Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 247: Miss Wang's chance encounter

? Didn’t I say that for a while, Cher’s inspiration was exhausted, and the paintings there collapsed.

Needless to say, the editor wanted to come and talk to her personally. Under this situation, Xue Er was really helpless, and she wanted to drink at Jiuxianju every day.

As a result, after drinking the wine that day, looking at Boss Qin dizzyly, and then at Su Xiaoli, a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind...

Boss Qin is a very good character. Look, the tsundere male protagonist always thinks that he is cool is actually a funny comparison. Of course, in the current comics, nine of the ten books are like this.

So, the key lies in the heroine, needless to say, that is Su Xiaoli!

However, if a human girl is used as the heroine, it is a bit of a cliché. No matter how beautiful she painted this girl, there is nothing new.

So, Xueer, who was in a drunk state, caught that point all at once. That is, she simply wrote Su Xiaoli as a fox, or it could be called a fox demon...

That's right, Xueer didn't know the true face of Xiaolimei paper from beginning to end, but she started drawing directly there based on Su Xiaoli's name. Unexpectedly, the response was good!

As a person who feeds herself on comics, Xue Er doesn't care about other things. Anyway, as long as she has achievements, it will be fine!

In the comics, boss Qin doesn't know the identity of Su Xiaoli, and every day he has a shameful story with this little fox.

As for the comics, everyone knows that Cher's paintings did not cross the line, but with the level of her old driver, it is more than that after crossing the line. Reading it makes people want to stop...

It is said that a bunch of people wanted to ask for a book, but Xue Er righteously refused, saying that she would only draw serious cartoons in this life, and those who are not serious don't bother her...

Such a comic must never be seen by Boss Qin, and it cannot be seen by Su Xiaoli...

Although Xueer didn't know that she had made a mistake by mistake, but she probably wouldn't know this in her life.

Xueer sat aside obediently, which made the beautiful Yin and the others sneer there, but they also sat down together. Everyone's actions were surprisingly consistent: holding their chin with both hands, waiting to watch. play.

"Boss Qin, can we discuss, you see if I keep the gambling agreement like this, so it's all here, no need to shout..."

But here Yu Yishan had already told Qin Feng about the fact that Boss Liu had not come, and wondered if he could not shout that sentence outside. It would be really embarrassing to be seen by others.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Oh, Lao Yu, you are not the old Liu. What is the relationship between us? Since you are here, since you have said so, then don't shout..."

Um? As soon as these words were spoken, Xue'er's eyes suddenly widened. What happened to Boss Qin? Is this still Boss Qin? Could it be that what we saw today is the fake boss Qin!

"Big brother, do you think there is a monster?" Xueer asked Yin Xueqing there.

The beautiful woman Yin made a gesture of putting up a pergola and said: "Let me take a closer look..."

Even Yu Yishan's eyes widened. When he said this, he didn't think that there would be any results. He didn't expect Boss Qin to actually agree. What's the situation!

But he is also a human being. Hearing this, he answered, "Boss Qin is still generous, I'm Yu Yishan..."

But before Boss Yu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Feng: "But Boss Yu, you are a good face, I know. If you don’t shout, you’re breaking the gambling contract. How could you be a good face? It's a bet, right, so you will definitely go out and shout..."

Yu Yishan: "..." Why does boss Qin learn to block his speech now?

"Actually, I'm not so face-saving..." Boss Yu still thought about a wave of dying struggle.

But Qin Feng directly refused to give a chance, and said simply: "Well, boss, you don't need to say, I know what you are thinking, you are a good face, don't say..."

Yu Yishan: "..."

Three seconds later, he walked to the door silently and opened the door, silently waiting to see when there were fewer people.

It's ashamed to be ashamed, but he hasn't done such an exciting thing when he grew up so old.

By now, boss Yu has what he should have, and he has enjoyed what he should enjoy. Apart from anything else, the lover doesn't know how many, but they are gradually split up by the boss.

What is a house breakup? It is to give a house to the house and break up. If one house is not enough, then two sets are decided. It depends on the lover’s appearance and the length of time with him. Anyway, he has a house with the boss...

Now Boss Yu cultivates his self-cultivation every day. He can't do anything else unless you talk about the previous things. He can only say that he gets what he needs from the girls, and it's hard to say who.

So this seemingly exciting thing still made him a little restless...

Of course, Boss Yu didn't know. He had just left the house and was standing at the door. A woman on the pedestrian street who looked like a student girl in jeans and canvas shoes had noticed him.

The woman's surname is Wang, a salesperson just hired by Yu Yishan Real Estate Company. It has only been two weeks since I joined the company. The real estate company's sales are naturally good and good, although I don't know why...

It’s just that, Boss Yu would not dare to look around, even if he was looking at people, he would be secretive and concealed, for fear that he would be discovered by others, plus that the other party had just joined the company and he had never seen him at all, so naturally he didn’t recognize him. come out.

However, Yu Yishan didn't know the other party, but the other party knew Yu Yishan, and he knew it very thoroughly!

This Miss Wang is not an ordinary person. Although she has just joined the company, she is very scheming. She directly focused on the boss of the company, that is, the boss of the diamond king!

Ms. Wang, who used to hang around at night shows, is very clear that the probability of her wanting to marry the other party is really low, but she still has to have her dream, if it comes true, right?

Moreover, even if you can't be a wife, being a lover is a good choice.

The boss is famous in Zhongzhou. It is said that his lovers gave the house away...

So Miss Wang was thinking very clearly, she just wanted to catch the boss at any cost, and she didn't do anything in the two weeks after joining the company, so she was there to inquire about the boss.

And let her find out clearly, the boss's favorite is this Jiuxianju, if you have anything to do, come here for a drink.

Today, Miss Wang came to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just to have a chance encounter with Yu Yishan. It would be better to have the kind of heroic saving the beauty plot...Although this is almost impossible to happen.

Think about it, as long as you meet by chance, and then pretend to be surprised that this is the boss, and then show a kind of admiration, then it must be a man who will float away...

Because of this, she is dressed like this today. After all, it is said that the boss likes this kind of purer...

Then, just coming over, Miss Wang saw Yu Yishan standing at the door before she waited for anything.

But she came by chance today, so she can't go directly up to say hello, otherwise it will be too obvious, so she will hesitate there.

The most important thing is that she doesn't know what the boss is doing at the door, is she waiting for other people? Or are there other little **** who are also eyeing the boss?

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