Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 235: I can't control myself

In this case, the laughing boss can only stop talking and stand up to meet a few leaders.

Of course, it’s not that he’s afraid of anything. Mainly, it’s better to do more than less. Natural entertainment is in Donghai City, and the county magistrate is better off.

Several leaders are also very familiar with the laughing boss. They greeted each other as soon as they met, and sat down in greeting each other. If the general leader arrives, it means that the event is about to begin.

This is of course the same for tonight's event. Several leaders came in with a pinch of time. When they sit down, it means that there are only ten minutes left from the beginning.

Qin Feng was also introduced to several leaders by Xiaowen Cangtian, who were also very interested in him and chatted with each other a few words.

It's just that Qin Feng really didn't like this kind of greetings, so after chatting for a few words, he sat back, and then... took out his wine fairy gourd and started drinking.

People have to find something to do when they are bored, otherwise it would be too boring to sit so dry.

Qin Feng really didn't like the so-called greeting chat. One or two people who didn't know each other pretended to chat eagerly there, but in fact they didn't have that idea at all.

So looking at the laughing boss, those leaders and what stars are chatting, Qin Feng just wanted to avoid it.

But, he was so drunk that the smell of alcohol that had been slowly dissipating appeared again in an instant, and this time the smell was stronger than before...

The reason is very simple. This special wine fairy gourd can drink every kind of wine in the tavern. I drank two sips of pear blossom white to moisturize my throat, and then I felt unhappy, so I just started drinking Baihua wine.

If it was someone else, maybe it was because of the smell that was stronger than perfume, but Qin Feng was different.

In his eyes, Baihua wine is just a kind of wine, and the purpose of drinking is to experience the fascinating taste of this wine.

As a spirit wine second only to fairy wine, even if I have drunk it now, I don’t know how much, but the taste still makes Qin Feng drunk...

Moreover, there is a problem with Boss Qin drinking, that is, he ignores the movement around him when he is drunk.

To put it simply, it means that someone is drinking there alone, regardless of who is next to you. It is probably that Miss Xue will not ignore it when she is sitting next to her.

Then... the others couldn't sit still.

Originally, he was just laughing at the boss, but now Qin Feng has been drinking for too long. Although the mouth of the wine gourd is small, the smell of wine is constantly spreading, and the whole studio is beginning to be filled with this taste.

Laughing, the boss can be sure that he heard a drooling sound from a leader beside him.

In this case, in fact, everyone is forcibly enduring it, and they don't want others to see their gaffes.

It's like there are a bunch of people in the house, and you eat instant noodles there. The taste is very rich. In this case, the saliva in everyone's mouth is already secreting crazily.

This is not so-called greedy, but an instinctive reaction of the body...

But people, always pay attention to a demeanor, others eat instant noodles there, and you swallow your saliva here, you must be a joke when you are seen by others.

It doesn't matter if the child can't help it. If you are an adult, you are still greedy by the smell, then it must not work.

So everyone wanted to swallow too, but they were all there forcibly, waiting to see who swallowed first, and then started laughing there, taking advantage of the opportunity to ridicule, swallowing by themselves.

This is inevitable, it is a physiological reaction, not that you can contain it by your will.

If the physical reaction can be suppressed by the will, congratulations, you have surpassed human beings...

So now the people in the studio are miserable. No matter what leader or celebrity you are, whether you like drinking or not, as long as you smell this smell, you can't help but want to swallow.

Nothing else, this is an instinctive reaction...

Originally I wanted to find out where the taste came from, but after watching it around, I realized that I didn't need to find it at all. That guy just sat there and drank happily.

"Cough!" Someone couldn't help it, and began to cough, trying to get Qin Feng's attention, and then let him notice everyone's embarrassment, and stop by himself.

After all, if you can come to this event, it means that you are also a scene person and know something.

I have to say that he thought very well, but this was just an idea. Boss Qin never paid attention to other voices when he was fascinated by drinking.

So, this big guy coughed for a long time and almost coughed up blood. Boss Qin still drank happily...

If Qin Feng's EQ had been okay before inheriting the Jiu Xian system, his EQ would have become negative after he had the Jiu Xian system.

The boss couldn't help laughing, he knew it, if he could really understand the wink, he wouldn't be stunned by the guests of Jiuxianju.

"Boss Qin, Boss Qin!" asked with a smile, Cangtian pushed Qin Feng, finally letting the other side wake up.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Qin Feng said with a look of surprise.

"You see that you are always drinking under the public..." Laughing asked Cangtian, thinking very tactfully to tell Qin Feng not to eat or drink anything that smells under the public.

Only half of his words were interrupted by Qin Feng.

"Well, it's boring to drink alone, why, do you want to have a sip as well?" Qin Feng asked Cangtian with a serious look while looking at it with a smile.

Uh-huh? The laughing boss was startled when he heard the words, and said subconsciously: "No, I mean to make you..."

I didn’t finish laughing at the boss again, because a leader next to him couldn’t help saying: “That’s okay. There was originally an event about wine today. The contestants drink at the top, and we can also feel the atmosphere of the event below. Well……"

Um? Laughing, the boss widened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Big brother, how about your demeanor, did you just say that?

Thinking that the situation was not right, Xiao boss quickly turned his head and looked at the other leader, who was the highest-ranking one to attend the event tonight.

However... this leader has already called the secretary next to him.

"Yeah, count how many of us we have, and then bring the cup over. It doesn't need to be a big one, just a small one..."

Laughing boss: "..." What did I just say...

After the leader here gave his instructions, he looked at the smile and asked Cang Tian, ​​"Well, Mr. Zhao, what are you going to say?"

The boss smiled reluctantly and said: "No, nothing... By the way, my cup is a little bigger..."

After that, I laughed at the boss and sighed up to the sky. Actually, my original intention was really not like this, but...but I can't control myself...

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