in a pub as a waiter?

Is it because of love? Otherwise, there is no other explanation, after all, boss Qin already has a girlfriend, and she is very affectionate.

Shaking his head, You Ye could only force herself not to think about it, but it was a pity for Su Xiaoli...

Finally, after half an hour, Su Xiaoli cleaned up the tavern, and he drew his hand at will and said to Youya: "Let's go, Sister Youya, I will send you back first..."

Sitting in the taxi, Yuya thought and thought, but couldn't help it.

The main reason is that this atmosphere is particularly suitable for chatting. There are only two people, and the taxi master in front pretends to be dumb.

"Little raccoon, you are still so young, haven't you thought about the future? You have been working in Jiuxianju like this?" Youye asked Su Xiaoli while looking at Su Xiaoli.

Su Xiaoli was startled when he heard the words, and a little bit hopeful. When someone met someone who said that he was young, it would be nice if he was really young.

But now, Su Xiaoli can only continue to pretend to be young: "Sister Youye, I think it's good at Jiuxianju. Every day is very happy. Boss Qin is also very good to me..."

Yuya: "..." Boss Qin is inferior to animals, and doesn't understand pity and cherishment at all. A girl like you is actually asked to do rough work every day, soaked in cold water!

Su Xiaoli couldn't say anything, but smiled and didn't talk, making You Ye only sigh.

Everything went well in the evening, and You Ye was sent home, and then she told Su Xiaoli not to go back. So worried about the other party so late, she let her sleep at home for one night.

Little raccoon girl can do nothing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only agree, what can she say, could it be that the taxi driver would not be so behaved tonight, but her heart is surging.

Fortunately, she threw a charm away early, otherwise she wouldn't be calm tonight.

No words for a night...

Early the next morning, You Ye was still sleeping, and Su Xiaoli was already up.

As for whether the sound of getting up will wake up others...just kidding, if a fox demon can't even do this, then he will be a fairy.

After leaving a note for Youye, Su Xiaoli went out and went to Jiuxianju. Boss Qin must be waiting early.

In addition, I told you last night to move the stereo to the entrance of the tavern earlier this morning...

Thinking of the effect of the recording last night, Xiaolimeizhi wanted to laugh. Yuya should have been pitted again this time. The sound recorded by that thing will not change at all. I guess it can be just a little familiar. Hear it out...

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