Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 198: Good-looking means you can do whatever you want

Practice has proved that childcare is not something everyone can do.

First, you must have professional skills. This is a must. If you don’t have this ability, then why do you ask for a childcare? Do you have nothing to do in your spare time?

So, as a childcare, first you have to help people solve problems, and then after you have this ability, you can talk about other aspects.

For example, the girl who is going in now, if she wants to be the nursery, she must have the ability to pass the first round safely, that is, the ability to drink a pot of Dukang wine improved by boss Qin without anything.

This is hard power, not that you can get through by fooling around.

And beyond this, there are other factors, such as the acting skills of a movie king, plus the perfect psychological quality

This is also an indispensable skill for a good childcare. Acting can actually be used in every aspect of life.

The simplest example is when your girlfriend or your wife pretends to do something with you, don’t deny it, after all, it actually depends on talent.

Then, it's the psychological quality, which is also very needed in life, and it usually needs to be matched with acting skills.

You say that you are a childcare, and you start to sweat when you are not doing well. Then you are still a mao childcare. When you meet those who are experienced in life, people can tell you are a fake in minutes. goods.

Therefore, Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the short girl who came in now: This is a great man!

She is indeed a cow. Look at her, she looks sweet, and the innocent smile on her face has never disappeared. No matter how she looks, she looks like a sister next door, cute and lovely

To be reasonable, if you comb into a double ponytail, those guys who are overwhelmed will definitely be all kinds of diligence.

But I don’t know at all. This lovely girl is the kind of **** who can drink big wine with you and can drank several of you. Anyway, according to boss Qin’s idea, this kind of expert is put in any industry. Supreme.

Su Yingxue naturally doesn't know the situation, so she doesn't even know that she has become the focus of attention now.

Don't worry about her name, it's like you often hear the names of those celebrities. Why do you think their names are so nice? Does someone know that your child will be a celebrity in the future?

Of course not. Those are all called stage names. In fact, they are the same names as Yingxue Meizhi now uses. Anyway, she thinks they are also called stage names. That's right.

As a nursery who upholds her mission, she has no troubles in her heart now, and she even wants to eat yellow chicken rice.

What we have to do now is to enter the inside and accept the interview and don't ask why, she will definitely be interviewed anyway.

Then I drank the pot of wine, and if I walked out casually, Su Yingxue felt helpless when he thought of this. The two guys before were too weak, and he didn't even hold on to two cups!

As a dignified man, insisting on such a short period of time, it seems that they are all silver-like pewter heads.

Walking into the hall, needless to say, the beautiful host leaned up. This was the first girl to come in today.

Mei Yingxue looked at each other, she didn't want to see her height, and this vixen actually wore high heels. She seemed to be able to compare herself with her figure, forget it!

That's right, all the people who look better than themselves are all vixens, so you should be right to think this way.

The beautiful host came over, the professional smirk instantly appeared, and said in that sweet greasy voice: Oh, let's see, it was actually a little beauty, I didn’t expect that there would be girls to participate in such activities.

Mei Yingxue's paper is upset again, beauty is beauty, what is a little beauty, she is most sensitive to the words small or short on weekdays.

But Yingxue Meizhi also knows that it is now live broadcast outside, for the sake of her own image and for her own mission, she can only express her dissatisfaction with a cold snort in her nose.

The beauty host didn't hear this cold snort, and continued to ask: Then this little beauty, can you tell me, can you tell me the reason for your participation in this event?

If it's a man, the host will definitely ask him what he thinks about this event, such as the first one, but such a girl, with a petite body, doesn't seem to drink much at first glance.

I don't even know if I have ever drunk alcohol in my life, so there is a high possibility that this person is here to catch the heat.

After all, if you look at the current situation, I don’t know how many people are watching here. If the heat gets better all of a sudden, and some Bacchus beauty or Bacchus loli persona is created, then it will be done directly.

After that, let’s make a live broadcast and open a Taobao store. Then maybe there will be rich second-generation local tyrants who will directly spend money on all kinds of money, and then follow the rich second-generation to become girlfriends.

The whole process, the beautiful host’s heart is clear, so subconsciously, the look in the eyes of this little beautiful girl is a bit wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So you just open your mouth and shut your mouth to make the little beautiful girl.

That's right, the host did not receive the notice that this is a childcare. After all, the program is recorded. It depends on the situation. The less people know about the childcare, the better, so that it can be more authentic.

If the host does not come up for an interview, let her know again, and nothing will go wrong.

However, Yingxue's paper mouth said: I came to this event because I haven't been drunk for a long time. I feel that there is no alcohol in this world that can make me drunk. No, I heard there is After this event, I hurried over. There is only one purpose, and that is to get drunk!

Uh-huh? The beautiful host opened her eyes wide and looked at the petite Ying Xuemei paper in front of her. What kind of unfolding method is this!

For example, the first Xiongtai just said that the rules are not good, and then worried that some guys who can't drink will also pass. At most, I think this wine is rubbish.

As for Yingxue's paper, it was straightforward to show that I did not target anyone, I mean all of you here are rubbish.

What is domineering? This is domineering. At this moment, Yingxue's eyes are contemptuous, and she feels like a 1.5-meter tall beauty.

as predicted!

The beauty host was a little bit skeptical before, but now I can be sure, this is the setting for selling people!

Deliberately say something eye-catching, and then attract people with a good looks, even if it really fails, because of their own reasons, everyone will not laugh at her much, but will think she is very cute

The first old man is already crying and fainting in the toilet, can he do whatever he wants if he looks good?

Congratulations, he got the right answer. Good-looking means he can do whatever he wants.


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