Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Come in

The water in the pond dries up, leaving only two helpless fishes. In order to survive, the two fishes spit at each other to moisturize and survive in a difficult environment with the power of each other's Weibo. !

Perhaps the metaphor was too pale, but listening to the old couple in front of him, Qin Feng also slowly realized the power that supported the two of them to go down slowly.

Like many elderly people of this age, the old couple belonged to an arranged marriage when they were young, which is the so-called "parents’ order of the matchmaker". Compared to the past, the two are better, and at least they saw each other before they got married. pass.

At the beginning of this kind of marriage, there is no such thing as love. Perhaps in the eyes of young people now, if they are not looking for the other half by themselves, how can they go on forever?

There is no love at all, it is absolutely impossible to live on, it must be a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days.

However, the old couple has just lived through it. Up to now, they have experienced a series of twists and turns, such as the so-called seven-year itch, the so-called golden wedding...

On the contrary, nowadays, many young people who are pursuing freedom and love often cannot survive within a few years of marriage...

When they first got married, the two did not have much love, but the living environment at the time was very difficult. According to the old man, the most expensive thing in the family when they got married was the black and white TV.

That's it, it was bought by the two people in a joint venture together. When the most difficult time, it really couldn't even eat...

Life is difficult. There is no other way to think of anything else. The two can only help each other, just like this and walk along the way, maybe by now, what exists between them is already family affection.

I heard that the old man’s legs and feet are no longer neat, but after the old lady’s wallet was stolen, he still stood up decisively, just like after she was wronged more than 30 years ago...

Although he was out of breath after only a few steps, even though he was already an elderly man, what about it?

Qin Feng was sitting opposite the old couple, listening to the two men's narration with a serious expression on his face. They were talking very messy. The old man's face would be a little red after drinking a few glasses of wine, and he would boast from time to time.

The old lady was smiling beside her, but she also agreed, making the old man's boasting more and more six.

Although everyone in the tavern could hear that this was bragging, no one interrupted it, just because the mutual cooperation and understanding between the two made the bragging look like it was true.

Maybe they have used such a tacit understanding to overcome one difficulty after another for decades...

The wine was over, and the story of the two was finished. The old lady helped the old man to stand up and said goodbye to Qin Feng.

"Boss Qin, you see, we've finished talking about this..." The old lady looked at Qin Feng, her face a bit cramped.

She saw the wine list at the back when she was just telling the story, and the price on it made her feel dizzy when she looked at it, so she was a little uneasy now, for fear that the boss Qin would collect the money.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, thank you both, if you still want to drink..."

It seemed that the old man's face moved a little, but the old lady hurriedly pulled it, and the old man nodded there.

Then there is nothing to talk about. The old couple walked outside the tavern, leaving only the drunkards with moved faces.

Girls are easy to be sad. This will listen to the story of the old couple. Many sisters have already started to wipe their tears.

Even Xiaolimeizhi is a little touched. Although she has lived for so many years, she is also curious, why can human beings live so wonderfully in just a few decades?

Xueer looked at the door, and sighed there, "I don't know where my Ruyi Langjun is?"

As soon as the voice fell, the sister paper next to it retorted: "Xue'er, what are you looking for in a hurry, you have to know that you are still a child, this is all about adults!"

Xueer: "..." I'm picking up a rock and hitting myself in the foot.

Jiuxianju was plunged into joy again, while Qin Feng silently walked back to the counter. Now he had a lot of feelings in his heart, and he needed to blend these feelings together!

That feeling is colliding and fusing with the brewing knowledge I have learned before, as if a breath of breath is about to gush out of my chest, but it feels like knowledge.

Now I don’t need to be reminded by the system. Qin Feng already knows that his accumulation is still not enough, so this feeling has not been formed yet, and he has not formed his own path to the wine fairy!

But don't worry, there are still nine full invitations for the task of "money to each other". In this case, I have to seize the opportunity of these nine invitations.

After all... the system task invitation does not need to pay for it yourself, hehehe...


The turquoise sky, at a glance, feels that the top of the head is green, it is so green to you.

And under the turquoise sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there are turquoise small rivers and various magical plants growing on the ground.

And beside these plants, there are all kinds of magical animals wandering.

If a person from the fairy world is here, I am afraid it will be directly shocked, because what grows in this world are those very rare fairy plants in the fairy world, and basically all of them can be used for brewing!

Then they will shout out four words: The Secret Realm of Wine!

As one of the most famous secret realm spaces in the fairy world, the secret wine realm has already become a legend. According to legend, there is wine everywhere. The small river flowing up the ground is not a small river, but a fairy wine river...

If Boss Qin heard this, he would definitely refute it directly. Don't talk about wine in that place, there is not even a wine hairpin.

Now, Boss Qin never thought that in the mysterious wine secret realm he seemed to have, there would have been a customer long ago!

Or...not a guest...

Standing on the green earth, Lao Pang felt the top of the green head, his face showed a trace of confusion, but soon disappeared, this secret realm, he entered after all.

"I don't know what Lao An has made this place into..." Lao Pang muttered there, "It's because I came in so forcefully. At first, Xiao Qin would definitely be uncomfortable..."

"But forget it, regardless of this, come in, I believe a few rubs, it will definitely be comfortable..."

After making up his mind, Lao Pang began to wander around in this wine secret territory, with his hands behind his fat body, just like an old farmer inspecting his own cornfield.


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