Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 241: Brother Bruch

The old man Kenway sighed in various ways, while on the stage, Zhou Li looked at Bruch but her eyes lit up!

To be honest, as a well-known host of Donghai TV Station, she is also well-informed. It's not that she has seen a handsome foreigner, but she has never seen such a handsome and extraordinary foreigner!

Bruch stood there quietly, his head full of blond hair, and the vampire's appearance was already very beautiful, and more importantly, Bruch had the temperament that he had cultivated over the years!

This is something that ordinary people don't have, so Zhou Li suddenly looked a little bit dumb...

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and quickly started the introduction, cursing in her heart that she had no prospects. The handsome guys in the entertainment circle have seen a lot of them, so why are they stuck.

However... In Zhou Li's eyes, Bruch seemed to have stars, but in fact, he was there pretending to be "today's wind is so noisy".

Because he had just stepped onto the stage, he saw Boss Qin staring at him...

To be honest, what I did this time was a bit too much, and I promised that boss Qin would do the event well, but forgot that it was the three of them who came directly.

Although no one is the opponent of the three vampire princes when they really drink, but that's not what they say.

Boss Qin is mainly for organizing events. Doing so will definitely upset Boss Qin...

I've been hiding from Boss Qin before, so I can't avoid it anymore, I can only pretend not to see it there.

There are many people who eat melon on the Internet, but most of the people who originally posted bulletins and commented were men. For one thing, girls like to drink less, and secondly, they don't like this kind of activity very much.

Even if there are favorites, such as those sister paper drinkers in Jiuxianju, they are basically diving and watching them silently.

However, with the appearance of Bruch, in an instant, the comments of online girls turned over, and it seemed that all the diving sister papers came out all of a sudden.

"Wow, this little brother is so handsome, his face seems whiter than mine..."

"Really, why is there such a white man, this skin is so perverted, I suddenly had a bold idea, oh yes, I am a man..."

"That's right, if this little brother wears women's clothing, will he..."

The topic seems to have gradually become a little inexplicable, and it seems that Bruch has been thinking of how Bruch looks in women's clothing...

Finally, Zhou Li finished the introduction, and Bruch came to the side and picked up the wine gourd.

"System, can you say that Prince Vampire can resist this pot of drunk fairy wine?"

But Qin Feng suddenly thought of a question, and quickly asked the system.

After all, drunk fairy wine is already his tactics. If the vampire prince drunk drunk fairy wine, it would be fine. What should I do at that time? Is it possible to list Lao Pang and the three vampires as Bacchus? It would be too bad.

If it is the original version of Drunken Immortal Wine, then Qin Feng certainly doesn't have to worry, but this is a castrated version, so it is prone to problems.

"Please rest assured, the host. Although the drunk wine here is not the drunk wine of the immortal world, it is not something that creatures like vampires can resist. The prince of vampires can drink no more than two-thirds of it. ."

The explanation of the system this time was clear and certain, which made Qin Feng relieved.

No matter how painful the system is, it is still very strong in terms of wine. If it can be put down, it can definitely be put down, and there will never be a problem.

Looking at the stage, Bruch had already pulled out the cork and started drinking. Sure enough, drinking the Prince Vampire was different!

Before so many people went up, the most they drank was two sips, such as Yingxue sister paper.

As for two sips of wine, there was not much time to drink. In other words, even if it was Yingxue sister paper, when drinking before, the wine gourd lay down within two seconds of holding it up.

And Bruch drank, his mouth leaned on the wine gourd and never let go, and he could feel very clearly that he did drink a lot...

The most important thing is that Bruch's face is still so white, it doesn't seem to feel at all!

Finally, it seemed that a calabash wine had been drunk more than half, and Bruch couldn't stand it anymore.

The wine is nothing, the key is the wine wood in front of you!

The annual ring like a whirlpool is constantly attracting his attention. He originally wanted to avoid his sight, but he didn't expect that he couldn't avoid it after drinking.

As if his gaze was stuck firmly on it, Bruch felt that his head was getting dizzy and dizzy. It was a feeling I had never experienced before...

Boom! The wine gourd fell on the table, Bruch got down, as powerful as a vampire prince, still unable to hold this drunk fairy!

In the audience, the old man Kenway was already staring, and unknowingly pinched his thigh, he was relieved when he saw Bruch finally lie down.

I thought it was just for drinking, but I didn't expect that people really drink so well!

The other people, Old Man Kenway, didn't know very well, but Lisa knew that the amount of alcohol was no longer like a human in the eyes of ordinary people.

But even if it was Lisa, he couldn't even drink two sips after going up. Now this guy has seen a lot of drinks, definitely more than Lisa!

Then how terrifying his drinking capacity would be, Old Man Kenway couldn't even think about it...

My mouth was relieved and my hands were released. I was just a little curious, why didn't my legs hurt at all after pinching it for a long time...

Turning his head and looking, he saw Roddy grinning beside him: "The old man is quite strong. I have told you ten times and you haven't heard..."

Bruch was carried down, and the people who eat melons on the Internet were also frightened. This guy is terrifying!

However, such a capable little brother is more attractive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, in the online comments, there are countless elder brothers long and short elder brothers. Everyone has expressed that they want to give the little brother women's clothes...

Zhongzhou, Xiaoli looked dull at the comments on the Internet, little brother...If you know how old this guy is, you can be your ancestor.

Of course, Xiaoli Meizhi won’t know. If everyone knows Bruch’s age and identity, it’s more likely to be this kind of reaction: it’s so exciting...

The sisters of course yearn for a boyfriend who looks like a vampire, handsome, not old yet, and full of security. The boyfriend is full of power...

Of course, Han paper also likes women turned into foxes more...

Bruch went down, and Zhang Jian slowly walked up, but compared to the expression that had been strained before, there was a smile on his face now.

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