Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 132: Su Xiaoli

   Jiuxianju’s days are like this every day, calm and pleasant. At the very least, Qin Feng feels that it’s really rare for a man in his twenties to live so peacefully.

   After all, it is not good to be too calm. As a young man physically and psychologically, Qin Feng feels that his life cannot be like a stagnant pool.

   After thinking about it for five minutes, Qin Feng finally found the reason, Jiuxianju lacked its hostess!

   It must be so, but Miss Xue is still a few months away from completing the thesis, and he is not good at urging the other party.

  Qin Feng can be sure that Miss Xue of his family is definitely writing at the fastest speed. This is the case. When I received the video last time, sister paper had already complained to him for a long time and said that she wanted to drop her paper and come back...

   Haoyitong's persuasion was finally persuaded. After all, I have taken the ninety-nine steps, and I am shivering now. If I come back, it won't be a waste of all previous efforts.

   Of course, this is just to vent to my lover. After all, we usually have too much pressure, and only our relatives and lovers can vent.

   But Qin Feng also promised her that she must go to the U.S. for a visit after a while, and the other sisters also need his comfort, the kind of personal comfort, what's the meaning behind the video.

The brewing process of    Lingxiang wine is so cumbersome, but the time has not changed, it is still a month, or it can be said that it is probably because of the reasons of this world that all the fairy wines are brewed in a month.

  唔...So this is actually the blame for this turbulent world, it can't be pulled out, it's not constipation, it's because the gravity of this world is not strong enough!

   One month passed slowly, and Qin Feng repeated the same thing every day, rushing into the brewery like chicken blood, and then slumped and sweating, being helped out by the little raccoon girl.

   really did go in vertically, or come out vertically...

   And the system seemed to encourage Qin Feng to do more of these things. This month was a blank period, and no task was issued.

Time finally came to the twenty-ninth day, Qin Feng stood in the brewery, looking at the "sachet" in front of him, his eyes were full of emotion. This should be regarded as the most troublesome brewing since he inherited the system. It's drunk.

   "Even if I die of thirst after Qin Feng, even if I die of starvation, I will never make this kind of wine again!" Boss Qin shouted to the huge, skinless "sachet".

   After shouting, I feel relaxed, I will go back to sleep, anyway, I have already vowed, no matter how attractive the wine is, it will not be brewed anymore.

  Zhongzhou City is still at night, but it will be daytime in the United States, but the old man Sund doesn't care about all this. He has been flying with Terry for a few hours, and he will be able to reach Zhongzhou in eight or nine hours.

   It’s just that even though he is already on the road, Terry is still not very happy, because he didn’t put the boss Qin in his mind, even though the old man Sende had been talking about it for a long time.

   "Oh Terry, you young people, why are you so rigid, even this old man of me is more open than you!" Old man Sende said helplessly.

   "The identity is just an identity. If you are hungry, you must eat, and you must drink water if you are thirsty. If you are sleepy, you need to sleep. Why are you so attached to this identity?"

   "Forget it, since you don't want to go like this, then I'll make a bet with you!"

   Hearing that Old Man Sund was about to bet with himself, Terry became interested and asked, "Oh? A bet? How are you going to bet with me?"

  The old man Sende smiled slightly: "Let’s bet on Boss Qin’s wine. I think it can impress you. If Boss Qin’s wine does not convince you, then I will give you all the whiskeys in the cellar of the Sende family!"

   At first thought it was just ordinary play, but I didn’t expect the old man to play such a big game. Terry was obviously moved. Looking at the old man Sund, his breathing was rapid!

   "Master, what you said is true? If boss Qin's wine can't convince me, you will give me all the whiskey of the Sender family?"

   This is not an ordinary bet. The Terry family and the Sund family have been close for so many years. He knows better than anyone the value of those whiskeys that were understated from the old Sund's mouth!

   It can be said unceremoniously that this batch of wine from the Sende family can directly bring his Terry family's business back to life!

   Therefore, this couldn't help but he was not moved. It was just that he was wondering whether the old man would be joking or laughing. Although the Sender family didn't value these wines much, it had such a great value.

   "Of course it's true, when did you see me telling lies?" Old man Sende still smiled and said.

   "Then I..." Terry just wanted to agree directly, but was interrupted by the old man Sund.

   "Don't you listen to the conditions if you fail?"

   Terry was taken aback when he heard the words, but he still smiled: "Then old man, tell me the conditions if I lose."

   "It's actually very simple!" The old man Sund smiled and said, "If you lose, you can just give me the bottles of wine that your family collects. You know which bottles I'm talking about!"

   How could a family that specializes in making wine and selling wine and sanitation doesn’t have anything at the bottom of the box? Just know him from Terry

   An inexplicable trace flashed across Terry's face, the old man is here for real!

   "Of course, I know which bottles it is, but you are always worried about this. Well, I promise, as long as I lose, those bottles of wine will be sent to you!"


   The weekend is always different from the week, at least in Qin Feng's opinion.

   For example, today, today is a weekend, and it is a weekend with good weather. There are a lot of drunks sitting in the tavern early. Qin Feng feels that it is becoming a custom to go to the tavern every week.

   Unexpectedly, the bar opposite actually opened, but it wasn't the kid who opened it, but someone took it.

If you think about it, everything has been decorated. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com even hired the waiters. As a result, the boss killed himself and the bar had to be transferred. This must be taken by someone, and it is almost possible to start with the key. Open.

   But what many drinkers actually like is the atmosphere of Jiuxianju, with a bowl of wine in their hands, let everyone, and then have two sips, and then they can start bragging and chatting with everyone.

   With the spirit of fine wine, all kinds of strangers can chat together. Every day I wear a mask at the company and live at the work unit. Finally, there is such a place where I can temporarily take off my mask. I feel happy to think about it.

   In addition, now boss Qin allowed some wine to be brought out, so everyone thought. Simply develop that bar into a second base area.

   So there was such a scene on the pedestrian street. Many people went to Jiuxianju to buy alcohol, and then took them to the bar to drink.

   More importantly, the boss actually doesn't care about this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if you drink yours casually.

   At first, everyone thought that if the boss objected, they would directly attack him, but later on, I always came to take a seat and drink Xianju’s wine, I was a little embarrassed...

   asked the waiters, the waiters just laughed there and didn't say who the boss was, and then everyone was dumbfounded.

   Of course, if they knew that the owner of this bar became Su Xiaoli, they would be even more daunted.


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