Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Heh man

?Everything is of course a routine. "Ben Lei" was originally cultivated by natural entertainment and specializes in doing things at the right time. Now is the time for him to do things.

A red-top businessman said before, that is, it doesn't matter if you raise a bunch of idlers, if you do one thing, it is worth raising him for three years!

"Ben Lei" is also the same for natural entertainment. From the beginning of its operation to the present, his big V has basically no income.

Even if there are advertisements that come to the door, they will be directly rejected, because there are too many advertisements, which is not conducive to the packaging of the entire marketing account, which will cause some fans to misunderstand.

From beginning to end, this number is slowly accumulating characters there, just waiting to jump out at the right time!

Obviously, in the view of President Li, it is the right time to complete the task given by the boss...

So "Ben Lei" jumped out, and at the most suitable time, the heat of the whole thing was increased, I don't know how much.

As for other people's concerns about what to do with the marketing account after the event is over, it doesn't matter. After the event is over, this account will no longer be used.

"Ben Lei" will have another name at random, any "Running Thunder" or "Panel Lei" will do, and then start raising another number again.

Anyway, for natural entertainment, it is quite simple to develop such an account. Unlike those individuals, it is extremely difficult to develop a fan...

Then Lao Lei continued to relax there until the company came out when needed. Anyway, all of this is a steady profit for natural entertainment...

Lao Lei received the money, and at this time Natural Entertainment finally stood up and responded. President Li personally sent a message to the reporters, saying that at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Natural Entertainment will explain to the society!

As soon as the news came out, there was no need for other publicity. A group of reporters rushed to Donghai City non-stop while sending the news. According to this situation, it is estimated that the reporters invited by Natural Entertainment are not a few!

If you are late, let alone eating meat, I guess you won’t even be able to drink the soup...

"Xiao Wang, how are you? Hurry up!" Lao Zhang, a reporter from Kyoto Entertainment, constantly shouted to the room next to him. Inside was his apprentice Xiao Wang.

Their reporter industry, like many other industries, also needs to develop through the old people bringing new people.

After all, in many cases, even if you graduate from Communication University, what you learn is only the knowledge in the books. What is the scene, how you need to deal with it, and some contacts, all of which require the master to teach you.

However, Lao Zhang is obviously in a bad mood now. After all, the apprentice he brought this time is a girl, and he has just graduated from Communication University. It is said that when he was in school, many people called him what the media school spends...

Logically speaking, it should be very happy to have a beautiful apprentice, but Lao Zhang would rather not have such an apprentice now.

As a reporter, it sounds good to say, but sometimes it takes time. The so-called first-hand report is the most important!

But his apprentice is good. He can wear all clothes for a long time, not to mention make-up. Although it is normal for girls to love beauty, Lao Zhang is now demanding efficiency!

The most important thing is that you can’t say yet. If you’re talking about the main point, she’ll be there with a look of "I’ll cry for you right away." Lao Zhang feels that he has lost his temper. Kick away...

Of course, it may also be related to the beauty of the sister paper... After all, such a beautiful girl will feel happy just looking at it...

If you let other women know what Lao Zhang thinks, they would probably say: Heh, man...

Here, Xiao Wang yelled "come here" and walked out of the room. His appearance is online. Although he is not as good as a star like Zhao Xiaorou, he is well dressed and has a slim figure. , A young and sweet smile can still attract a lot of eyeballs...

Even Lao Zhang, who is very anxious, shines. Today Xiao Wang is wearing a pair of black jeans and a pair of leather boots. His upper body is a shirt with a ponytail behind him. He looks clean and tidy!

But after seeing sister paper's eyes, Lao Zhang quickly retracted his gaze and said: "Okay, Xiao Wang, let's go, hurry up, there are not many places over there, there is nothing left for late..."

I took the guy and went straight to the Natural Entertainment Building. When he got out of the car in a hurry, Lao Zhang saw several of his colleagues...

This is the case for a long time in this industry. You don't need to look at it deliberately. You only need to glance at it, then you can find your peers in the crowd.

Quickly took Xiao Wang upstairs, found the meeting room, and immediately grabbed the spot when he entered.

This is not the time to make any sense. Needless to say, the first ones are prepared for the most powerful ones, and they are more than enough to compare the top and the bottom. If they wait, they may be Arrangement, but Lao Zhang's career for so many years told him that it is better to take a good position early.

Finally, taking a good position in the second row, Lao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled as he watched the sweaty Xiao Wang who was running beside him and said, "How about it, do you feel that what you are doing now is different from what you imagined? "

Xiao Wang nodded and smiled: "It's indeed a bit different, but I probably knew about it before, so it doesn't matter... It's just a master, how do you think Natural Entertainment will explain this?"

Lao Zhang was there and the old **** said: "No matter how he explains it, all we need to do is report it. As for what kind of consequences it will cause~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that has nothing to do with us..."

"In addition, you should be prepared. After they finish talking, see if you can catch a high-level natural entertainment company and ask in detail. It would be better if you can get further information..."

Xiao Wang was startled when he heard this, and pointed to himself, "You mean let me go? I'm just an intern..."

"What's the matter with the intern? You are a girl and you have an advantage over us masters. That's the decision. It's just to train you. I don't know how much your condition is better than I was at the time. I wanted to ask at that time. With further information, you can spend a day at the door of the winter..." Lao Zhang waved his hand.

His words were a bit dull, and he seemed to think of the past tragic years, and Xiao Wang could only nod his head on the side.

After all, according to the master's words, she does have a great advantage, and she has used this advantage many times in the past...

Xiao Wang was thinking about what to do for a while, and in the meeting room, more and more people came...

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