Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 191: Pick up this little thing

? Packed up my own things, Xiao Wang Wuzi walked out of the office quietly. Although she was an intern, there were still some of his own things in the office.

Holding the box, standing at the door of the company, looking at the busy streets, Xiao Wang was a little dazed: Me, are you resigning now? My first job after graduation, just ended like this?

Probably this is what a rookie who just entered the workplace would think, after all, it is the first time, just like those men and women who have **** for the first time, there will always be some beautiful illusions in their hearts...

But, the facts are always different. The first time I feel is not so wonderful. Many people can't find a place even for half a day...

Don’t get me wrong, what I’m talking about is that when I work for the first time, I can’t find my desk...

Also, the first time, you will always feel very painful and will be treated very rudely. This is also inevitable. After all... the first time you go to work, your leader will always despise you.

Then, when you jump more jobs, you will slowly become more lubricated... Oh no, it is smooth, and then, you will be better and better in the company, more and more adaptable, how do you do it? No one is tired of shouting.

Xiao Wang feels this way now. He feels lost. The first job is so precious. It is so easy to lose. He is hard-hearted in front of others, but he still feels scared by himself.

What the master said is very reasonable. He treats the vice president like this, he really might not be able to mix in this circle, after all, he is just an intern.

When going to school, there is always an illusion that the whole world seems to be its own, and the earth won’t turn without it, but after work, I realize that you are not that important, or even that you are not at all. important……

Without you, I don’t know if the earth will turn, but your company will definitely not care.

Just like now, Xiao Wang is an intern, and the company will only consider squeezing her. As for what kind of benefits... You are a young man, just learn your skills, and when you have the skills, you will do whatever you want to make money...

And just when Xiao Wang didn't know what she was doing, suddenly a voice rang in her ear: "Hey Miss, are you that Bing Yao?"

Xiao Wang was taken aback directly, but he quickly turned around and found out that this was a man with a straight suit. He seemed a bit familiar. Could it be that he had seen him before?

Seeing that Xiao Wang didn’t speak, the man on the other side suspected that the other party hadn’t heard him, so he asked again: "Miss, may I ask you who..."

I didn't finish asking this time, Xiao Wang had already reacted, and at the same time he recognized the person in front of him. Isn't this the high-level person in natural entertainment, the master still made her remember it firmly at the time.

"Ah yes yes, what's wrong, may I ask you something?" Xiao Wang asked a little curiously.

She had just been expelled from here, and the people from Natural Entertainment came over, and I felt that they were well informed...

"Oh, I don't really matter..." the man said casually. The first sentence made Xiao Wang frown, but the next sentence directly stunned Xiao Wang.

"I'm here this time to invite you to work in natural entertainment!"

The boss with Xiao Wang's mouth open, big brother, you went straight to the door of another company to dig the wall. Isn't that a big deal?

Subconsciously, Xiao Wang asked his own question: "Then what matters in your heart?"

"Is it important?" The man hesitated for a while, and quickly replied: "The big boss asked me to pick up the child for him?"

Xiao Wang: "..." What you said makes sense, but I was speechless...

"Okay, Miss Wang, let's stop talking about those useless. Would you like to join the natural entertainment?" The man looked at Xiao Wang and said, he thought this little girl seemed to be even better than him.

Xiao Wang hesitated a bit. She had been to the headquarters of Natural Entertainment. In truth, joining Natural Entertainment is a good choice. After all, this is the top giant in the industry with strong strength and very good benefits.

If she could join natural entertainment when she graduated, she would definitely not go to Kyoto entertainment, even though Kyoto entertainment is also very strong...

However, Xiao Wang still has one worry in his heart, and that is what the vice president said!

There will always be a lot of gossip in the company, and in Kyoto Entertainment, the gossip is that the vice president is very powerful, not just his own identity.

In other words, the family behind the vice president is also very good, so Xiao Wang is worried, if she enters natural entertainment, what will she do if the vice president retaliates...

After thinking about it again and again, Xiao Wang still explained the reason...

"So, you know, our President Wang said, so I won't want to enter this circle again in the future." Xiao Wang stared at the man and said.

The man’s face suddenly showed a disdainful smile and said: "Little girl, don’t think about these and other things. If you think about natural entertainment, just come directly. Believe me, at least no one in this circle can tell our boss. What... Including your President Wang!"

What else can Xiao Wang say, but she still wants to confirm one thing, and that is how Natural Entertainment treats her Weibo account.

After speaking out the question, the man was helpless: "Little girl, you can use your account by yourself. The company does not lack these things. Know it. Even if the company wants you to help, it will pay enough money. Any questions?"

Xiao Wang shook his head, and a smile appeared on Qingli's face. It seems that the next life will be very interesting...


At the Big Apple City Airport in the United States, Old Man Kenway and Roddy are waiting anxiously. At this moment, there is less than a day before the start of the event.

"Ask them, how much time is left and why is it so slow? Did the plane climb in the sky?" Old man Kenway was upset and spouted at the people around him.

"That's it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why is it so slow? I just said it's coming soon. I can do it once before it arrives!" Roddy shouted beside him.

Okay, this sentence seems to reveal something, Roddy hurry up and look around after he finished speaking, it seems that no one pays attention to him...

The people around you hurriedly used the radio to call again. This is already in the airport. According to the rules, ordinary people cannot come in. Even if they come in, you can't yell here...

But the old man Kenway and Roddy still came in, and they were still shouting here.

Without him, it turns out that as long as you have money, such rules are trivial. If those rules are still restricting you, it can only prove that the money you gave is not enough...

The old man Kenway and Roddy happen to have no shortage of money, so they can easily stand here.

The reason why the two of them waited at the airport was because the wine from Jiuxianju was about to be delivered. This was wine for the event. Because the quantity was too large, they directly packaged a cargo plane.

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