Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 150: Theorem

   Either there is something to say, a person is poor and short in ambition. If this person doesn't have a big pocket, his ambition will be gone.

At least Shen Linfeng is like this now. He failed to start his own business, the company went bankrupt, and he was still in debt. He could just throw a puff of cigarette in front of Qin Feng and yelled at him, but he waited for someone to leave. Still have to pick it up...

   Because if I don’t pick it up, I don’t have any cigarettes. I only have a little money left in my pocket. I don’t have enough to eat, let alone buy cigarettes.

   But at this moment, in this mood, there are only two things that can numb yourself, one is cigarettes, and the other is alcohol. Of course, there should be a third kind, women...

   Shen Linfeng has no money, so he can only smoke now, not to say that there is no way out, at least he can go home.

   But the life experience from childhood to adulthood makes him go home now, which is more painful than killing him.

   A person who has lived in the praise of others for more than 20 years, and even the parents of the neighbor’s family now teach their children to follow him as a role model. Look at the children of the old Shen family, how amazing!

   People have studied well since they were young. Now that they have graduated from college, they start their own companies and become their own bosses. What is a role model? This is a role model!

   As a result, if you go home and others find that his role model has failed to start a business now, let alone the scenery, the debts you have on your back have to be paid back by the family's bankruptcy. What will everyone think of yourself...

   In a word, children like Shen Linfeng have carried too many things since childhood, so that in the back, he himself already thinks that these are what he should carry...

  Perhaps no one would say that after returning home, but Shen Linfeng was unwilling to go back. He swore that he would return home in good shape when he returned home. It is absolutely impossible to go back so sullenly now...

   can't go back, then no matter what the difficulty is, you can only face it by yourself. For example, now, picking up the cigarette from the ground, Shen Linfeng just wiped the filter a little, and then held it in his mouth without hesitation.

   smoking a cigarette in his mouth, after just venting with Qin Feng, he slowly began to think about his next path.

   After all, being arrogant is arrogance, but being arrogant cannot be used for food. No matter how good it was in the past, the problem before us is very serious. Needless to say, the problem of owing money is the most serious problem of eating.

   The more I think about it, the more I feel upset. This is normal. The past excellence can only represent the past. In fact, he is just a young man in his twenties, and his mind has not yet reached the point of indomitable.

   People are irritable not only want to smoke, but also want to drink. Although everyone knows that drinking alcohol is more worrying, but you see now, there are still so many people drinking alcohol every day...

   They don’t know if the problem is still going on when they wake up tomorrow? No, they know it better than anyone else!

   But why do they still do this? It's because only when they are drunk for a short time can they temporarily forget their worries...

   Qin Feng's words kept ringing in Shen Linfeng's mind. Although he didn't want to admit it, after calming down, he still felt that Qin Feng's words were okay, and he really needed to drink a little.

   It’s just that... you need money to drink, and Shen Linfeng has no money at all now...

As a result, Shen Linfeng's eyes fell on the black card on the ground. It seems that Qin Feng said before that as long as he takes this thing to Jiuxianju within a month, he can drink one drink for free... …

   Jiu Xianju’s wine is very expensive, he knows this very well, but this is not the point. The point is that you can drink one time for free and get drunk one time for free. This is a great temptation for Shen Linfeng now!

   Bend down, Shen Linfeng's hand slowly touched the card on the ground, as if he had touched the devil in his heart...


   In the taxi, Qin Feng looked at the scenery outside, and the expression on his face seemed to have a trace of pride.

   Just after dropping the card, he and Su Xiaoli left the Pioneer Park together. Regardless of the short time, the place has already left a very deep impression on Qin Feng.

   Such as that aunt, such as his old classmate Shen Linfeng, only if you succeed, you can stand on the podium and tell everyone how I was back then.

I started with a hundred dollars back then. I started with ten tea eggs. Because I succeeded, they all became chicken soup. So everyone only saw their success, but ignored it. Under their feet, that one Batch after batch of entrepreneurial failures...

Su Xiaoli next to    was a little strange: "Boss, didn't your classmate say that even if you starve to death, you won't come to your Jiuxianju to drink, so why did you leave the card there?"

   "Isn't that a waste..."

Qin Feng turned around when he heard the words, and looked at Su Xiaoli’s bright face and smiled: "Little raccoon, you have been obsessed with buying clothes recently, so you didn’t go online very much. The big law!"

"The three laws?" Su Xiaoli's face was a little confused: "I know what Newton's Three Laws are. I saw him when he was smashed by an apple, but what the **** are these three new laws? ?"

   I saw it... Well, boss Qin decided not to discuss these topics with Su Xiaoli.

   "Ahem, you don't care about the others, even the other two theorems, let's just say this true fragrance theorem!" Qin Feng said there.

"This true fragrance theorem was summed up by a well-known person surnamed Wang on the Internet through personal practice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is said that no human beings can escape the true fragrance theorem... Oh, you are not a human, so you should not be like this... …" Qin Feng said while looking at Su Xiaoli.

   Little raccoon girl paper: "..." You are not human, your whole family is not human!

   "This true fragrance theorem is like this, let me talk about it carefully..."

   Then Qin Feng began to carefully explain the true fragrance theorem there. From being discovered to the Internet sensation, he talked about it one by one. Su Xiaoli who listened to it was stunned, and it seemed that what he said... it seemed very reasonable!

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng said: "So, don't look at what my old classmate said so categorically, that even if you die, you won't go to Jiuxianju. According to the theorem of Zhenxiang, the harder he says, the more likely it is in the end. go……"

   "So I just put the card there. If people want to go, if they don’t have a card, it’s a pit..."

   Su Xiaoli curled his lips and said: "Boss, I think this true fragrance theorem is a bit general. There will definitely be some determined people who won't be like this, so it shouldn't be regarded as a theorem..."

   "Oh? For example..." Qin Feng asked, looking at Su Xiaoli.

   "For example, I, I am very determined, it is absolutely impossible to do that!" Xiaoli Meizhi patted her pair of C's and shouted there.


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