Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 153: Boss Qin, are you the devil?

  Well, Miss Xue is actually quite gossip, although this gossip may have something to do with herself.

   Qin Feng smiled there and said, "Several years have passed. I guess that guy still misses you. If it wasn't for you, I think he would definitely not remember me."

   Miss Xue laughed loudly: "That can't be said, who knows, if that student Shen is interested in you, anything is possible these days..."

   Qin Feng Kuang Khan, the wife of my own family is now more and more unrestrained in her words. Before she got the marriage certificate, she was a little reserved no matter what she said and did. After she got the certificate, she let herself go.

   Now that he even dared to make a joke about his husband, Boss Qin looked at the phone screen and said viciously: "Dare to make a joke about your man, if you are not around, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

   Well, I believe everyone can understand the meaning of this sentence. If you can’t understand, face the wall...

   In the face of Qin Feng’s threat, Miss Xue was not afraid at all, and shouted there, “Come on, you are here, I’m lying down and waiting for you, if you have the ability, you can come and pick me up...”

   Qin Feng: "..." I decided not to be familiar with her.

   But now the topic is a bit unrestrained, so Qin Feng took his mobile phone into the brewery...

Miss Xue now thinks very clearly, she is already married, and in front of her husband, she is not reserved for holding hair. To put it a bit dirty, each other knows the length and depth, so she cares about the other things. What...

   Cough cough, this book is a regular book, don’t drive, then the problem is now, boss Qin can’t wait to summon Liu Zijian to fly over...

"Little Qinzi, you can't stay here long now. I thought about it before. You should just wait for my graduation and come back to attend my graduation ceremony." Miss Xue stopped joking and said there. .

   Qin Feng was a little surprised, why is that? He has already decided to go to Miss Xue after completing this mission.

   "In fact, it's nothing. I'm addicted to thesis now. If you come over, I still have the heart to write a thesis. So in order for me to graduate successfully, you should not come here for the time being..." Miss Xue laughed there.

   Okay, although this sounded like a joke, Qin Feng knew that this was not a joke.

   But Miss Xue really hopes that he will not go there now, and then work hard to finish the school affairs, and then hey.

   After all, this has reached the last step, Xue Lingyun didn't want to fail, and she really didn't want to write after Qin Feng passed, so she had better say in advance.

"Okay, then Lingyun, please write well. I will go over when you finish writing. It is great to be a monk for a while..." Qin Feng said with a smile. Miss Xue is a very independent person, so she has decided Yes, so be it.

   The young couple can’t meet, they can only complain through the screen. Boss Qin directly incarnates the dog, and every time the video is over, the screen of the phone is clean...

   The chat time was a bit long this time, and Xueer and the others outside couldn't wait. They just saw Qin Feng enter the brewery, so they entered the tavern and started to sit and wait.

   As long as boss Qin doesn’t show affection, this Jiu Xian Ju Li is still good...

   At this moment, the door of Jiuxianju was pushed open again, and a man who looked downcast but with a pale face stood at the door, but his face was full of hesitation.

   It is estimated that it is the guy who is worried that the wine is too expensive but wants to drink. Xueer soon shouted there again: "Hurry in and bring the uncle. This person is like raising pigs for the Chinese New Year. It is unavoidable..."

   Xueer's words made several other drinkers laugh at the same time, but Shen Linfeng, who was standing at the door, looked dull, and asked after five seconds: "Girl, what do you call me?"

   was a little surprised to hear that the other party actually replied Xueer, but still said: "Uncle, what's the matter?"

  Uncle...This name is like a knife that has pierced Shen Linfeng's heart deeply. I didn't expect that I have reached the level of an uncle now...

   I really didn't want to come in in his heart, but there was an inexplicable motivation in his body that drove him in. It was probably the legendary way of being honest without having a body on his mouth.

Seeing this uncle finally came in, Xueer helped Qin Feng greet him: "Uncle, boss Qin is receiving the video with his wife. You should sit here and wait for a while. Believe me, Jiu Xianju's wine will definitely not let him You are disappointed..."

   Normally, I talked about making trouble, but Xueer was very positive after encountering some things. For example, now, it should be the first time to see this guest, so she helped Qin Feng to get a guest by the way.

   Shen Linfeng nodded and sat down casually at a table. His current mood is very complicated. On the one hand, he does not want to see Qin Feng, on the other hand, he wants to get drunk.

   But the reason why I can come in is because I see no one at the counter. As long as I don’t see Qin Feng for the first time, everything is fine...

   The most important thing is that I don't want the girl to see that day...No way, the images left to the girls around me for so many years are all very good, and I have never been ashamed of girls in my life.

   But as soon as he sat down, Shen Linfeng jumped up like a stool scalded his ass, and asked, "What? Who is receiving the video with?"

  'S voice was a bit loud, scared Xue'er jumped, and said, "What are you calling, of course Boss Qin is picking up the video with his daughter-in-law, is this weird?"

   Knowing that his movement made everyone feel strange, Shen Linfeng quickly apologized and sat down, but his heart began to become hot again. Qin Feng was picking up the video with Xue Lingyun...

   He has never seen Xue Lingyun again since he graduated, so now his mood is ups and downs, and he doesn’t know what image he is in the other’s heart...

   But think about it back then, when I was a man of the world when I was in school, so I would definitely be better, alas, after years of age, Shaohua’s white head...

   Shen Linfeng was thinking all kinds of random things here, and in a few minutes he turned himself into a sad character. Just thinking about it, Qin Feng, who had received the video with Miss Xue, walked out of the brewery.

  I saw Shen Linfeng sitting there at a glance. Qin Feng suddenly laughed and said: "Oh, old Shen, you are here, sit down, what wine are you going to drink?"

  Shen Linfeng whispered a few words there but couldn't speak, but at the end he said, "Boss Qin watch it..."

This boss Qin still called out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But after saying this sentence, Shen Linfeng raised his head, a trace of hope flashed in his eyes and said, "Boss Qin, I don't know how she is now? "

   originally wanted to talk about Lingyun, but after all, she is now someone’s wife, so she used her. Shen Linfeng believes that Qin Feng can definitely understand it!

   Qin Feng did understand, and smiled casually there: "Lingyun, she is very good now, old Shen, the past is over, we should look forward..."

   "By the way, Lingyun doesn't seem to remember you anymore..."

   Boom! Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Shen Linfeng sat there as if he was struck by thunder, and Lingyun didn't even remember him? How is it possible, how is this possible!

   It must be Qin Feng talking nonsense there...

   Qin Feng sighed, turned on the phone, and released a recording. It was the recording when he had just opened the video with Miss Xue, which clearly recorded Miss Xue’s reaction after hearing Shen Linfeng...

   As for why there is recording, there is no way that the mobile phone is provided by the system, so recording a sound is not a matter of minutes.

   Xueer has been on the sidelines and watching, although she does not understand the situation on the court, she can vaguely distinguish the way boss Qin is doing...

   Boss Qin, it really is the devil!


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