Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Pleasing to the eye

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Although Boss Qin promised to give Immortal Wine, this must be done on the basis of completing the task.

On the bench in the park, Su Xiaoli was sitting there with his arms on his knees and his face in his hands, thinking about the things that should be solved in his heart.

It doesn't seem difficult to find old couples, but it's more difficult to find the "characteristic" old couples requested by Qin's boss.

She has been on vacation by boss Qin these days, and boss Qin said very clearly that the task is very important, and he can do this job in the tavern in just a few minutes!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoli wanted to roll his eyes. If your boss Qin does it by himself, I will follow your last name!

As the so-called fair ladies, gentlemen are so unrestrained, of course, the description here is a bit unrestrained. There are too many fair ladies on this street, let alone ladies, violent women, hooligan women, quiet women, sports women. NS.

You can't always see the one you like, just go to the sister paper and add WeChat, most men are still guilty and courageous.

This so-called love at first sight is often a matter of face recognition. After all, there is a saying that is good. Your appearance determines whether I want to associate with you, and your connotation determines whether I want to continue to associate with you...

Anyway, just to explain one thing, after Su Xiaoli sat here for five minutes, six people came up to strike up a conversation...

Oh, why are there six? That's because the twin brothers came up in the third minute...

"Don't think about the kids, do you and your dad want pocket money to support me? Go back to your school obediently!"

After breaking the heart of a ignorant boy again with a very lethal sentence, Su Xiaoli was a bit speechless.

Are all the kids so good these days? When I just started high school, I dared to come over and talk to myself. What I meant was that I was handsome...

"Boss Qin is here, am I really old?"

To ask her why she was sitting here early in the morning, the reason is very simple, because she is waiting for the group of square dancers to show up. Anyway, boss Qin also said, it's good to be around 60 years old.

As a girl, Xiaolimei knows better than anyone else. The best way to get a couple is to get a woman. This will not change when she is 60 years old!

It just seems that she came a bit early, so the aunts haven't arrived yet.

After waiting for another five minutes, someone finally came, and there was a big battle. The speakers were put on, and the uniform clothes were cleared. A few children had a little more words, and they were stared at by a group of aunts. You have to **** quickly.

Of course, Su Xiaoli didn't care about this, she was just staring at those aunts, in fact, they said they were aunts, and there were also young and old ones.

Of course, there are still some old men who are also twisting along, so I am not lonely when I grow old, and I dance with dozens of old ladies every day...

However, Su Xiaoli soon discovered a special old man, he should be over sixty years old.

After finishing the work, everyone else went to dance, only he was sitting next to him, wiping his sweat.

There is absolutely no need to think about this, there is definitely something inside, maybe it is the heat that boss Qin wants.

So Su Xiaoli stood up and walked all the way to the dancing crowd.

Facts have proved that pretty girls are the focus of the crowd wherever they go. As the saying goes, when they go up to ninety-nine, when they go down, they are all objects of charm for the little raccoon girl, regardless of gender.

No, they used to dance well and neatly in the square, but as soon as Su Xiaoli walked over, he jumped into a mess...

Fortunately, there should be a leader of the dancing aunts. After looking back a few times, many people quickly withdrew their gazes and began to dance seriously.

And at this moment, Su Xiaoli also saw it, and the uncle looked at the team leader aunt!

Su Xiaoli smiled slightly, and went straight to the old man who was watching the dance without blinking.

"Uncle, I saw you came here early in the morning to get busy, why don't you go in and jump for a while?"

Um? Li Youcai has been busy for a long time, and he was watching the wonderful scene there. He was startled when he heard such a sentence, but when he turned his head and found that it was a beautiful and incompetent girl, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Hey, I don't know how to jump here. I will be laughed at when I go up." Li Youcai looked at Su Xiaoli, then quickly retracted his gaze, because he thought this girl was really too beautiful, and he couldn't take a second look. came back.

He Li Youcai dared to swear that he has lived for sixty-three years, and it is the first time he has seen such a beautiful girl. The stars seen on TV are no better than her!

Facts once again proved that good-looking girls are popular wherever they go, and Li Youcai soon chatted with Su Xiaoli.

After a few short conversations with the parents, Su Xiaoli asked like a curious baby: "Uncle Li, the one who leads the dance is your wife, right? How did you know each other?"

These words were tickling Li Youcai's itches, thinking that in fact, he was not successful in this life. It can only be said that he has struggled for a whole life, and he has no worries about food and clothing.

But the most proud thing in this life is not to buy a house or to mention a car, but to make the best-looking girl recognized in the grade at that time into his own wife...

"Look at her, she is old now. When we were in school, I didn't know how many people liked her in the whole grade, and how many people confessed to her. In the end, it was not taken by me!" Li Youcai Said smugly.

"I heard that there were people from other schools who came to chase her..."

This seems to be a bit bragging~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At least from the knowledge that Su Xiaoli has lived for so long, this is indeed the case.

After all, this uncle is already more than sixty. The school was not so open at all when he went to school. Don't say you chase me and I chase you. Even chatting occasionally can be treated as a puppy love...

But she didn't puncture, just listening with a smile on her face, like a real curious baby.

It made the men next to him who wanted to come over and strike up a conversation at a loss. They could only stare at this side, killing Li Youcai a hundred times in his heart...

Li Youcai is bragging, but when he looks at Su Xiaoli next to him, he feels a bit too much. After all, he knows that his wife, no matter how good-looking she was when she was young, is no better than the little girl next to her.

So soon he changed the subject, not talking about how nice his wife is, but about how the two got together...

As for why Pingshui met and talked about such a secret topic, Li Youcai himself didn't know, anyway, he felt that looking at the opposite girl was particularly pleasing to the eye, and he didn't know why...

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