Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 130: What is generous!

It's night as soon as the time flies. Don't ask me why the time flies so fast. If you stay with three beautiful girls in a hurry, you will feel that time flies faster.

Obviously after three hours, it seems like three seconds have passed by you...

New Year’s Eve, the most important festival of the year in China, is not one of them. It symbolizes reunion and heralds the renewal of Vientiane.

But again, there are some people who cannot reunite with their relatives. What is a home, and is that house a home? No, that kind of spiritual sustenance is home.

At least tonight, Jiuxianju is the home of these four people (monsters).

It was almost seven o'clock, and the hotel delivered the New Year's Eve dinner. It was a big table with all kinds of chicken, duck and fish.

You said you want to eat. How can four people eat so much, and it’s still at night. It’s not like before. People don’t see any meat and fish for a year. Pigs and chickens have been raised for a year just for the New Year. Have a good meal at the time.

In this society, most people don’t like meat anymore. After all, if you go to the vegetable market, the dishes are very fruity and more expensive than meat...

So now the New Year’s Eve dinner is a mood to eat.

In the pub, all the surrounding tables were removed, leaving only one table in the middle. Plates of hot dishes were placed on the table. Because there was no one on the street at night, the boy who delivered the food directly drove the van. The car was delivered in a short time.

When the food is unloaded, he has to leave quickly. The car is still pulling other people's meals. During the New Year, what others need is reunion. He insists on working, the picture is that the salary is much higher than usual.

"Come on, little brother, bring a pot of wine back, and try to be lucky!" Seeing the guy hurried to leave, Qin Feng hurriedly took a pot of wine from the counter, but ordinary Lihuabai handed it over.

The young man was very sincere and accepted the wine without rejecting him. Then he left the tavern. His family was in Zhongzhou. He was so busy that he could go back to have a New Year's Eve dinner with his family after the New Year's Eve dinner.

The food delivery boy left, and the door of Jiuxianju was directly closed. Two sisters, a Chinese paper, a fox demon and a dog all surrounded the table, and then the dog was dragged down by Qin Feng.

"If you dare to come up again, we will stew dog meat tonight!" Boss Qin said indifferently.

"Boss Qin, where's our wine tonight?" She couldn't wait to ask as soon as she sat down. Being treated by boss Qin, she doesn't care about what she eats, it only matters what kind of wine she drinks.

Yuya next to him is old after all...

Yuya: Jiujin, you he will say it again? Who is older? Give you three seconds to think clearly!

Cough cough... After all, You Ye next to you is more reserved, just making a smile there, needless to say Su Xiaoli on the other side, both eyes widened and looked at Qin Feng, just waiting for this meal!

Facing the gaze of the three sisters, Boss Qin smiled slightly, and then took out two pots of wine and four bowls from under the counter, and found a tray and brought it to the table.

Looking at the two pots of wine in front of him, the two sisters were a little stunned. Yuya opened his mouth to talk, but didn't say it.

Because it's really hard to say, could it be said that your boss Qin gave us two pots of wine at a treat? Although you are really picky on weekdays, but today is the Chinese New Year. At any rate, you can get two more pots. It is also good for the four of us to have one pot each...

As for Su Xiaoli, there was already a touch of excitement in her eyes, wouldn't it? Boss Qin really used the wine to drink?

She felt a little unbelievable, but now Boss Qin was obviously joking, so she still sat there without speaking.

Youye was embarrassed to say that Xiao Tan was afraid to say it, only Xueer opened her mouth and said it.

"Boss Qin, this wine is a little bit short. Why are there only two pots? You can get an extra pot even with the cheapest pear white. We don't dislike it, we really don't dislike it..."

Anyway, I am a child, big people think about face, kids just have fun!

Qin Feng wants to see the sky, you still don't dislike it, of course you don't dislike it for a pot of 1,000 yuan, I still can't bear it...

What? What dollar do you need to find? I Qin Feng has opened a tavern for so long, so I have never looked for the "bad habit!"

But on the surface, Boss Qin still smiled and said, "It's not for your consideration, you three girls, drink with me. What if you get drunk if you drink too much, I'm a man..."

"Oh no, we don't worry at all, who is Boss Qin!" Xueer began to swear there: "Boss Qin's character is what we can see. In front of Boss Qin, even Liu Xiahui is ashamed. ..."

"Eh eh eh Xue'er, what are you talking about, what Liu Xiahui!" Qin Feng hurriedly stopped. The first sentence was okay, but when the second sentence came, there was a problem, it is easy to cause misunderstanding...

No kidding, Qin Feng directly uncovered the lids of the two bottles of wine and said: "Well, feel the two bottles of wine for yourself, especially Cher, don't say I'm stingy..."

"I will let you know today, what is generosity!"

Following Qin Feng's actions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, an unspeakable aroma of wine suddenly appeared in the tavern!

Xueer and Youye are okay. Although they have participated in auctions, they don't know the real difference between these wines. It just feels that this wine seems to be more fragrant than the wines I drank before.

But Su Xiaoli is different. As a fox demon, she is most sensitive to spiritual power!

She recognized it as early as when Boss Qin brought the wine, isn't this the fairy wine that Boss Qin used for auction? I didn't expect it to be taken out!

I didn't dare to say it just now, but it's boring to install it now. She drank less than half a pot of this wine before, and she felt that the combined effect of so many spirit wines she had drunk in the past was better.

After all, this is fairy wine, although according to boss Qin's words, most of the power of these fairy wine has been lost, but fairy wine is fairy wine, which is still very fascinating.

It's a pity that the output of these fairy wines is too low, so low that even Su Xiaoli can't drink it.

Boss Qin sells a pot of wine for tens of millions, and Su Xiaoli can’t afford it either...

I just didn't expect it to be an unexpected surprise to be able to drink this wine tonight.

Su Xiaoli was so excited there, Xueer couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter, Brother Qin Feng, is there any difference in this wine?"

The name has changed again... Boss Qin complained to himself, but he didn't need to explain it this time.

Su Xiaoli suppressed and laughed excitedly: "Xue'er, of course this wine is different. This is the wine that boss Qin used for auction. Today, I took out all of it for us to drink."

You don’t need to explain too much. Now everyone at Jiuxianju knows what wine is being auctioned. Xueer and Youye were stunned when they heard this. They breathed a bit shortly when they watched the two hip flasks on the table... …

Boss Qin, is he really willing to take those wine out to drink? Not kidding!

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