Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 185: Over the Wall Master Xiao Wang

? But Xiao Wang can only get angry now, because with the passage of time, the topic of this topic has become more and more popular.

A group of guys who didn't know where they came from were making crazy comments and reposts.

"Finally someone is telling the truth. This kind of stupid event is only held in our country. Look at people abroad, they pay attention to human rights..."

"That's right, the blogger is mighty, saying what we dare not say, people abroad are more civilized than us, you say that authoritative agency appraisal is appraisal, that's ridiculous!"

"As a person studying in the United States, I can tell everyone responsibly that it is impossible to have such activities here, because people pay attention to everyone's life and health..."

"I don't dare to say anything about how good foreign countries are these days, but now look at it, the comparison is very clear, people abroad are more advanced than us..."

Snapped! Xiao Wang threw the phone on the bed. She felt that if she continued to watch it, she would really smash the phone. Whose dog's chain was really not fastened, and something like this ran out...

She wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart...

After thinking about it, Xiao Wang got out of bed, turned on the computer, hung up the vpn familiarly, and then began to overturn the wall.

That's right, Xiao Wang was unhappy in his heart, so he wanted to go to the U.S. website to see the situation, and then pretend to be another wave by the way.

There are more and more people over the wall, so many people will do it, go to the U.S. website and pretend that they are also U.S. nationals.

As for how to register an account, it’s even simpler. As long as you have money, you can’t buy anything...

Xiao Wang was also a good hand in the past, but recently he was too busy at work, so he didn't have the chance to get over the wall.

I went to the largest forum website in the United States and scanned it at will. Xiao Wang suddenly felt a little confused!

Because the headline at the top is impressively: There are still five days before the Bacchus Hegemony event begins...

Yes, the others are in English, but the "Bacchus for Hegemony" is in pinyin. The foreigners did not translate it, but directly replaced it with Chinese characters...

After a daze for five seconds, Xiao Wang hurriedly clicked on it, and then began to look at the content inside, the more surprised he looked at the expression on his face.

Because according to the statement here, the United States will also hold this Dionysus Hegemony event, and depending on the time and the method, it is actually the same as the domestic event!

What the **** is this? Is the United States imitating domestic activities?

And more importantly, this event was so dazzlingly written on the headlines, none of the guys who are known as international students actually knew about it?

Foreigners are not like this at all, foreigners are also organizing this event, okay...

After reading the report here, Xiao Wang hurriedly clicked on other websites. As expected, this place is basically the same as in China, and it is basically screened by the content of this event.

A large number of melon-eating people in the U.S. shouted there, saying that they would definitely become the **** of wine. Those rewards must be their own. As for those who opposed the activities, Xiao Wang didn't see it.

Nonsense, even if there is opposition now, it is estimated that they are all submerged in a sea of ​​names and masses.

Everyone wants such a high reward, where are you opposed? Capital and people are not something you can resist at all. Even if you have a hundred hands, it is impossible to spray so many people at the same time...

After checking several websites, Xiao Wang made a decision to move these things to Weibo himself!

Haven't you always said that foreign countries won't be like this, just slap you in the face!

Just do what you say, this is quite simple for Xiao Wang. Take a screenshot, add a translation, and then it's OK. There is nothing else that needs to be done.

She doesn't even need to write anything by herself, just put these screenshots and the previous big V's words and the following comment screenshots together.

Ps was opened, and Xiao Wang started to do it easily. About an hour later, all he needed was done.

Of course, you don’t have to take screenshots, you only need to take the most important part and the most contrasting part.

For example, those who said they were in the U.S. graduate students commented, and put a sentence next to him. U.S. university students commented that they could not wait to participate...

It must be done this way, those who see it will be very happy, surely it is like this!

The picture is ready. I originally planned to give it to the company and let the company send it out, but think about their attitude towards themselves... Xiao Wang decided to treat this as his own personal behavior.

What's wrong with the interns? It's just that the interns don't have human rights. It's not enough if you don't look at it directly.

Xiao Wang wants to show the company that interns... also have dignity!

I found out my Weibo account, let alone, as a student Wang from Communication University, and has the title of school flower, the number of fans is still quite large.

Send it directly, and then leave it alone. I called my best friend and I'm going to eat hot pot!

Facts have proved that there are still many people following the goddess' Weibo. This attention does not refer to the attention of the fans, but the attention that... often comes in to see what she has posted.

For example, this classmate Li has been in love with Xiao Wang for four years, but has never dared to confess that it is impossible to get to WeChat or something, so I can only look it up on Weibo secretly.

Originally, the goddess used to post some words that the interns were tired from work and had no dignity, but when I came in today, I actually posted a lot of pictures!

After taking a closer look, classmate Li suddenly couldn't sit still. The goddess was obviously dissatisfied with recent events!

The goddess’ business is his business, the goddess’ dissatisfaction is his dissatisfaction, as a qualified licking dog, and it’s someone else

Li was directly angry when he licked the dog without knowing it!

Immediately began to forward, and let his friends to help forward, but the popularity still does not rise.

How can this work? Classmate Li is in the media circle anyway. If he knows some details, he will call to find someone. As long as he has money, hot search is a trivial matter...

As a result, these very contrasting pictures were forwarded by several big Vs, and the popularity rose instantly...


In the hot pot restaurant, Xiao Wang sandwiched a piece of hairy belly, shook it in the pot, took it out, covered it with small ingredients, and ate it in one bite, feeling the tenacity and crispness, and the joy on his face~www.wuxiaspot. com~huh...Qianqian, let me tell you, I only found out that I was still alive after taking this bite. The people in the company didn't treat me as a human being..." Xiao Wang looked at his girlfriend and said .

Qianqian, also from the Communication University, looks slightly inferior to Xiao Wang, but is also a pretty girl.

This will say: "Who is not talking about, you are not bad, my master, every day I think about taking advantage of me, it really makes me sick..."

Xiao Wang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's have a good meal today and relax..."

Halfway through the conversation, suddenly the phone in his pocket kept emitting reminders. Xiao Wang was a little strange. After taking it out, he realized that they were all the reminders from Weibo...

"What's the situation? How come your phone keeps ringing..." Qianqian asked strangely when she looked at the other side.

Xiao Wang said with a dazed expression: "The ghost knows it, this is the reminder of Weibo, why suddenly there are so many comment forwardings and private messages..."

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