Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 138: I apologized

   The old man Sende was still there waiting for Qin Feng's reply, but... five minutes passed, the boss Qin on the opposite side still looked at him sincerely.

  Yes, it's really sincere. The eyes are full of drama. The little raccoon girl next to me is standing there in a daze. It seems that I have been an actor. How do you feel that Boss Qin is more professional than me!

  The old man Sende was a little dazed. What is the situation? According to the normal plot, you apologized to me, shouldn't you give me some compensation, why are you looking at me like this?

   It's not just that the old man Sende is a little dazed, the surrounding people who eat melons are also dull-eyed, why don't you stop Qin boss, shouldn't this situation make him to death?

   Eight minutes passed. It was a long time. Old man Sund felt that he couldn't watch that way anymore. It would be shameful if he kept waiting.

   It doesn't matter if he is embarrassed, after all, he is this age, but outside, he represents the Sender family!

   So the old man Sende asked: "Then Boss Qin... and then?"

   After all, this is the case. He can't directly say that boss Qin will compensate you for it. Face is always needed.

   Then... I saw boss Qin’s sincere face full of surprise: "Then...what? I have already apologized to you, and it is the most sincere. I don’t believe you look at my eyes!"

  In an instant, the old man Sund was taken into the ditch: "Oh, you are indeed very sincere...Wait, what do you think you are doing as a god? What I am asking now is, next...nothing?"

   He was surprised, and Boss Qin’s face was even more surprised: "What else, I have already apologized so sincerely!"

   This time the old man Sund was really taken aback, and he blurted out: "You shouldn't...oh it's okay, it's okay..."

But it was only halfway through the words that he woke up. Boss Qin wanted to cheat himself. If he really said this sentence, it will be over. It is estimated that it will spread to the US tomorrow, saying what the patriarch of the Sende family actually thought. To take advantage of an oriental kid...

   The people who eat melon looked at each other, and it took a long time to realize that Boss Qin seemed to be finished...

   And what he said now is more clever, not as direct as in the past, but it can leave you speechless.

   So I will try to provoke him less in the future, but this old gentleman is still very courageous. At least he can face boss Qin and he is also a warrior...

"It's okay, then you sit down and call out if you have any wine you need...little raccoon is all right, I'm a little busy now." The surprise on Boss Qin's face instantly disappeared, and he became expressionless again, and walked straight back. counter.

Terry next to him watched the excitement for a long time. There was nothing wrong with it. But when he heard this, he didn’t know what was wrong. He opened his mouth and said, "Boss Qin, you are the boss of Jiuxianju. We are now Guest, as the boss, is there anything more important than entertaining guests?"

  Terry is now basically affirming the winemaking skills of the owner of Qin. Apart from anything else, their family can't resist the wine whose aroma can change several times just now.

   And let alone their family, even if you use those secret whiskeys of the Sund family, it will not work.

   Because according to the words of the old man Sende, the wine at Jiuxianju doesn’t taste like what can be made in this world!

   It’s just that Terry still doesn’t know. The old man Sende didn’t say one more thing, that is, Jiuxianju’s wine doesn’t even look like a human can brew, because the wine is so perfect!

  The old man Sende has only drunk Fanjiu, but even if it is Fanjiu, he doesn't feel like it can be brewed by humans.

   Because winemaking is a matter of luck, even if you didn't make any mistakes when brewing, the wine still tastes wrong.

  Because it has something to do with the brewing materials and the weather at the time of brewing...

   And Jiuxianju's wine, Fanjiu, he has also entrusted people to buy a lot of wine over the years, and then discovered that the quality of these wines has not changed from start to finish!

   Attention, it's not that there is probably no change, but there is no change at all, it is still so perfect...

   Terry didn't know this, of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't believe it. It's not a human being, is it a god?

   The reason why I said this to Qin Feng was simply because this kid was not pleasing to the eyes, and there was no other reason.

   Qin Feng heard this, looked back at Terry, and replied: "As the owner of Jiuxianju, it is of course important to entertain guests, but there are things that are more important than entertaining guests!"

   Terry didn't expect Qin Feng to refute him. In business, isn't selling things the most important thing?

   The expression on Terry's face was even more inexplicable at the moment: "Oh? Then I don't know what else is more important than entertaining guests in the eyes of boss Qin?"

   Say it, just say it, I don’t believe you, after you say it, these drinkers of yours will not have any grudges!

  He believes that Jiuxianju’s wine is so expensive. The quality of the wine is one aspect, but the service is also important. Sometimes, when you go to eat and drink, the quality of service is actually much more expensive than what you eat!

  Qin Feng of course heard this, he actually wanted to provoke the relationship between me and the alcoholics, hehe, I go up to talk about the dog alcoholic, and then they scold my dog ​​boss, and they will still come to drink tomorrow. Believe it or not...

   But I can only think about this in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the surface, Boss Qin still cares about the relationship with the drinkers, such as now.

Looking at Terry, Qin Feng said again: "Of course drinking is more important than entertaining guests. I am a brewer. Drinking must be more important. For guests, it’s just like entertaining or not? Why tip me more..."

After a pause, Qin Feng picked up the hip flask on the counter, pointed it at the golden cup next to him, and said as he began to pour the wine, "For example, now, this new wine is brewed and it's incredibly fragrant, then I Naturally, drinking more than entertaining guests. It’s such a simple truth..."

   "Everyone, I'll drink it first, this wine is so fragrant!"

   Boss Qin dropped these words and immediately prepared to drink the spirit wine.

   The system prompt is really good, this golden cup and Lingxiang wine are really the best match!

   The crystal clear and sticky feeling is combined with pink, and matched with a gold cup, it looks like a lake of agate is as magical!

   Not to mention the aroma, color and smell of the wine that can change several times after the smell, and then think about the taste after drinking this wine...

   I can't think about it anymore, I'm drooling when I think about it again...

   The happy melon-eating people who had been watching the excitement next to them were suddenly dumbfounded...


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