Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 184: Man with card

After all, they are students. Although current students also know a lot, Xueer said that we still have to save face. These three are not only students, but also newcomers.

How to describe it, that is to put away the fox's tail for now...

Li Tong nodded there, but soon said a little puzzled: "That guy is fine, the remaining couple, it doesn't seem like they can go to Jiuxianju for a drink..."

That's right, the couple Li Tong mentioned was Lu Zhe and Xiaoxiao. As for how she could tell, this situation is almost like writing on the face of a girl like them.

As soon as they entered the pub, a few sisters could tell that Lu Zhe and Xiaoxiao are lovers, and it seems that the two of them should love deeply...

These are all details. For example, although the two did not hold hands, Xiaoxiao was obviously close to Lu Zhe. When encountering an unfamiliar environment or being nervous or afraid, people would subconsciously approach their closest person.

Hearing Li Tong's words, Xue'er and the three also took a look. It is true that Zhang Hang is okay. It seems that the family conditions are pretty good. If you can come to Jiuxianju for a drink, you can also say that there may be a lot of pocket money.

But Lu Zhe and Xiaoxiao, by looking at the clothes they were wearing, knew that the conditions at home were indeed not very good, so under such circumstances, they actually came to Jiuxianju for a drink?

Of course, you can sometimes make mistakes just by looking at your clothes, after all, there are such guys in Jiuxianju.

Rich, but just like to wear bad clothes.

But what kind of person is Li Tongyin, the beautiful woman, especially the beautiful woman. She started as a small employee in the company and continues to the top of the company, not relying on her beauty!

Regardless of vision, scheming, and methods, they are all first-class among the first-class. The ability to observe words and colors has long been engraved in the bones, even some old rivers and lakes with good acting skills can see it, not to mention that these are just two very immature little ghosts. NS.

Rich and no money, it is completely two concepts that appear outside, like those in Jiuxianju, that is, it is a street stall, and it looks like the richest man when he walks.

Yin Xueqing frowned and said, "I don't know, maybe it was the guy who treated me?"

Xueer spread her hands, saying that she didn't know, this might be the only explanation.

If Zhang Hang knew that he was being misunderstood as a hostess, he would have burst into tears. It's pitiful, but he would like to invite it, but where does the money come from?

His family, his father, ran a small company, and he couldn't rank in Zhongzhou at all. He begged grandpa to tell grandma all day to sign an order. Every penny was earned hard, so he was better than Lu Zhe. It's okay for others, but it's still okay...

But now, the three of them are sitting there, feeling like sitting on pins and needles...

Xiaoxiao raised her head to look at Yin Xueqing and the four of them next to her, and then hurriedly looked away. She found that since the three of them sat down, the beautiful girls next to them were constantly pointing and pointing...

Several times, she thought of just standing up and leaving, but fortunately, her boyfriend was still with him and quietly shook her hand, which made her feel a little relieved.

However, Lu Zhe now feels a little sweaty on his forehead. This situation seems to be something more than he imagined. If he takes out his card for a while and is stared at by everyone...

It took a long time to think about it. In fact, it took less than two minutes to sit down. A nice voice rang around the three of them: "What would the three students want to drink?"

Unlike Zhang Hangxiaoxiao, Lu Zhe has a very deep memory of this voice. When he heard this voice suddenly, he felt very familiar. He turned his head and saw that it was her!

Although it wasn't the first time I saw Su Xiaoli, Zhang Hang was still nervous, but he was ready to order some wine again with a mature appearance.

Xiaoxiao, who was next to her, was a little unhappy, because she saw that her boyfriend was staring at each other after the appearance of this beautiful and embarrassing girl!

My girlfriend is still by your side, so do you think of other girls?

She is indeed much more prettier than me, but you... Xiaoxiao is not happy, so she stretched out her hand and twisted Lu Zhe's waist...

Lu Zhe suddenly reacted to the pain in his waist, and suddenly realized that he was wrong. He wanted to explain to his girlfriend and Su Xiaoli in front of him. He was speechless for a while, his face flushed. .

Xiaolimeizhi naturally saw the other's embarrassment, but it was the guest invited by boss Qin anyway, so she smiled at Xiaoxiao there and said, "Sister, don't screw it, it should be swollen..."

Then he smiled at Lu Zhe and said, "This classmate, we met again, do you still bring the card I gave you?"

When Xiaoxiao heard the previous sentence, she hurriedly moved her hand away, blushing a little bit there, but she didn't expect to be taken seriously by the small movements between the lovers.

And it seems that this is the girl who sent the card that day, no wonder her boyfriend looked at it...

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that just as Xiaolimei’s voice fell, the people eating melons next to him were shocked, huh? There are really cards, so this is the man with the cards?

And more importantly, Boss Qin actually sent a card!

When Lu Zhe heard this, he nodded and said, "Take it with you!"

While talking about Lu Zhe, he took out the card and handed it over, then he was a little embarrassed and said: "That day you said that you only need to take the card to Jiuxianju within a month..."

After all, it’s the student party, and the latter sentence about free drinking still can’t be said.

However, Xiaoli Meizhi said very understandingly: "Of course, you can drink a drink for free, come on, come over with your girlfriend and have a look, pick whatever you want, as long as it's on the wine list!"

"Of course, I also have a kind of wine that is not on the wine list, called Monkey Wine, if you want to drink it."

Zhang Hang was watching all this~www.wuxiaspot.com~All this happened so fast, he didn't react at all, why did the card come true? Didn't the old man say it is absolutely impossible?

And...what kind of monkey wine is this called, why does it sound so familiar...

Wait, isn't this the wine that was sold at a sky-high price?

At this moment, Zhang Hang felt that his heart was about to jump out, that card, could even choose this kind of wine?

One pot is more than one hundred million, how could this boss Qin be so generous!

Let alone other things, his father has made money for a lifetime, and is regarded as a successful person by his relatives in the family. His total net worth does not add up to that much. Now he can sell wine for more than 100 million yuan, and his classmates can actually drink it. !

Thinking about what he said outside today, Zhang Hang suddenly felt a bit unable to look up.

However, he was a little dazed to see Lu Zhe and Xiaoxiao who went to the counter to choose the wine. He also chose an egg, the monkey wine. This is probably the only opportunity in this life!

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