Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 203: No matter where you are fat, you are fat

   Of course, Alice wouldn’t bother Li Chade and the others, who were stunned there. She walked straight to the counter and looked at Qin Feng who was a little sluggish with a smile: “What’s the matter with Qin Boss, the old friend didn’t say hello when he came over!”

   Of course, Miss Alice uses Chinese. Since she started at Jiuxianju, she has begun to study Chinese assiduously. Now, at least, daily conversations are no longer a problem.

   Qin Feng finally reacted, looking at Alice in front of him, after thinking about it for three seconds, he didn’t figure out why he was an old friend with this woman...

   But you don’t hit the smiley person with your hand. People say that. If you refuse directly, it seems like you can’t live up to the face...

   So Qin Feng said blankly: "Well, hi..."

   There was silence in Jiuxianju, and all the drinkers were staring at the counter. They were all surprised by Boss Qin’s operation!

   Alice could not laugh or cry: "Boss Qin, are you saying hello?"

   Qin Feng said seriously, "Isn't this a greeting? I said ‘Hi’!"

   It was originally, isn’t this just a greeting, it’s concise, how nice...

   Alice: "..." She felt that she shouldn't come over today.

   But this is not over yet, boss Qin looked Alice up and down there, and then said naturally: "I haven't seen you in a few days, you are actually fat again."

   That’s right, the fat on the waist is called fat, and the fat on the chest can’t be called fat? It's okay!

   Alice rolled her eyes. As expected, Boss Qin is still Boss Qin, and what she says will anger you in minutes.

   But I just finished talking here, Richard and the friends next to him were already full of shock. Looking at this, the boss Qin is not only very familiar with Alice, he is a real old friend!

   The real friends have met, and they will never say hello normally. This is the truth in the truth!

   When the man and the man met, they would definitely punch each other, and then they would spray each other for a while, and the man and the woman met, the normal operation is, say you are getting fat again...

   So it is natural that Li Chade and a few people think Alice is Boss Qin’s best friend, but I didn’t expect it to be Alice, a famous **** actress in the world!

   How could she have such a good relationship with the owner of a tavern like Hua Guo...

   Li Chad felt that his three views seemed to be out of order. Alice is her idol!

   "Okay, Boss Qin, let's talk about something else, but I came here when I heard that you have fun here to watch me, why, is there any excitement today?" Alice said.

   "It's hilarious..." Qin Feng looked at Li Chade and suddenly smiled: "The excitement is that this little brother wants to bet with me. I said he would be happy after drinking my wine, but he doesn't believe it..."

   Hearing that someone was about to bet with Boss Qin, Alice suddenly became interested, turned her head and looked at Richard with excitement, and then said: "That's not bad, then start quickly, I just watched drinking."

   After finishing her words, Alice walked towards the empty space in the tavern, and when she passed by Richard Li, she patted his shoulder with interest: "Young man, dare to bet with Boss Qin, I am optimistic about you!"

   Li Chad: "……"

   Being able to get close to the lover of his dreams may be every man’s dream, but unfortunately, what the goddess said made him only want to look at the sky.

   But now it’s no longer his turn to speak, Sonny next to him was surprised and said: "Look, Lee, even Alice says he is optimistic about you!"

  噗... Richard wants to vomit blood, because this guy also speaks Chinese...

   These few of his friends can speak Chinese, but Wanda is the only one who knows the Chinese culture very well. As for Sonny, he can only speak, and the meaning of some words cannot be understood.

   Like now... he thinks Alice is optimistic about Richard...

  Of course this is not the point. The point is that they just pretended to speak English in front of everyone when they entered the pub, but now...

   Xueer chuckled beside him and said: "Oh, I used to say what we said, I thought I wouldn't!"

Richard looked at Sonny, and the opponent seemed to feel that he had said something wrong, so he quickly spoke in English there, and made Richard roll his eyes. Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. It really is the truth. ...

Qin Feng didn't bother to watch these farce, and after asking Su Xiaoli to give Alice a pot of honey, he immediately took out a pot of Yunxiao wine from under the table and said, "Okay, don't stand there anymore, find a place. Just drink this wine."

   Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chad suddenly recovered, as long as he can win the Qin boss, then everything will come back!

   At that time, I think the goddess will look at me with admiration...

   Thinking of this, Richard wanted to laugh wildly, but thinking that the goddess was still next to him, he quickly held back.

   came to the counter and took the wine and glasses. There was really no room left to look around. Only Alice's table still had a place. When she was struggling, Alice spoke.

   "Come on, just sit here, after all, you are a man who dares to bet with Boss Qin!"

   Everyone has said that if you don’t go there, you will lose face. Richard walked over and sat down, and then prepared to drink.

   pulled out the cork of the wine gourd, and slowly poured the wine gourd into the bowl, and suddenly, the light green wine syrup entered the bowl, accompanied by the refreshing aroma of wine...

   "Hmm! The taste of this wine is so good!" Li Chad hadn't spoken yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ She couldn't help it, and whispered her nose there.

   The old Wang nodded and looked at the wine gourd in Richard's hand, his eyes widened. If he had known Boss Qin that he could drink this new wine...

   Yes, as long as you smell it, Lao Wang will know that this is a new wine. At the very least, he has drunk all the wines in Jiu Xian Ju Li, except for the ones that were auctioned. He is most familiar with the taste of those wines.

   Alice next to Li Chad was also moved. She kept looking over and made Li Chad feel very good.

  Look at the wine in your hand, and smell the taste and you will know that it is a good wine, but since you bet like this, then be prepared to smash your signature...

   gurgle! The wine bowl was picked up and dried in one bite, and a suffocating feeling of comfort spread all over the body!

   No, Li Chade forcibly held back, now absolutely can't yell, especially can't say that cool word.

   After the second bowl of Yunxiao wine, Li Chad only felt that he had floated up, enjoying himself.

   seems to be soaking in a hot spring pool, there are many pairs of tender white hands massaging on her body, how can that feeling be summed up in a cool word!

   Fortunately, I still have persistence in my heart, and I resisted and drank the third bowl of wine.........


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