Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 150: Lucky wine

In Mr. Ma's opinion, Boss Qin is hesitating, but in fact Boss Qin is just bewildered.

And after the end of the dumbfounding, he decisively agreed to the other party's request!

What an international joke, if you don't agree to this condition, you will be a fool.

Although the wine that failed to brew is still valuable, no one knows what it can be. The most important thing is that the wine that failed to brew Qin Feng can't sell it!

Now I actually have to take this dish...Oh no, it's the wine that failed, and I'm still rushing to beg for it, you can't give it!

Then there is no need to say, boss Qin decisively agreed to be ashamed, but the moment he opened his mouth, his words changed...

"Hey, look at Mr. Ma, it's not so good... The wine is actually... Well, what do you think I said..." Boss Qin said hesitantly there.

The so-called life depends on acting skills. The guy on the other side is a very suspicious guy. If his boss Qin agrees too easily, then he might think this thing might not be so good...

Therefore, the promise is still to be promised, but you must make the feeling of half-pushing half-pushing and half-pushing and being ashamed...Why do you feel that something is wrong and the writing is crooked?

Sure enough, Mr. Ma suddenly became anxious and said with a look of eagerness: "Boss Qin, you can't do this. You promised me that we must speak honestly. You see that my wine is brought here..."

The wine was indeed brought here, and a large wine jar was carried in by two strong men, causing a group of people in the tavern to watch. I don't know what the situation is.

Boss Qin always gave wine here, but today I actually brought in wine from the outside. I think it's interesting to think about it. Is there anyone who has a better wine than Boss Qin's?

The people eating melons were watching, and at the counter, after repeated resistance, Boss Qin finally reluctantly followed... Oh no, he agreed.

Mr. Ma looked at Qin Feng with the eyes of a Kaizi, and Qin Feng looked at Mr. Ma with the eyes of a fool, but it was a pity that neither of them dared to show it blatantly.

Seeing Mr. Ma taking away the failed pot of wine with excitement on his face, Boss Qin's face looked like a dead mother. He turned his head and the other side left the tavern. Amidst the surprise of the crowd eating melons, he saw Boss Qin. He rushed out of the counter in a thunderous manner, and picked up the big wine jar that both of them felt dead and heavy and went into the brewery...

Leave a shocked jaw...

"Make a lot of money!" In the brewery, Qin Feng looked at the huge wine jar with a smirk, touched his conscience and said, after doing such a long task, this is the first one to take advantage of him. of……

As for whether the other party will lie to yourself, don't worry at all. The system has already assisted in the detection after the wine jar was brought in. There is absolutely no problem!

Fortunately there is a system, otherwise people will give you half of the wine and some water, how can you judge if you don't take a sip, but based on normal, this thing is not drunk...

But these are not the important points now. Anyway, when the wine is here, it means that it has entered the stomach. Even if Mr. Ma wants to regret it, it is impossible!

I took out several empty jugs, and there was no way to say it systematically. All the wine in it must be finished, or even if the task is not completed.

I was impatient with a scoop, the power of moving the mountain was started, and the arms were supported, and the entire large wine jar was directly hugged, and then poured the slightly yellowed wine slurry into the bowl like pouring water. inside.

Sure enough, it is a wine that has been preserved for thousands of years. The taste of the wine is extremely strong. It is really hard to imagine the wisdom of the ancients. Such a big brother's wine jar can be sealed so well!

Time is the enemy of everything. No matter how advanced the technology is, it is nothing in front of time, but it is really admirable that this jar of wine can be preserved.

Before Miss Xue came back, Qin Feng took out a bowl and started to pour the wine. There is no way, who told himself before that fools would drink this wine, but now...

With the protection of the system for this mission, even if there are any germs in the wine, it will be fine, not to mention that Qin Feng's spiritual power is running in his body now, and he is not afraid of anything.

In fact, since having spiritual power, Qin Feng has not fallen ill.

After a bowl of wine went down, Qin Feng burped, and his faces collapsed. This wine took too long, and a large jar of wine was reduced to such a small amount. In ancient times, wine was brewed instead of Distilled liquor, this thing is also full of energy to drink!

Anyway, I took advantage today. Boss Qin felt that everything was a cloud, and he opened Wu Jiu Wushuang with a wave of his hand...

Outside Jiuxianju, Lao Pang still sat at the early stall and chatted with Aunt Wang, holding a thermos cup in his hand, and sipping mouthfuls.

If it was the morning, then Aunt Wang would have rushed people, but now, there are no guests, so let's talk about it.

Lao Pang couldn't help it, because there was nothing to do. The guy inside called him yesterday, but he said it was the same as if he didn't say it.

Now I can only see if God will help him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, he is ready to wait another ten thousand years.

He knew that Mr. Ma carried the jar of wine in. It was only a thousand-year-old wine, which was nothing in front of him. After all, the wine in the thermos cup in his hand was more than 10,000 years old...

That's right, Lao Pang used a thermos to drink, he drank wine from start to finish...

As a result, that Mr. Ma walked out holding the pot of failed fairy wine!

What a joke about the immortal world, that is the immortal wine that failed to brew. The immortal wine is not just a simple wine, it is a symbol of "Tao" in a certain way!

If the brewing of fairy wine fails, all the effects will be reversed...

In the immortal world, no one dares to touch these failed immortal wines. Even if the spirit of this world does not exist, most of the effects of immortal wine will be lost. However, how powerful a successful immortal wine is, and how terrifying a failed immortal wine is... …

That mortal actually exchanged a pot of wine that was already considered ancient in this world for a pot of immortal wine that failed. Lao Pang felt that he just wanted to look at the sky now, his eyes were so blinding...

But after all, what happened to Lao An...

In the Jiuxianju Brewery, Wushuang Qin Feng has dried up all the wine, took the last sip, and hiccuped the wine with satisfaction again, but he has completed the task.

Oh, yes, what kind of wine is the wine that failed to brew? It looks like Fengyue wine... It's a pity that you said that the wine that is good and good can fail.

But this kind of pity didn't last long, because Qin Feng heard the system prompt sound soon!

"The task of detecting the wine road has been completed!"

"It has been detected that five wine road missions have been completed and five wines have been drunk. The lighthouse lights up. Congratulations to the host. The mission reward ‘Lucky Wine’ has been issued, please check it!"

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