Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 216: All routines

For the shamelessness of the old man Kenway, Roddy can only express helplessness, but he is very envious, because he also wants this piece of wine...

"Well, I'll go to Jiuxianju to py with Boss Qin in the future. I believe Boss Qin will definitely help my friend!" Roddy also began to sigh.

In addition to the United States, the Eagle Kingdom, Prince Bruch looked at the wine wood in front of him and smiled bitterly: "You don't need to look at this thing, we can't understand this thing, if it is correct, it should not be something in this world..."

Prince McAvey next to him nodded and said: "It is true. We have lived in this world for so long. If it is something from this world, then we must be able to recognize it, but now even if we can’t recognize it, then we don’t need to. Looked."

Both the vampires and the werewolves decided not to take care of the wine tree, but in Russia, Old Man Bolifu didn't even test it at all. In his eyes, this is what happened, and the Russians would not be afraid of it at all!

Foreign countries are inexplicable for a piece of wine, while in China, today is the start of the second round of activities. The players have been taken to the film and television base, and many people are waiting for the start of the live broadcast.

However, just an hour before the event, a message was like a bomb, directly detonating the entire network!

That is, Zhang Jian, who was called "brother forced" by many netizens, actually participated in the event for the purpose of making money to save his wife!

More importantly, now even his parents have given up, and he is still there!

As soon as the news came out, all the netizens immediately looked at him. After all, nowadays, such men are really rare!

Of course, why this news can detonate the network in a very short time, the reason is very simple, many celebrities have reposted this news...

As a giant in the entertainment industry, if natural entertainment wants to trigger some hot spots, it will no longer bother to ask what navy to buy or search, and directly let all the stars forward it, simple and effective!

So in a very short period of time, Zhang Jian's affairs have spread all over the Internet. All kinds of speeches were flying all over the sky in a short time.

"I'm going to be fake, I don't think there will be such a good man!"

"+1, I also think it's impossible, and it didn't look like that little brother was so sad at the time..."

"The two upstairs, have you investigated and questioned it there? I think it is very possible. Look at the little brother who said that he was short of money at the beginning. The connection between the front and the back must be true... "

"See Wisdom again upstairs at 666, do you really think there is a real thing on the Internet these days?"

Generally speaking, the situation is still not very good. There are many people who questioned. Of course, most of them are questioning for the sake of questioning. Anyway, as long as you see something on the Internet, you will definitely come out to question.

It's like many netizens now feel that online bargains are infested, but if you really go to them, you will find that the so-called "knowledge" of these bargains are all seen on the Internet...

Then I didn’t check the authenticity. Anyway, I took it out and raised the bar, and then many people would be bluffed...

But, of course, the "strokes" who jumped out of all kinds of doubts don't know that these are natural entertainment routines.

When you don't know why the Internet company operates like that, you only need to summarize those operations into routines, and you will find that all this makes sense.

Natural entertainment is naturally proved by evidence. It is very simple. It only needs the hospitalization certificate and the operation certificate of Zhang Jian's wife.

But if it is released directly like this, there will be no way to achieve the maximum effect. The big guys of the natural entertainment company know better than anyone, the popularity of this thing, it takes time to explode!

In other words, even if you are hot again, it will take a period of fermentation before it can really explode!

Just like the propaganda before the event, Natural Entertainment used routines to clarify the netizens, and now they have plans to repeat the same tricks...

One trick is eaten all over the world. This natural entertainment trick has been used many times, and the effect is so good every time...

Therefore, before the heat has exploded, whether it is good or bad, as long as it is a topic, as long as it can increase the heat, that's okay!

Anyway, in the end, Natural Entertainment must come out to clarify... This is also the difference between top entertainment companies and those small companies.

The top entertainment companies almost count these things in it. Your anger, your happiness, and your doubts are all in the routine...

And they are very sure that as soon as the last things are announced, the whole thing will be reversed...

Of course, this kind of play is not guaranteed to be successful. When the heat has exceeded the critical value and left a deep impression on many people, it is too late for you to come out and reverse.

Because at this time, your reversal will not keep up with the spread of the original topic!

At this time, it really became the sentence: spread the rumors, open their mouths, dispel the rumors and run off their legs. As the saying goes, you are already playing off now...

Therefore, all of this is a science, when and what message should be sent, all are calculated...

The heat is not the highest now, so the natural entertainment is just installed, and on the other side, the second round of activities has already begun!

The quaint tavern is probably inferior to the owner Qin’s Jiuxianju in terms of grade, except that there is no difference.

There are not so many tables and chairs inside, only a large wooden table, on which there are wine flasks and wine glasses, and of course, there is also the wine wood that can be used as a pan with a spoon.

The staff inside are also wearing antique clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and beside the wooden table, there is another host of Donghai TV, Zhou Li.

Maybe Zhou Li is not as good as the previous beauty compared to her figure and appearance, but she is the strongest on Donghai TV in terms of hosting skills!

Moreover, today she is not in charge of the interview, or it can be said that there is no interview session today.

Everything is like a show, just like the singing competitions that Natural Entertainment held before.

Because the whole process is live broadcast, the role of the beautiful host is to hang around there to prevent the scene from being so dry.

The pub nowadays can be said to be just a stage. The surrounding cameras, lights, and microphones are all available, and the big screens of the TV station are almost moved here.

It's just different from those programs. There is no script for the whole process of the event, and the whole process is live broadcast...

Therefore, this also posed a challenge to the host's skill, which is why Zhou Li is on the stage today!

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