Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 208: Something is wrong

  Zheng Xiaolong stood at the door of Jiuxianju. He had been standing here for thirty seconds, but he was still in a daze.

   The boss Qin didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly said that he would invite himself to drink another kind of wine. At that time, he said that he felt a little bit too much, and he needed to go back and think about it.

   As a result, I forgot what happened later, I only remember that the taste of the wine is so beautiful that I can't say anything, and the enthusiastic and overly passionate face of boss Qin.

   Boss Qin seems to say something later, the time is too short, and we only fight for the day and night, so there is no need to think about this kind of thing... Oh, yes, what do you want to think about?

   Two minutes later, Zheng Xiaolong realized that it is always bad for him to stand in the door, so he continued to think in his heart as he walked out of the street, what do you want to think about going home?

   After thinking for a long time, I have already walked to the end of the street. I finally remembered it, as if I was going back to think about my relationship with Wang Xiao, and whether I was going to have a showdown with the other party.

   But now... eh wait, why should I just say Wang Xiao, isn’t she my girlfriend?

   It’s just that there is love between boy and girl friends, why don’t I feel at all now?

   I thought for a long time and couldn't understand it. I knew in my heart that I was Wang Xiao's boyfriend, but there was no wave in my heart when I thought of this name. In addition, I drank alcohol before, so my mind is dizzy now.

Beep! The sound of car horns awakened Zheng Xiaolong. He had already walked out of the pedestrian street unknowingly and came to the street outside.

   Three seconds later, Zheng Xiaolong decided not to think about this issue. Anyway, he doesn't feel much now. It's better to go home and sleep directly.

   Originally, he would definitely send a message at this time, telling his girlfriend what he did, but now, he has no plans at all.

   In the tavern, Qin Feng was sitting in the cabinet, and Su Xiaoli said unhappily on the side: "Boss Qin, you actually came to entertain guests with fairy wine again, just don’t give me a sip..."

   Little raccoon girl has a little temper, that's a fairy wine. Boss Qin would rather take it out to invite a man to drink than drink it for himself. Thinking about it, I feel unhappy...

   Qin Feng smiled and said, "Little raccoon, are you sure you really want to drink that kind of wine?"

  Isn’t this nonsense, Su Xiaoli nodded, that’s fairy wine. Ask who doesn’t want to drink it. If those vampires and werewolves know that you take the fairy wine out to entertain guests, they will definitely be mad...

"That kind of wine, it is indeed a fairy wine, but it's called the unfeeling wine!" Qin Feng introduced: "Hearing this name, you should also think of her effect. After drinking it, cut off love and unfeeling! "

   Of course, boss Qin deliberately didn’t say that this wine is only effective for one week in order to exaggerate...

   "What?" Su Xiaoli was shocked: "There is such a perverted fairy wine?"

   The fairy wine shouldn't have all kinds of fairy flavors, how can there be such fairy wine? Are those immortals who make wine have pits in their brains? I’m already immortals, so what kind of feelings do I play all day long...

   The little raccoon girl did not understand the paper very much, but she did not understand it. After knowing the name and effect of the wine, she still didn't catch a cold with the wine.

   But after thinking about it, Su Xiaoli immediately asked: "Then Boss Qin, since this unfeeling wine is so perverted, it won't be a problem for that young man to drink it?"

   "It's okay..." Qin Feng said with a smile: "Young people, always think about love beyond the sky, in fact, it is vulnerable in the face of reality, man, hehe..."

   was talking, here boss Qin’s cell phone rang, it was from Miss Xue’s exclusive ringtone.

   "Hey Lingyun, I'm okay, I just met a young man, I told you, it's interesting, eh, listen to me, it's like this..."

   looked at Boss Qin, who had just finished pretending to be forced, and in a blink of an eye, he used his own personal demonstration of what is love. After being overwhelmed, the little raccoon girl can only spread the paper there and say: "Heh, man..."

   But after Qin Feng finished the phone call, he still told Su Xiaoli the reason, mainly because he could use this week to see what was going on with that girl.

   After all, according to this guy's description, the two met normally when they met, so Qin Feng is not sure now.

This week is for experimentation. With Unfeeling Wine, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Xiaolong to take the initiative to find each other within this week. Then, for that girl, she found that Zheng Xiaolong hadn't contacted herself for so long. Will they take the initiative to contact?

   After all, according to Zheng Xiaolong’s statement, before that, his girlfriend had never actively contacted him...

   If the other party still hasn't actively contacted him after a week, then Qin Feng believes that even if the effect of the unfeeling wine disappears after a week, Zheng Xiaolong should have thoroughly understood that he is no longer the food of others.


   Zheng Xiaolong went home, covered his head and started to fall asleep. It has been so long, this is the first time he has slept so comfortably.

When I got up the next morning, everything was so harmonious. Whether it was eating or working, I was in a good mood. Why did I feel so upset before? It was because my mind was thinking about the other person. Now I don’t want to think of it anymore, and I feel all over my body. easy.

   Originally, no matter how busy I was, I had to post a message, and then waited for the reply with all kinds of anxiously guarding the phone. Every time I saw the other party’s reply, it was the same as the gift.

   I don’t need it now. After I finish my work, the rest of the time is empty.

   After get off work, I have nothing to do. If I was in the past, I would definitely think about calling and sending messages. But now, when I walked to the gym, I suddenly felt that I should go to exercise.

   I used to like fitness before, but since I was with Wang Xiao, I was just abandoned. Looking at my belly, I didn’t know it was already bulging out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  Or, the middle-aged man who seems to be very generous is right. A man should improve himself first. As long as he is good, he will take the initiative to look for things like love.

   Describe Zheng Xiaolong's current mood in one sentence, that is: Being in the cage for a long time, he will return to nature.


   Kyoto, in a second-rate university in Kyoto, it was almost noon in the female dormitory. Wang Xiao was still lying on the bed, but she didn't feel much. After all, the other people in the dormitory were also in bed.

   No way, as long as there is a thrifty person in the dormitory, who wakes up early, the others will not get up too late, but when everyone is too lazy...

   But the reason why they can't afford it now is because they just went out to cheer last night. After all, think about it, graduation is approaching soon, girls are no worse than men.

   went out to drink together, all kinds of sadness, and then all kinds of vomiting to commemorate my dying youth, and finally slept until noon the next day before waking up.

   But even if he woke up, Wang Xiao didn't want to get up, how cool he was on the bed.

   took a look at the phone, swiped the news, looked at the unread messages, Wang Xiao's face suddenly flashed inexplicably, because she didn't see the "that" message! ...


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