Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 201: Even if it is dead!

   Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chade suddenly felt a little surprised. He shouldn't. He failed, but he has to close the door and smash the sign. If he fails, he just needs to pay and see him called Boss Qin?

   It’s not a condition at all. You don’t need to talk about paying money. It’s all trivial, and it’s not a problem to call him Boss Qin.

   Therefore, even though he was strange in his heart, Richard Li quickly agreed: "No problem, boss Qin, then when can I start, I can't wait."

   The most important thing is that he feels that he will definitely not lose, so he does not hesitate at all.

   Qin Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, you can never worry about drinking, so let's come over the day after tomorrow, and then let's see who will win."

   Not today, have to wait until the day after tomorrow? After thinking about it, Li Chade nodded and said, "Boss Xingqin, I promise you that I will definitely be there the day after tomorrow, and I will also call some of my friends over, I hope Boss Qin will allow it."

  Maybe you have to finish what means in these two days, but Richard has already decided that no matter what happens, he will not say that cool word, but see what your boss Qin can do.

   The reason why I called a few friends over was to prevent boss Qin from not admitting it after losing. After all, in his opinion, the other party is absolutely impossible to win!

   "No problem, then this gentleman, you can go." Qin Feng replied, still smiling.

   Li Chade also smiled and said, "Then ask Boss Qin to be ready to smash your own sign. Even if I die, I won't say that cool word after drinking..."

   Putting down these words, Richard walked out of the tavern with a confident face, feeling that the pedestrian street suddenly became better.

   Of course, he didn't see it. The moment he walked out of the tavern, a group of drinkers in Jiuxianju all smiled inexplicably.

   Alas, there is another young man who is going to be cheated by boss Qin, and bet with him, I am afraid that you don't think you are too comfortable.

   Richard left the tavern and immediately started calling.

   "Hey, Sonny, it's me, there is something on my side, I need you to come over the day after tomorrow..."

   "Um Wanda, it is like this, I have something here, I need your help the day after tomorrow to witness..."

   After making several phone calls in a row, Li Chade was relieved. As long as these friends arrived, I believe that boss Qin absolutely can't go back.

   As for what these friends are capable of, the answer is simple, these are all foreigners...

   There are Americans and Eagles. They are not Chinese anyway. In Richard's view, as long as they are foreigners, they are all fair and upright...

   No matter what others think, he thinks so anyway, how poor the quality of Chinese people, look at other foreigners!

  Qin Feng of Jiuxianjuli naturally didn't know that the guy outside had already started calling for friends. Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care about it, just a few foreigners.

   I don't know if it was a coincidence or what happened. After Richard came in, there was no foreigner in the tavern.

   If it is normal, there are often foreigners in Jiuxianju. After all, now, after foreign stars and reporters come to Jiuxianju to drink, the name Jiuxianju has long been well-known abroad.

  In addition, all kinds of wealthy foreigners came all the way to buy a pot of expensive wine. It would be difficult not to hear about it...

   Of course Qin Feng wouldn't care about this, he said, this must be done.

   Other wines are fine. After drinking, not everyone will say it is cool. After all, Richard is right about this.

   If you don't want to say anything, then you can't force him to shout a cool word.

  The reason why I say this is because of the three pots of spirit wine that is still brewed in the ten thousand wine jar-Yunxiao wine!

  Qin Feng’s master brewer is not a joke. From the brewing process and the brewing materials, the effect of this new wine can be roughly calculated. Of course, it is subject to the current world, so there will be certain errors in the calculation.

   But even if there are errors, it’s fine. Drinking this kind of wine can definitely make people happy!

  According to the time, Yunxiao wine should be brewed tomorrow, but Qin Feng decided to try it himself after the wine is brewed tomorrow, so he set the time on the day after tomorrow.

   That way, even if there is any change in the middle, it can be dealt with in time.

   Jiu Xian Curie talked lively for a while and then began to talk about other things. After all, it can only bring them a moment of happiness. Only when it is the day after tomorrow, it will be in the soul...

   As for the question that boss Qin will fail... Everyone feels that there is no need to talk about it.

   Bet with Boss Qin, that is really an idea that only comes to mind after being kicked by a donkey. Those guys who bet with Boss Qin before, haven't seen each of them and they regret it now.

   In such an atmosphere, time generally flies quickly, Qin Feng opened his eyes, and it was another day.

   Counting the time, got up to wash and put on clothes, and out of the bedroom door, Su Xiaoli happened to have come over earlier with him.

   ate breakfast beautifully, let the little raccoon girl look at the tavern, and went straight into the brewery.

   I don’t care about the huge wine jar with immortal wine. The fastest unfeeling wine is still a few days away. I went directly to the smaller Wanjiu jar, but you can make three pots of spirit wine at a time.

   After counting the time, Qin Feng waited quietly. About five minutes later, he reached out and opened the lid of the wine jar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took out the three wine fairy gourds inside.

   You don’t need to open it, you just need to feel it a little bit to know that Yunxiao wine has been brewed!

   "Look at how cool the wine made with Bliss grass will be." Looking at the wine fairy gourd, Qin Feng muttered to himself there.

   casually moved the stool and sat down, Qin Feng slowly uncovered the cork, and immediately a scent came out of the wine gourd, and Qin Feng felt a little airy when he smelled it...

   Nodded in satisfaction, Qin Feng stopped pouring into the bowl, and just started drinking directly at the wine gourd...

   The taste of wine is smooth, like if it rains and the sky is clear, and it seems like the sun is rising...

   In order to feel the taste of Yunxiao wine, Qin Feng poured the whole pot of wine in one breath, and just put down the wine gourd, before a second, Qin Feng felt like he was floating.

   On weekdays, we often say that we are drifting while drinking, but that is only a description, and now, Qin Feng does feel that he is drifting...

   Although he knew it was still an illusion.

The sensation brought by    spirit wine was too strong, and Qin Feng couldn't help but wanted to suppress it with his spiritual power, just to experience this wine, and forcibly held it back.

   erratic, the body seems to be higher and higher, higher and higher.........


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