Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 211: Red sleeves add fragrance

Although he hadn't come back for only two or three days, Xiao Hei was alive and well, which disappointed Boss Qin. After all, he had already figured out what pot to cook dog meat on the way back.

"Eat, eat and you know how to eat, you said you are already a mature dog, why don't you know that you are going to find something to eat?" Boss Qin looked at Xiao Hei, who was wagging his tail in front of him and asked for something to eat. Shouted.

Xiao Hei probably understood it. He sat on his hind feet and froze for a while, then happily got his head under the counter with his tail wagging, and dragged out a plate filled with cooked beef.

Qin Feng: "..." Dead dog, let me go!

After a long period of love between people and dogs, Boss Qin entered the brewery with a relaxed look. Now it's getting late, and he doesn't plan to open the door. The most important thing these days is Dionysus's battle for hegemony.

Turning on the brewing machine, Qin Feng added the necessary materials in his own way, and then left the brewing machine to work on its own. After all, it is already a mature brewing machine and should learn to make wine by itself...

Back in the kitchen, I cooked a bowl of instant noodles for myself. When I sat under the lamp to eat the noodles, I felt a little bleak inexplicably.

I gave Su Xiaoli a few days off, and then the little fox didn't know where he was going, otherwise he wouldn't be reduced to eating instant noodles.

After eating the noodles, the brewing machine inside has also been completed. He took a relatively large wine gourd, which was full of the base wine of a gourd, and then Qin Feng took out another wine gourd from the cabinet. Pretending to be drunk fairy wine.

A long time ago, Qin Feng thought it was easy to blend some wine, but after opening the bar at night, Qin Feng discovered that it was actually difficult to blend wine.

If you have redeemed it, what you get is wine. If you don't rede it, then even Jiu Jianxian doesn't know what you have made.

For this, the customers who come to the bar at night really have a very deep experience. Boss Qin always asks everyone to try the wine before he drinks!

Doesn't he know that everyone has only one life?

Taking a wine bowl from under the front counter again, Qin Feng began to work.

First, pour the base wine into the bowl. The amount must be large, but not too much. After all, this is the second round. If the strength of the second round is not as strong as the first round, then it's fun.

The base wine was poured in about two-thirds of the bowl, and then Qin Feng poured the drunken fairy wine in again and shook it slowly. After the two sides were completely mixed, he picked up the bowl and took a sip. .

In addition to the brewing technique, the master brewer brought him amazing sensitivity. With this sip, Qin Feng has probably judged the intensity difference between this new wine and the modified Dukang wine.

"Well... it's a little bit not enough, but more..." Qin Feng muttered to himself there, but no one knew what kind of wine he was talking about there.

The wine in the bowl drank in one gulp, and Qin Feng began to mix the wine again. Anyway, if someone asks at that time, it will be said that this is the wine specially made by the boss of Qin, and there is nothing wrong with it...

After the second blending, the taste was still a bit wrong, Qin Feng felt the taste and drank it again, and then started the third experiment...

The night was dark, and the pedestrian street was quiet, Xiao Hei lay at the door of the brewery, like a loyal guard dog, but he slept there particularly soundly.

This is a very comfortable state, at least for Qin Feng.

He likes to make wine, he likes to deal with wine, so that in the dead of night, making wine slowly by himself, it can't be better than this...Of course, it would be better if Miss Xue was there.

Didn’t the ancients have some red sleeves to add fragrance to reading at night, do you think you were really reading that night? The key is that there is a woman wearing a faintly veiled veil by your side to add incense and cut candles...

Of course I guess you didn’t have any thoughts of reading at that time, cough cough...

It's already the fourth day, and the competition for Dionysian hegemony in various countries has become more intense. After all, this is the first drinking competition, and there has never been such a situation before.

It was just the result that some people in various countries were not very satisfied, because the Dukang wine given by boss Qin was really too fierce.

Ordinary people can't insist on just one drink at all, and those who drink very badly on weekdays are at most two glasses. If you want to pass this event, you must have those talented guys.

In other words, if you want to really drink these three glasses of wine, your body must be different from ordinary people...

And in China, those three jin brothers and five jin sisters who were blown up on the Internet also participated in the event. After all, they originally had a heart to become an Internet celebrity, and even bet their own lives.

Now I really have this opportunity, and more importantly, it doesn't cost a penny, and you don't have to bet your own life!

So many people seized this opportunity and wanted to become Internet celebrities, but unfortunately they just have this heart and don't have this life. In the video, the big guys who drink and do nothing in the video, they poured a glass at the event...

There are also some anchors ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding a selfie stick and want to go live, and then they are directly rejected by Natural Entertainment.

Everyone knows this is an opportunity, but why should I give it to you? Although many live broadcast platforms, Natural Entertainment, are major shareholders, the most important thing now is to win the stars of the company.

A celebrity will bring more benefits than many platforms. After all, many live broadcast platforms are still in the stage of burning money...

Then the anchors had a tragedy. After being rejected, they sprayed natural entertainment on the Internet, saying that their stores were bullying customers and calling on fans to resist...

However, there is no use. People should still be so popular. On the contrary, the anchors who offered to boycott slowly lost the news...

If an entertainment giant wants to block an anchor, it is simply not too easy. President Li has never been a good person, let alone a generous person...

And in such a turbulent atmosphere, the first round of activities is slowly coming to an end, there are so many people who have passed the selection everywhere, and the second round of activities from Jiuxianju have also been put in place.

However, passing the first round of Dukang wine indicates that the alcohol volume has indeed reached another level. The second round of blending wine may not be so easy to let them lie down. Therefore, with this batch of wine, the wine is also Was sent to various countries.

In the second round, contestants from each country have to compete in one city, and the number of players is not so large, so Qin Feng only needs to exchange four wine woods from the system.

As for the island country...Unfortunately, it was a city under the United States to participate, so their people must first go to the United States to participate in the second round.


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