Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 147: 108 flavors

It was another cold morning, and I don’t know what happened to this winter. It was much colder than the same period in previous years.

Miss Xue didn’t get up in bed. It’s not that it’s too cold. There is a system. The tavern always maintains the most comfortable temperature. The reason why she can’t get up is because Boss Qin suddenly had a drink yesterday. .

But the two of them were together yesterday. Miss Xue can be sure that Qin Feng absolutely did not drink yesterday. Then the question is, why is this guy so powerful all of a sudden...

I can't think of breaking my head, so Miss Xue can only lie on the bed now.

Boss Qin woke up so early, not only because he had to open the door to pick him up...no, it was to welcome the guests. One of the main reasons was that today is the day that Liuhuxian wine was brewed!

After washing for a while, Qin Feng came to the brewery, and the six huge wine jars flickered slightly. Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and the spiritual power in his body began to check one by one.

There was nothing wrong with the first five altars, but when he reached the sixth altar, Qin Feng's spiritual power didn't have the normal reaction when he entered, and he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

But after thinking about it, I feel calm. Such things as fairy wine do not mean that the process will be successful. Even if the wine fairy comes to brew fairy wine, other than the one created by him, other fairy wine cannot be said. One hundred percent can guarantee success.

After opening the wine jar, the wine fairy gourd inside was taken out. As soon as the cork was removed, Qin Feng immediately smelled an inexplicable smell.

He can’t describe this kind of taste. It’s similar to adding stinky tofu, rotten eggs and old vinegar for a full month of vomiting. The smell is acidic, and the acid smells aftertaste. The smelly acid has a perfect balance here. ...

"Let me take it!" Qin Feng hurriedly closed the cork, and ran out to open the door of Jiuxianju. Why did the dog have such a strange smell? I am making wine and not making vinegar.

Looking left and right, Qin Feng hurriedly put this thing in the corner.

The lethality of this thing was too great, and as soon as it was opened, the entire brewery was full of that kind of smell, and Qin Feng decided to go out and hide before collecting other five jugs of wine.

But when I got to the tavern, I found that it still smelled like this. It doesn't make sense. I can't get out even if the door is open to dry.

Of course, there is no way to dry it. Immortal wine is born, and the fragrance is scented thousands of miles. Although it is not that big because of the limitations of the world, it is also choking. If the product that fails to brew the fairy wine is not lethal, I am sorry for its name...

The year is over. At this moment, the pedestrian street is already full of people. Aunt Wang also got out of her early stall early. Although the work is very hard, she doesn't need to worry about not having guests here.

No matter what you do, you need to have breakfast, so this time, her breakfast stall is already full of people.

At this moment, Aunt Wang was wrapping the buns while looking at the customers at the stall, her eyes were as if the old farmer was looking at the corn that was about to be harvested.

Some people constantly sit down to eat breakfast, and some people keep flashing after eating early. Everything looks so harmonious...

The young smelly teacher, Xiao Xu, was also sitting at the stall to eat breakfast. As a professional smelly teacher, Xiao Xu was most proud of his nose.

Since he was a child, he knew that his nose was very good. How good was it? The male dog raised by the widow of the village head was no match for him!

That's right, I was young and ignorant. Since we all talked about dog-nosed spirits, let's compare and see and win.

Although I learned later that the male dog's nose was broken because he always liked to smell the girls' bodies, but this is not the point, right?

Not to mention now, Xiao Xu always shows off his nose every time he is with his friends.

How to show off? These days, no matter what they are doing, there are some guys who will secretly vent their anger. As the saying goes, it’s a good thing to say that the fart is not smelly or the fart is not sound.

These guys are hiding in the crowd and chatting with you, and then they don't know when they will give you a poisonous gas. The thing is much more violent than the poisonous gas of the alchemist. At least the poison of the old alchemist has no fear effect...

That’s right, it’s the effect of fear. You see, with this breath, instantly centered on it, and people within a radius of three meters hold their noses and run away. It lasts for at least thirty seconds, so powerful. The fear effect, how can anyone block it!

The forehead is far away. Every time this happens, those dear fellows will hide in the crowd and flee together, then fan their noses with their hands, and curse a few words in their mouths, what kind of **** has done...

But with Xiao Xu, it's different. Once something like this happens, it's time for him to show off his strength!

With his nose twitching, Xiao Xu could lock the culprit in just ten seconds. After all, there is only one truth: no matter how strong the wind is, you will always be a little bit stronger than others...

As for whether it feels stinky, Xiao Xu thinks that this is a trivial matter. This stinking is nothing to him. After all, he is a man who has challenged canned herring without falling down...

So it's the same today. Xiao Xu first smelled the peculiar smell, and after five seconds, the other diners changed.

"I'm going, what does it smell!" A dear man who was eating Xiao Long Bao directly covered his nose and shouted.

"Who knows, did you fart secretly!" Another dear friend shouted, looking like a feared existence!

As soon as the words were spoken, someone immediately refuted him. A fat man who looked at more than 300 kilograms shouted there: "How can fart be so smelly, unless that person eats shi..."

It seems that these words are more lethal than the smell. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and instantly I feel like I don’t want to eat.

Aunt Wang is okay. After all, she wears a mask when cooking, but if so, she also feels that the smell is getting stronger and stronger!

Just then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiao Xu stood up!

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, as a professional smelly teacher, I can tell you clearly that this is definitely not the smell of fart!" Xiao Xu said categorically!

I was too sure, and everyone was immediately dissatisfied. Although you are a professional, you can't be so absolute.

Someone objected right now: "Are you so sure?"

"Of course!" Xiao Xu said with a serious face, in his profession, he has always been like this.

"Fart has one hundred and eight flavors, and I know each one very well, and this flavor is not among the 108, so I can be sure, absolutely not!"

Ah...Huh? Everyone looked at each other again, the cold sweat on their faces was indeed professional, but it was a hammer...


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