Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 169: I like this activity

In a room with a European classic style, there is a big bed that looks very big. Next to the big bed is a thick carpet. You don't need to wear shoes at all, so it's very comfortable to walk on it.

In addition, the other furniture in the room is extremely characteristic. It can be said that this room is the ultimate luxury of the European aristocrats!

Of course, these facilities are not the point, the point is the person on the bed...

Old man Kenway sat up from the bed and looked around, his old face suddenly "showed" a satisfied expression!

Lying next to him are two women who look extremely "sexual". They are paralyzed there, blushing all over. If they see their faces, some otakus in the U.S. should feel very familiar...

That's right, these two women are the cover girls of the famous fashion magazine this month, probably when the otaku released to the magazine, the old man Kenway had successfully got up.

Although the price is a bit expensive, he feels very satisfied. After all, who can keep two supermodels from getting out of bed at his age.

But looking at the wine gourd on the bedside table next to him, Old Man Kenway felt that Boss Qin’s dragon snake wine was actually a good thing!

No matter what time you are, no matter what your body is, anyway, with a pot of wine, your direct combat power will exceed 10,000!

Anyway, I didn’t dare to play when I was young. Now when I’m old, Kenway’s old man only plays even more...

As for the money? Sorry, don't mention money with me. I spend my money desperately every day, but when I get up every day, I find that the money spent is not as good as the money I earn...

I was thinking about when to go to Jiuxianju to have a drink again, when suddenly, the mobile phone not far away rang.

Old man Kenway is a bit weird, now that someone will call him at this point? Don't know if he is busy at this time?

Hmm... It's night, it should be midnight to be precise. We all know that there will be a sage time just after the end of the war, and Old Man Kenway is right now at this time.

However, this mobile phone is generally the most private one around me. Only some special friends know this phone. Although it is uncomfortable, the old man Kenway still answers the phone accurately.

Patting the body of the woman next to him, Old Man Kenway asked her to get his cell phone.

Although the body is extremely exhausted now, the woman still got up to get the mobile phone. The money this old man gave her is hard for ordinary people to earn in a lifetime...

Taking the phone over and looking at it, the old man Kenway was suddenly a little surprised that it was the boss Qin!

The last time he was in Jiuxianju, he forced the other party to leave a mobile phone number. He never thought that boss Qin would take the initiative to find himself. Is there any new wine in him?

No longer hesitating, the old man Kenway hurriedly connected, and immediately started calling in the surprised eyes of the two supermodels around him.

They are mixing in this circle, naturally they know how much energy the old man beside him has!

The Kenway family has been operating oil for generations. By now, it has become a giant, intertwined from top to bottom, and has a strong influence in both economic and political aspects!

So who is it that actually allowed this Kenway family to answer the phone in the middle of the night...

"Hey, boss Qin, is there anything important to find me at this point?" Old man Kenway, no matter what others think, he loves wine all his life and likes to drink, not to mention that he has just experienced other people's dragon snake wine. benefit.

So for boss Qin's phone call, he is extremely valued!

On the phone, inside Jiuxianju, Qin Feng was a little dazed when he heard "this point", but quickly realized that it was the United States over there, and it should be night...

However, given the thickness of Boss Qin’s face, these things generally don’t care much, and he quickly replied: "Old Mr. Kenway, I am looking for you now, of course there is a very important thing!"

"My Jiuxianju is going to hold an event, a big event, the specific situation is like this..."

Then, Qin Feng told the old man Kenway about his anticipated "Bacchus for hegemony" activity, including his own thoughts.

The old man Kenway listened slowly, his eyes getting brighter, and when Qin Feng finished speaking, he immediately asked there: "Boss Qin, are you sure that your wine can support this event?"

"Of course Boss Qin, I am not saying that your wine is not good, but there are many aspects to consider in this event..."

Question your own wine? Qin Feng quickly said, "Don't worry about this. I have improved some wines and used them exclusively for activities..."

Old man Kenway nodded and said, "Then I will be fine, but... Boss Qin, you called me, do you want me to help you organize?"

"To be precise, I want you to organize an event in the United States. Of course, you can call other people together. I plan to divide this event into several districts, and finally decide the final Bacchus in Zhongzhou!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

He has heard it out, this old man is absolutely heart-warming, rich and idle, this is the best candidate!

"No problem!" Sure enough, Old Man Kenway quickly patted his chest and said: "Since Boss Qin, you have asked me for help, then I have to help with anything. Besides, with such a fun thing, how can I be without me... "

"Boss Qin, you just said that you want to contact other people. I think it's better to forget it. I'm all inclusive of how much this activity can cost!"

Qin Feng: "..." The boss let me call you six or six for a while...

"Mr. Kenway, the wine for this event is all Jiuxianju wine, so this money is also a lot..." Qin Feng wanted to persuade him again.

"Oh, it's okay, isn't it just some wine... OK, I'll contact some other people, don't worry, boss Qin, you leave this to me, you can guarantee that there is no problem!" Old man Kenway was very dissatisfied. In his opinion, he can afford everything by himself, so why ask others to play together...

But since Boss Qin said he wants to call someone else, let's call it. I believe Roddy and Cody will also like it...

After hanging up the phone, the old man Kenway was very excited, especially excited!

He is not knowing what he is doing every day, but Boss Qin has such fun things over there!

Supermodel? Can supermodels have fun drinking? Old man Kenway was so excited that he let the two supermodels leave...

So, the two women looked at each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a dumb look, but they could only leave in clothes. They probably thought that the old man was stupid. It took three days, forget it, anyway, he has money. I've paid it all, what about him...

People in every country are claiming that they drink well, but they have never compared it. After all, wine is different, and there are also different standards!

The most important thing is that drinking is really not a good thing, because drinking too much is harmful to the body, and it is easy to cause accidents, so there has been no such activity before.

But now it’s different. It’s not a problem with the boss Qin, the boss of Jiu Xianju has just made a guarantee, no matter how much you drink, nothing will happen!

Then there is no problem. Since Boss Qin has this idea, he is actually very curious, which country is better for people to drink?

After getting the US side, Qin Feng called the vampire side non-stop, which was even simpler. In a few words, Prince Bruch directly promised that it would be done!

It’s done here, so the rest is on the Russian side. Qin Feng dialed the phone of the old man Bolifu... Urban Wine Fairy System

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