Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 176: Flash blind

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"Boss Qin asked for leave again?" With this question, Lao Wang approached the door, carefully read the content on the piece of paper, and involuntarily read it out.

"Because I'm drunk, I have to take time off? And it's for everyone's health?" Old Wang was stunned.

There is only one thing he can be sure of right now, and that is that Boss Qin is floating again...

With the passage of time, more and more people came to the entrance of the tavern, but without exception, everyone was disappointed.

"Damn boss Qin was actually drunk. He must have brewed good wine again and drank it secretly by himself!" This is Xueer's point of view, which was unanimously agreed by everyone!

"But I have a problem, that is, Boss Qin has already drunk too much, who wrote this request for leave? Don't tell me Boss Qin can write such beautiful words if he drinks too much!" Old Wang pointed out Said with the request for leave at the door.

"Yes, I can see that this word was not written by Boss Qin," said the old man Zhang next to him.

When he was young, he specialized in calligraphy, and he also joined a calligraphy association. Therefore, he still had a certain degree of research on calligraphy. At this time, he saw it at a glance. This leave note was not written by Qin Feng.

"Did Sister Xiaoli write it?" Xue'er asked a little puzzled, but she looked left and right, but Su Xiaoli was not seen.

That's probably what Su Xiaoli wrote. Then...all the people who eat melons looked at the tavern. Su Xiaoli is in the tavern now, and boss Qin is drinking too much...

As the saying goes, thinking about that after drinking, maybe what is going on inside...

A group of drunks glanced at each other and laughed, which is very interesting...

However, in Jiuxianju, boss Qin, who everyone thought was there, was sleeping faint and unconscious, while Su Xiaoli was sitting next to him bored.

She came very early from the previous glance, and then found that the door was not open. This time she didn't hesitate. Su Xiaoli went straight into the room through the wall, and then smelled a smell of alcohol.

It is normal to smell alcohol in a pub, but this smell is a bit special...

When he came to the bedroom, Mr. Qin was sleeping in bed, smelling of alcohol all over his body.

After feeding the hungry Xiao Hei with dog food, Su Xiaoli sat there and waited. She had nothing to do anyway.

If it was someone else, even Bruch's, they would definitely not be able to enter the tavern.

But Su Xiaoli is different. She is a waiter approved by Qin Feng, so she can go directly to the tavern when Qin Feng doesn't know.

Qin Feng slept for eight full hours on this night, and when he woke up, it was already past 12 noon...

Sitting up in a daze, Qin Feng looked around, oh yes, he was on his bed.

He was afraid of one thing when he was drunk. When he fell asleep, he was actually in someone else's bed. That would be cheating.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you are on the bed of sister paper or Han paper. On the bed of sister paper, let alone, you will be hung up and beaten directly. As for the bed of Han paper...

Then you will find the next day that it's easy to get to the tuba by yourself...

Don't worry about these details, Qin Feng has already fallen asleep, after all, his current body has been strengthened by spiritual power.

The wines I drank yesterday were spirit wines. Before that, Qin Feng had never thought that drinking spirit wine would actually get drunk!

After all, the effects of those spirit wines are extraordinary, and even after some spirit wines are drunk, the effect is to make people energetic.

But the personal experience last night proved that wine is wine, no matter what effect it has, you will get drunk if you drink too much...

Sitting on the bed, confused, the bedroom door was pushed open, Su Xiaoli in sportswear appeared in front of him, still holding a bowl in his hand.

"Boss Qin, you're awake, come and have some porridge. You drank too much yesterday!" Xiaoli Meizhi walked over and said with a smile: "The millet porridge I made while pinching time is the most nourishing for my stomach."

Qin Feng had nothing to say now, just like a puppet, he was fed a bowl of porridge by the little fox.

The hot porridge water entered into his abdomen, and accompanied by a hiccup, Qin Feng felt that he finally woke up.

"What time is the little raccoon dog?" Qin Feng stood up and asked casually.

Fortunately, he didn't take off his clothes when he slept, otherwise he would be embarrassed, but Xiaodie wouldn't help him either. It is more likely that all the raised things would be cut off with a single sword...

"Boss Qin, it's already noon, are you hungry now, can't we open the door in the afternoon?" Xiaolimei asked.

I felt it for a while. I am not hungry when I am hungry. The meat is especially anti-hunger when I eat it, and I can’t open the door in the afternoon...

"Forget it, I've asked for leave. What doors are still open. Let's go for a walk in the afternoon. I have something to think about." Qin Feng said while looking at Su Xiaoli.

Su Xiaoli agreed, because she didn't have anything to do if she didn't open the store anyway.

As for Qin Feng, he now needs to sort out the content of the chat with Lao Pang last night. Although he didn't ask about this, and Lao Pang didn't say anything, Qin Feng could sort out some clues from those words.

And these things are very important to Qin Feng now!

Especially the Road to Wine Fairy mentioned by Lao Pang, this is the most important thing for Qin Feng!

Of course, the most important thing is that this month's income is systematic, so there is such a thing as a leave...Everyone knows it in their hearts.

Going to the bathroom, washing and brushing his teeth, Su Xiaoli took him directly to the outside of the pedestrian street.

No way, now there are acquaintances everywhere outside Jiuxianju, if everyone sees him, then boss Qin will just pit him.

Are you drunk? Are you sleeping in a tavern? Why are you hanging around outside now...

Taking Su Xiaoli directly into the taxi, Qin Feng was about to go back to Zhongzhou University for a walk. Only in that playground could he really calm down.

But just as soon as he got into the taxi, the system's voice rang in Qin Feng's consciousness.

"The new task Flash Blind Dog Eye has been released, please go to the task panel to check it by the host!"

Um? Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this, and the new mission was released. It is said that the frequency of missions released by the system during the recent period is a bit high!

But even though he didn't understand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Qin Feng still clicked on the task panel. According to theory, it doesn't matter if he finishes the task now, because he can't become a wine immortal without brewing immortal wine.

But there is a saying that it is good, inclusive of all rivers, the stones of other mountains can be used for jade, and I have seen all kinds of wines, and maybe they will inspire me to some extent.

The name of this mission feels so strange...

Clicking on the task panel and looking at the tasks above, Qin Feng was instantly sluggish.

Task: Blind the dog's eyes!

Mission: In half a month, invite ten couples who are in love to come to the pub to drink.

Task description: The hormones in love are so different, the single dogs in the tavern need to be stimulated!

Task progress: 010

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