Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 126: 1 language to punish the heart

After thinking for three seconds, I finally remembered that I still have a little fox. Boss Qin coughed and asked: "Little raccoon, have you really sent out all the ten cards? And it is guaranteed that they are the ones I need. ?"

   The little raccoon smiled and said: "Of course it is, boss Qin, don't worry if I do things, when have I let you down?"

   Qin Feng thought about it carefully, this is not true. Although the little fox looks beautiful, he does his housework well!

   "Very well, come, this wine is for you!" He took out a third pot of fairy wine from the counter and handed it to Su Xiaoli.

   This is already divided. After all, I promised sister paper that as long as she can complete the task, she will give a glass of fairy wine to drink. The pot in this shop is large, and one cup is considered a bowl.

   The little raccoon girl took the fairy wine happily. She was happy there, and suddenly discovered something was wrong. When did the vampire come?

   is about to ask, Vivienne here is already looking very enthusiastic. Seeing that Qin’s boss is such a good waiter, why go back, and participate in a Mao auction.

   "Boss Qin, I suddenly felt that I could actually be your waiter, really!" Vivian suddenly turned to Qin Feng and said.

Clam? Qin Feng was stunned, what happened to this vampire girl today, why is it suddenly serving me...

   But it is not his turn to speak, the little fox is already upset, and I haven't come back for three days because of him. There is a Humeizi in this family who dared to grab the business of the old lady!

But after all, I knew Vivian before, so Su Xiaoli just pretended to be there and said casually: "Boss Qin, it's okay now. I'm going to work. Look, I haven't been in the tavern for the past three days. It just became messy..."

  Vivian: "..." It's all yours, it's all yours, I can just grab it.

   And Boss Qin, already hiding aside and pretending to be stupid, the two women...oh no, the quarrel between the two female elves, the high-level quarrel, he still doesn't mix things up.

   With the help of Su Xiaoli, the new task is much easier for him. He just needs to stay in the tavern every day and wait for the old couples to come. Therefore, Qin Feng felt a little boring for a while.

   Fortunately, these old couples didn't make people wait too much. On the afternoon of Su Xiaoli's return, the first old couple had already arrived with a card.

   Standing at the door of Jiuxianju, Li Youcai and Yang Xiaohong hesitated for a long time before they walked in. Without him, it was really the son and daughter-in-law who told them too much.

   The cheapest wine in this tavern costs thousands of dollars, and the most expensive wine in this tavern can buy a few apartments in Kyoto. It sounds unclear to me.

   As for Li Youde's words, they are all hearsay, anyway, there are many rumors about Jiuxianju.

   But one thing is certain, that is, this Jiuxianju is the highest-end and top-notch tavern!

   Because of this, Li Youcai and his wife would hesitate. After all, they have not made any higher consumption in their lives. The highest consumption is to buy a house for their son...

   After entering the tavern, I discovered that the owner of Qin is still very good, at least not as indifferent as the rumors.

   "Come, come, please sit down, welcome to Jiuxianju!" Boss Qin is of course very polite. After all, this is the progress of the task. In his eyes, the progress of the task is different from that of the guests.

   The kind of guest creature, it would be nice to be able to say "um", but the progress of the task can be treated well, not to mention that it also involves the way of the wine fairy.

   Boss Qin is working hard to entertain Li Youcai and his wife and listening to their life experiences, but in the United States at this time, Miss Xue is lying bored on the bed.

   It's already night, but Miss Xue couldn't sleep at all because she was busy with essays recently.

   This is like the last stumbling block in the postgraduate stage, and it is the biggest obstacle. Miss Xue feels almost crazy for her thesis.

   Of course, I can’t fall asleep mainly because I drank sober wine before...

   I was sleepy when I was writing my thesis, and I wanted to drink to refresh myself, but when I drank it, I was not sleepy when I went to bed.

   Her heart was overwhelmed, Miss Xue sat up, ready to continue writing the paper, she couldn't sleep anyway.

   But at the moment I sat up, it seemed that I got up too fast. I suddenly felt dizzy. Before I could react, she turned around. Miss Xue lay directly on the bed and lost consciousness.

   But it can’t be said that she has lost her consciousness. Miss Xue looked at the green sky and grass, and all kinds of inexplicable things, with a dazed expression.

   I just got up, why did I come to such a place...

  If it was Miss Xue from the past, she might scream twice, but since she knew something about Qin Feng, she had come into contact with a lot of things, plus she was already bold enough, so she calmed down quickly.

   Look around, everything is so lifelike, stretch out your hand to grab a handful of grass, put it in front of your eyes, look carefully, it's really real!

   "How about it, isn't it unusual here?" A gentle voice rang in her ears, Miss Xue turned her head fiercely, but she couldn't see anyone at all.

"You don't need to find Miss Xue. Since I can get you here silently, it's easy to hide myself. Relax, I'm not malicious, I just want to chat with you..." That gentle one The voice continued.

  Ms. Xue was startled when she heard the words, then she smiled on her face, and sat directly on the ground, smiling: "Then tell me, I just happened to be so busy lately, it would be great to change my mind!"

   She knows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is impossible for her and her family to provoke such an inexplicable guy, so the reason can only come from Qin Feng.

   And since the other party only talked, let's talk. Anyway, she doesn't know much, just talk.

   Sure enough, this voice confirmed Miss Xue's thoughts as soon as she spoke!

   "Miss Xue, you treat your boyfriend...oh no, it should be your fiance now, what do you think of your fiance Qin Feng?"

   What do I think of Xiao Qinzi? Miss Xue quickly replied: "I can't say this, I think everything about him is perfect in my heart...what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

   However, Miss Xue suddenly heard that voice coughing violently in the middle of speaking, and she was a little puzzled.

   "Nothing, please continue..." The gentle voice seemed a bit... speechless.

   Miss Xue shrugged and continued: "He must be perfect in my heart. Although I don't know how he made those wines, I have already identified him in my life anyway..."

   This time, Miss Xue was interrupted by a gentle voice before she finished her words!

   "What if Qin Feng doesn't have these wines, he is a pauper, do you still recognize him?" The gentle voice slammed his heart!


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