Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 224: Just such a coincidence

? Xue Tian blew a lot here, anyway, bragging and not paying taxes, what he wants to say and how to say.

"Hey wife, you don't believe it, right? I'm really not talking to you, don't you know how much I drink, this bit of wine is all clouds and clouds to me!"

Zhou Wanyi looked at him blankly...

"Look at the time when Xiao Qin and I drank, didn't I get on the ground every minute, you ask him, you ask Xiao Qin, see if he still dares to drink with me..." Xue Tian There he said contemptuously.

Zhou Wanyi still looked at him blankly...

"Hey, my temper, my wife, you just don’t believe me, do you? I tell you, now we don’t have this wine. If we have this wine, I will tell you, I must let you see and see, God’s horse. , It's called a real good drinker, not the fat man's pretense on TV..."

Judging from the appearance of Mr. Qin Feng, it seems that he has been filled with righteous indignation. If there is wine now, I will drink it up for you in minutes!

As Xue Tian said, the door was knocked, and Xue Tian was taken aback, and then he came to the door and asked: "Who, what's the matter?"

A voice came from outside the door: "Hello, it's Mr. Xue Tianxue, I'm Su Xiaoli... the waiter in Jiuxianju."

Su Xiaoli? Xue Tian looked back at Zhou Wanyi, Zhou Wanyi hurried over and opened the door and said, "What are you doing in a daze, it's Xiao Tan, the waiter of Xiao Qin."

Zhou Wanyi had met Su Xiaoli, and she had a good impression of Su Xiaoli. She felt that this little girl was pretty good, but she seemed to have a problem with her brain...

If my mind is okay, how can I be a waiter in Jiuxianju? The conditions are so good...

At this time Xue Tian finally remembered, oh yes, it was that little girl, but what did she do at home at this time...

The door opened, and the little limei stood tall in the doorway, holding a very large box in both hands.

"Come on, little raccoon, come in and sit down, why, what is your boss Qin asking you to do?" Zhou Wanyi smiled at home and said: "This little Qin, when I turn around, I will talk about him. Why do you let you help every day? He does chores..."

Little Limeizhi smiled and said: "It's okay Aunt Zhou, I am the waiter of Jiuxianju, I will do whatever boss Qin asks me to do..."

"I came here this time to help Boss Qin deliver something. Didn't he make a new wine recently, it tastes good, but it is a bit strong, so I specially sent it to Uncle Xue to taste..."

Uh-huh? Zhou Wanyi was stunned when she heard the words, an inexplicable expression appeared on her face, and she stared directly at Xue Tian with her eyes.

At this time, Xue Tian's heart has already begun to beat wildly...No way, it shouldn't be so coincidental...

At this time, Xiaoli Meizhi spoke again: "Uncle Xue, are you okay?"

Xue Tian hurriedly smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, what can I do... By the way, has anyone ever drank this newly brewed wine, Xiao Qin?"

Xiaoli Meizhi smiled sweetly after hearing the words: "Of course someone has drunk it, Uncle Xue, have you watched the Dionysus Hegemony event recently? This wine is the wine used in the second round of events."

"Originally, Boss Qin planned to give away some of the wines from the first round, but the one in the first round was modified by Du Kang, so I thought that Uncle Xue had drunk a lot of Du Kang, so he didn't send it."

"On this kind of wine, Boss Qin said it's not bad, so he specially asked me to send a little over for Uncle Xue to taste..."

What is really afraid of? Xue Tian, ​​who was still holding a fluke mentality, suddenly felt that his life was a bit dark, and the eyes of his wife Zhou Wanyi next to him had already looked over again.

Not daring to look at his wife, Xue Tian said with a smile that was uglier than crying: "That's really... thank you so much, Xiao Qin, I don't know how to thank him anymore..."

Seeing Xue Tian's look a little weird, Su Xiaoli asked in confusion: "Uncle Xue, are you... okay?"

"Heh... I'm fine, I'm fine at all, I'm fine, I'm very fine..."

The words were incoherent, and fools could hear that something was going on. Zhou Wanyi hurriedly stepped forward and dragged Xue Tian behind, and then smiled: "Little raccoon, don’t listen to your Uncle Xue. He’s drunk too much. Come in and sit down quickly, come and put down this wine, it's so heavy, too, your boss Qin..."

"Oh, Uncle Xue will take a little more rest, auntie, I won't go in anymore, you put this wine away." Su Xiaoli put the huge carton full of wine at the door of the house.

Then he shouted to Xue Tian at the back: "Uncle Xue, don't drink today. This wine is very strong, and this time the boss sent a lot to prevent Grandpa Xue from robbing you of the wine. , There are about thirty pots..."

More than 30 pots... Xue Tian felt dark in front of him, so he wanted to faint, but when he saw his wife's eyes, he quickly woke up and wanted to look at the sky directly: What kind of evil did I do?

"Then bother you, Xiaoli, next time you can come to my house as a guest, your Uncle Xue is drinking too much, I have to take care of him." Zhou Wanyi smiled at the door.

Su Xiaoli felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, but it was none of his own business, so he quickly left.

In the room, Xue Tian looked at Zhou Wanyi with a smirk and said, "Then what wife, let me explain..."

But the phone rang just halfway through the conversation, and when he took it out, it turned out that it was Qin Feng.

Xue Tian's face turned dark, but he still connected the phone, and Qin Feng's voice soon came from the receiver.

"Hey dad, it's me. You received the wine I asked Xiao Tan to give you. Really, this wine is very good. It took me a lot of work to brew it. It just happened to be used for this event..."

"Take some more, it will be enough for you and a while!" Boss Qin said with a smile on the phone.

Xue Tian said with a dark face: "Oh, thank you..."

"No thanks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is my relationship with you, you can enjoy it, I'll hang up first, there is a call coming in here..."

Without waiting for Qin Feng to finish, Xue Tian hung up directly, looking up at the sky, making your mouth cheap...

Zhou Wanyi had closed the door, opened the box and took out a jug of wine, and looked at Xue Tiandao: "I just heard that someone was going to finish 30 bottles in one breath. What else was the main reason why I didn't have any wine..."

"Don't worry about it now, you have the wine. If you don't have any food to accompany you, then I can get some. It's very simple. Come on, don't hesitate, and show your masculine spirit!"


At Jiuxianju, Qin Feng was stunned when he heard the blind tone coming from the phone. What do you mean, I have a problem with the wine delivery?

If I knew it, I won't give it away, so you don't have any alcohol to drink!

What's wrong with Lao Zhangren, Lao Zhangren can lose his temper casually...

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